Immerse yourself in the world of Jane Austen with dances, walks, talks, workshops and more from June 21st to 30th.
Alton Jane Austen Regency Week has been extended to a 10th day by popular demand to allow people to collect costumes ordered for the Summer Ball for the following day or attend a workshop to produce decorative accessories to wear with them.
There will also be a Welcome Reception in the evening to collect tickets, meet the organisers and hear from our Patron and Guest of Honour, Caroline Knight, Jane Austen’s five times great niece, who grew up at Chawton House.
Most of the first weekend will follow the regular pattern; Regency Day on Saturday with the Regency Market in the Town Centre, followed by a Dance Workshop in the afternoon and Summer Ball in the evening.

The Festivities move to Chawton on Sunday morning with a visit to Jane Austen’s house, a walk round the village and a parade to Chawton House for a picnic lunch with Caroline Knight. Tea at the Allen Gallery is followed by Regency Choral Evensong with the renowned St Lawrence Church Choir.
Monday starts with a talk about Embroidered Paper and continues with an afternoon at Wyards Farm, the home of Jane’s favourite niece and regularly visited by her, before ending with a Midsummer evening at Chawton House.
Tuesday it’s on to Gilbert White’s House at Selborne for a sewing workshop and House and Garden tours. In the evening the Allen Gallery will show the 1940 film version of Pride and Prejudice starring Laurence Olivier.
Wednesday brings a bonnet workshop while the more energetic can opt for a guided walk around Alton. Take part in a parasol decorating workshop and enjoy a talk about Mr Darcy from Jessica Bull and Louise Morrish covering Jessica’s new book.
The Lunchtime Regency Organ Concert at St Lawrence Church will wake everyone up after a quiet morning in the library exploring their Jane Austen book collection, followed by a discussion of Northanger Abbey at the Friends’ Meeting House before an evening circular walk around Chawton.
Friday will be spent in Chawton with two hours at Chawton House during the day and Jane Austen’s house will be open during the evening until 8pm.
The morning is divided between Chawton and Alton on Saturday starting with a tour of Jane Austen’s house followed by guided walk of Chawton. At the same time there will be children’s Regency inspired crafts at Alton Library. The increasingly popular Country Dance will be held at the Assembly Rooms in the evening.
The 10th and last day, Sunday 30th, features a guided walk of Alton in the morning and a Book Fair at the Community Centre during the day. The week closes with the popular Regency Supper at Jane Austen’s house in the evening.