The Flora Lab & Sophie’s choices

Liz Nicholls


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Sophie Parker, 33, the Bucks founder of gorgeous home fragrance company The Flora Lab shares her love for local life

Q. Hi Sophie! Could you tell us a bit about yourself?
“Hello! Yes: I’m the proud owner of The Flora Lab, which champions the use of plant-based wax. I’ve only got one boss, and that’s the CDO (chief doggy officer), a mini poodle cross called Leulah.”

Q. What’s your mission with The Flora Lab?
“We specialise in hand-poured natural-wax candles that are just a little bit Floralabulous. Championing the use of plant-based wax, stand-out botanical packaging and an unwavering commitment to both scent experience and sustainability, The Flora Lab aims to sprinkle a little bit of magic into every day! Using nature as a backdrop, and inspired by life’s little moments, our seasonal scents run across the fragrance wheel, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Now stocked in more than 60 independent stores and at The Flora Lab, we hope the Flora Lab becomes a household name in the world of home fragrances in both the UK and Ireland.”

Q. Did you grow up locally?
“I’m Bucks born and raised, initially in High Wycombe before moving to Beaconsfield about 10 years ago. I was lucky enough to go to three fabulous schools; Great Kingshill Combined School, Holmer Green Senior School, where I met most of my friends whom I’m still in touch with today, before studying my A-levels at Wycombe High.”

Q. Tell us more about your ‘boss’ Leulah!
“Leulah is my world. As a self-employed person, the days can get a little lonely. Thankfully, Leulah is always by my side to provide confidence, cuddles and lots of love!”

Q. What are your favourite local walks?
“I love nothing more than a walk through the trees at Burnham Beeches and Marlow has a special spell over me, especially during these wonderful dusky summer nights.”

Q. What are your favourite local pubs or restaurants?
“I always take people to the Royal Standard of Beaconsfield, just for the ‘wow’ factor (although their pub quiz is far too hard!) I also love Melody Mint in Beaconsfield – the standard of coffee is fantastic and it was exactly what the old town needed.”

Q. What are your local highlights?
“My favourite is always strawberry picking at Peterley. It’s something I’ve done since I was a child and it still makes me happy to this day.”

Q. What do you most love about where you live?
“The ability to have one step in the country, one in the city.”

Q. Are you a member of any local groups?
“I’m a member of David Lloyd and I thoroughly recommend it (although it is very expensive).”

Q. Finally, if you could make one wish for the world, what would it be?
“It’s not for the world, but specifically for the UK. Loneliness is something we all suffer with, let’s not worry too much about what we think other people will think and simply open up for a chat.”

Follow @thefloralab on Instagram and get 15% off your first online order with the code: BeautifulBucks

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Didcot Divas concert of hope

Round & About


A concert in Wantage on July 28th is helping a cause close to members’ hearts and easing the heartache for many more people with funds for Missing People

Didcot Divas will perform a concert at St John Vianney & Sacred Heart Church with heartfelt meaning for members and none more so than one its number, Gill Koch.

Each year the group of ladies ‘of a certain age’ who have been singing together for 14 years chooses a charity to support, this year it is Missing People.

Gill is just one of those who is only too aware of the charity’s work and support. After 20 years she has no idea where her beloved son Gareth is. In 2004, the 24-year-old flew to Kathmandu in Nepal for a four-week trekking holiday with the aim of reaching the base camp of Mount Everest. Travelling with an older work colleague who had been previously and equipped with maps and a strict itinerary, they set off. That was the last time Gill and husband David saw Gareth. They tell their story:

“Gareth was due back in the country on 20th March 2004 but when he failed to contact us to let us know he had arrived safely we initially assumed that he had taken a later flight.

“We were somewhat bemused to discover that his work colleague had returned a week earlier than planned and had left Gareth in Nepal. Both the Embassy in Nepal and Thames Valley Police were contacted and Gareth was now officially a missing person. A search was organised by the Embassy in the hope of tracing him or at the very least where he was last seen. Unfortunately, the Embassy failed to organise a proper search and used a local guide who could not speak or read English, had no photograph of Gareth or even a copy of his handwriting.

“After a local fundraising event in September 2004 we flew out to Nepal in the hope of finding Gareth or at the very least, some trace of him. We spent four weeks trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas, reaching Chhukung, just below Base Camp. Although we did not find Gareth we did discover where he had stayed as he had signed into one of the tea lodges.

“Since then there have not been any other sightings or information as to what may have happened to him.

“We are very grateful to Missing People, a national charity which has been, and continues to be extremely supportive to us and other families who have family members who have gone missing both here in the UK and abroad.”

Tickets will be £10, no concessions. Cash only. Children and students free. Contact Judith for ticket enquiries on 07557 940801 and via email at [email protected]

There will also be donation buckets at the concert.

Riverside reverie at Swan at Streatley

Liz Nicholls


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With its location on (possibly) the most gorgeous stretch of the Thames, alfresco Lobster Bar, outdoor cinema and plenty of options for messing about on the river, this Coppa Club gem is giving us Made in Chelsea vibes (in the best way)

Summertime (at last!) and the living is easy… so long as you’re not the one sweating over a hot grill, of course. But the guests enjoying the Coppa Club’s Streatley clubhouse ooze a sort of swanlike grace that matches this fairytale setting. With its easygoing luxe vibe, settling in to one of the upholstered booths for lunch, drinks or dinner is as relaxing as sinking into a warm bath.

And you don’t have to worry about imposter syndrome, either, thanks to the great, smiley staff who can whip up a mean cocktail – top marks to the Cuban Missionary (the drink, not the barman). With its wide vista of the Thames and pretty olde worlde wooden bridge, no wonder this is a top choice for summer weddings. It’s the land of beautiful people of all ages – I’ve even heard it referred to as “Pengbourne”, upriver. In fact, it could be the setting for an epic sit-down episode of Made In Chelsea, if the glossy posse drifted upstream out of London for the day…

But: lobster. The lobster pulled me here. I’m a sucker for a lobster (literally) so I’d travel a long way for a good one, not least a mere few miles downstream from the Isis (Thames innit) at Donnington Bridge. Until the end of summer, the Swan at Streatley offers an alfresco lobster bar serving freshly prepared grilled lobster (arriving daily from Cornwall, £34/£60 half or whole, with nori fried & dressed leaves) which is delicious with simple garlic and parsley butter and pairs perfectly with a glass of Nyetimber. Other treats under the sunny canopy include a poached lobster, celery, mayo & pickles roll (Homer Simpson noise) and brilliant burgers (including a plant-based whopper), giant tiger prawns and BBQ herb chicken, all rustled up with ease in front of you, no sweat.

To help locals and visitors make the most of the sun-drenched days and longer evenings for date nights with a difference, there’s a great programme of summer events to enjoy up to September, including regular live lounges and outdoor cinema. You can glide along on one of The Swan’s fleet of electric motor boats, ordering a signature picnic hamperfilled with quintessentially British classics. Or, to work up an appetite, book in for a spot of wild swimming & sauna withSwims & Things, led by our very own Jo (who is endlessly patient: she has swum the Channel!), try stand-up-paddle boarding with SUP Life and yoga with the lovely Grace & Gravity ladies.

There are with 47 bedrooms (including dog-friendly options) from £80 a night if you want to make a summer staycation out of it. And you can win a stay here! Be lucky, and enjoy!

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Q&A with Dizzee Rascal

Liz Nicholls


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See full interview featured on Spotlight: A Diary for the South East

Liz Nicholls shares a chat with Dizzee Rascal MBE who headlines Party In The Paddock at Newbury Racecourse on Saturday, 17th August

Q. Hi Dizzee… What shall I call you: Dizzee, Dylan…?
“You can call me whatever you like. I’m the only one on this call.”

Q. What do your mates call you?
“I dunno! Haha!”

Q. How are you?
“Yeah good. Sorry I’m late I’m in the studio with Turno. It’s going to be a bit of a drum and bass banger. It’s got slap, yeah.”

Q. You’re starring in Northampton as well as Newbury. What’s on your set list?
“Bangers! Ebbs and flows but bangers. The classics, some old some new, maybe a few exclusives. High energy, that’s what I like. The more I’ve gone along in my career the more I’m running and jumping – it works for the crowd. The whole point of doing the show is to bring the music to life, otherwise people will just stay at home and listen. It’s quite a dynamic set. I know that every time I step on stage, that might be the one time that people get to see me, what I’m about, and it’s supposed to be a celebration. And then you get the few people who are regulars: one girl told me she’d seen me 16 times. Which is another good reason to freshen up the show sometimes. It’s a bit of a different venue, Newbury, but I’ve done a couple of racecourses before,”

Q. Do you have a flutter?
“No I don’t. I rode a horse once, though. In some country manor, I think it was New Year’s Eve. I woke up with my girlfriend at the time and I’d booked horse riding, because I thought it would be romantic and fun. I turned out to be really good at it! I was at one with the horse that morning – I was a natural! I never did it again, though!”

Q. What do you have on your rider?
“Honey and lemon for my throat, as I shout a lot, and some fruit. There’s always some beers for everyone else. Nothing crazy – my rider’s the most basic, nothing too mad. No all blue M&Ms or any *** like that! I’ve managed to be around this long by not being a prick with the festivals and to the people involved. It helps!”

Q. What’s your first memory of music?
“Whatever was on telly, Top of the Pops. And the first live music I would have seen was in church – the church band. I was always into music. I used to lock into pirate radio. If it weren’t for pirate radio I wouldn’t be here now.”

Q. Do you listen to radio now?
“Yeah sometimes. My go-to is Spotify or whatever I’m making. But the radio does pop on sometimes when I’m in the car: Radio One Extra.”

Q. Who were your heroes growing up?
“Well, my mum – now I’m older I understand all the sacrifices she made for me. Snoop Dogg, Tupak, Kurt Cobain; I love Nirvana and I was a massive Guns N Roses fan growing up. Bruce Lee, too.”

Q. Your new album Don’t Take It Personal – are you proud of it?
“As proud as I am of all my albums. I did it all independently in the studio here, at home. It was nice to go back out, do pop-ups and shows. Every time I put an album out the game’s changed a bit so it’s navigating that as well. Overall it’s been so positive, number one in the independent charts and the hip hop & R&B charts. Which was a nice touch, well received by the fans as well.”

Q. Do you have any surprising fans?
“I guess when really young kids seem to like my music, especially Bassline Junkie. Mad, as it was made in 2011! Overall I don’t make a lot of music for little kids, I just try to put a positive vibe out there, that’s all. Music doesn’t have an age range except for the obvious stuff like Barney The Dinosaur or whatever which I am not! But it’s not like kids don’t understand rhythm and melody, they just decide what they like.”

Q. Who would be your dream collabs?
“That’s a good question. Jack White would be an interesting one to be in the studio with; he’s a genius. I was riding around Brixton listening to Tale Impala yesterday, thinking I missed the boat on that one, unlike Rihanna! Properly well written, well produced music. I watched a documentary thing he put out a little while ago where he was making the album, I didn’t know anything about him until Rihanna covered that song.”

Q. Have you ever been starstruck?
“A few times! When I met Dave Grohl, he was amazing. Jay Z. Anthony Kedis from Red Hot Chilli Peppers, I toured with them, great people. I met The Undertaker once. I was hassling him for an autograph in the gym, Berlin I think it was. That was a fun moment!”

Q. How about Snoop?
“Ahh yeah, how could I forget Uncle Snoop? That’s my first hero, before everyone. I met him twice and was able to tell him how much he’s inspired me over the years, and then I rapped one of my favourite Snoop songs to him. Then I did what you’re supposed to do with Snoop Dogg, obviously, haha!”

[Gets attacked by a giant hornet in the studio]

Q. Apart from bees do you have any animals in your house?
“I’ve got some koi. A couple of sturgeon. I don’t really do pets.”

Q. Are there any acts of festivals you’re looking forward to this year?
“Without sounding like an arse**** I don’t really go to festivals unless I’m working there. I usually just pull up before, I don’t hang around too long because I don’t want to get distracted. I don’t like waiting around.”

Q. Any up-and-coming acts you love worth a shout out?
“Yeah I just did another track with Turno, with a girl called Queen Mills and Rose. Also LZEE, he’s doing his thing right now. Kwengface, he’s in prison at the moment but he’ll be home at some point – I really like him. And obviously Turno!”

Q. I love a bit of drum and bass, don’t you?
“Yeah, to be fair that’s how I started. I started DJing when I was 13 or 14, jungle records. Then I started MCing, which is so hard with drum and bass. Then I started MCing over garage a bit. Then I started making my own stuff which is what ended up being called grime with the likes of Wiley and Terra Danger who doesn’t get mentioned enough actually.”

Q. Have you been enjoying the sport this summer?
“I watch boxing whenever it’s on. I usually watch it with David Hay which is always good! You’ll start saying s*** thinking you’re an expert and then every now and then you get reminded, he’s the expert. What’s funny is he’ll be watching it, we’ll be talking and everyone trying to chime in, then he’ll get the phone out and go to Stories and putting his two-pence in, so everyone just shuts up. But it’s amazing because he’s a legend, former heavyweight cruiserweight legendary boxer, and he’s sitting with us!”

Q. What invention would radically improve the quality of your life?
“A money machine! Does everyone say that?! No? Is that just me? God damn, I might be on to something. Maybe a device that brings the song I’m hearing in my head, as I hear it, and it’s just out, done, bang! But then that would probably take the fun out of it, right?”

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Emily Kerrigan’s Gluten-Free Kitchen & competition

Liz Nicholls


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We share some fuss-free food inspiration from The Gluten-Free Kitchen by registered nutritionist Emily Kerrigan from Thame, published by Vie, £10.99

Summer rolls

Rice papers and rice noodles are two fantastic staples in a gluten-free kitchen. These summer rolls might look tricky but once you make the first one or two, you’ll realise they’re actually pretty straightforward. Pack in a lunchbox or make a big batch and serve to a group as finger food.

Makes 12 | Takes 30 minutes
• 100g (3½ oz) vermicelli rice noodles
• 1 carrot, julienned
• a handful of coriander, finely chopped
• a handful of mint leaves, finely chopped
• 12 large rice paper wrappers
• large lettuce leaves
• a few handfuls of cooked chicken, shredded
• lime wedges, for squeezing over
• gluten-free sweet chilli
• dipping sauce, for serving

• Cook the noodles according to pack instructions then drain and set aside. Mix together the carrot and herbs in a bowl and set aside. Fill a dish wide enough to fit your rice paper wrappers with room temperature water.
• Immerse a wrapper in the water until it softens then lay it on a clean chopping board. Take a lettuce leaf and fill with a little each of the noodles, carrot, herbs and chicken. Roll up the filled lettuce leaf – this keeps the filling in place and makes the rolls easier to eat. Place the rolled lettuce cup on the wrapper towards the centre left. Fold the top and bottom of the wrapper inwards, then roll it up lengthways. Slice in half if you like.
• Repeat for all 12 rolls and serve with lime wedges for squeezing over plus sweet chilli dipping sauce.

Lemon drizzle cake

Polenta and ground almonds are gluten-free baking staples, providing bite to this fluffy cake and keeping it lovely and moist. The lemony, syrupy pistachio nuts on top make it extra special.

Makes 1 cake | Takes 1 hour 10 minutes
Cake Ingredients
• 175g (6 oz) gluten-free self-raising flour
• 1½ tsp gluten-free baking powder
• 50g (2 oz) ground almonds
• 50g (2 oz) polenta
• 2 lemons, zested
• 140g (5 oz) golden caster sugar
• 2 eggs
• 225g (8 oz) natural yoghurt
• 75ml (3fl oz) rapeseed oil

For the topping
• 60g (2 oz) caster sugar
• 2 lemons, juiced
• 50g (2 oz) pistachios, chopped

• Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/350°F/gas mark 4 and grease and line a deep 20 cm (8 in.) round cake tin. Put the flour, baking powder, ground almonds, polenta, lemon zest and golden caster sugar in a bowl (keep the lemons to juice for the topping). Beat the eggs together with the yoghurt until smooth and add to the dry ingredients with the rapeseed oil. Fold everything together. Spoon into the tin, level off with a spoon and bake for 35-40 minutes. If it is looking a little brown in the final 10 minutes you can cover it loosely with foil.
• Towards the end of baking, make the topping by heating the caster sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan over a low heat. Once the sugar is dissolved, remove from the heat and stir in the chopped pistachios.
• Cool the cake for 15 minutes in the tin then remove from the tin and sit on a wire rack set over a baking tray (to catch any drips). Poke holes in the surface of the cake with a fork or skewer then spoon over the nut syrup, letting it soak in a little between additions. Leave to cool completely before slicing.

Read about how Emily’s daughter’s experience with Coeliac Disease inspired this book here.

We have three copies of The Gluten-Free Kitchen to give away; enter here.

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How Coeliac disease inspired Emily’s cookbook

Liz Nicholls


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Mum & nutritionist Emily Kerrigan tells us how her daughter’s illness inspired her to help others, and shares her local foodie faves, including gluten-free goodies

“The thing with coeliac disease is that not everyone’s symptoms look the same. If you have a question mark over your own symptoms, do take a look at Coeliac UK’s website – they have comprehensive advice to support you.

For my daughter Chloe it meant a lot of stomach upset and just generally feeling poorly. She’d become anaemic which is very common with coeliacs because gluten damages the lining of the gut meaning your body can’t absorb the nutrients in food. Anaemia is actually one of the first markers that can show up in GP tests before you get a diagnosis of coeliac disease. We’d figured out Chloe’s issues were due to something she was eating but when the diagnosis came back it was still a shock. You realise in a split second that nothing will ever be the same. Every school lunch, every snack box, every meal at home, meals out, meals at family and friends, holidays: it all needs pre-planning.”

Q. Do you think Coeliac disease is still widely misunderstood?
“Very much so. For a start it’s an autoimmune disease, not an allergy or an intolerance and definitely not a dietary fad or preference for someone with coeliac disease. Even one crumb of gluten is harmful for a coeliac and avoiding cross-contamination is crucial. It’s not something you can grow out of either – it’s a lifelong condition where the only current treatment is strict gluten avoidance. The lines I hear most often are ‘well it’s easy these days with all the free-from products in supermarkets’, ‘one crumb won’t hurt’ and ‘it’s not that serious though, is it?’. None of these are true!”

“Coeliac disease is definitely not a dietary fad or preference for someone with coeliac disease”

Q. What has been the most rewarding aspect of writing this book?
“The book is for everyone who needs to eat gluten-free but the inspiration for writing it was my daughter. I’ve already watched her cook the waffles and pancakes from it without my help which was an amazing moment to see her following the recipes and cooking it all independently. I hope she’ll come back to the recipes time and time again as she gets older.”

Q. What do you love about local life?
“We moved from West London to Oxfordshire when the kids were little. We’re on the border with Bucks, too. We’re lucky to have Oxford within easy reach and London still a train ride away but also to be surrounded by countryside. We can walk from our front door up onto the Ridgeway and cycle down the Phoenix Trail to Thame.”

Q. Are there any local shops/suppliers you really rate?
Chiltern Ice Cream is a family-run fantastic small producer. They make their ice cream with milk from Lacey’s Dairy up the road and all their lovely flavours are GF – we like sea salted caramel and morello cherry. We buy ours from Haddenham Garden Centre.”

Q. How about restaurants – maybe there are some that cater to GF better?
The Beech House in Beaconsfield and Cote in Marlow both have a good selection of GF dishes. The Ivy in Marlow also does a non-gluten afternoon tea whilst Coopers is perfect for GF avo on toast and great coffee. Not far from Bucks, Honest Burger in Windsor is fantastic for gluten-free burgers.”

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Giles Luckett’s European wine tour

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Our resident wine columnist Giles Luckett recommends his selection of European fine wines on his European wine tour

Hello! Summer’s here and the sun is shining… all over mainland Europe. This summer will see the highest number of British holidaymakers head for European destinations since before the pandemic. Frankly, I find this hard to understand. I mean why go all the way to Tuscany to bask in 29C of sunshine while enjoying marvellous food and wine when I know for a fact that there are still vacancies in B&Bs in Skegness where there’s only a 60% chance of drizzle. Hmm, I think I can see the logic now. Anyway, if you’re jetting off to European climes this summer, allow me to recommend some wines to look out for while you’re on your travels.

I’ll start in northern Italy with a Prosecco from Veneto, the Casa Canevel Extra Dry (Oakham Wines £18.49). This is the finest Prosecco I’ve ever tasted. It’s medium-bodied with a lovely nose of melons, peach stones and yeast, but the intensity and complexity of the palate is quite something. Alongside the usual melon and sweet pear fruit, there’s yellow plum, white berries, creamy yeast and a touch of white pepper to the finish.

If you find yourself in Portugal and are looking for something refreshing but characterful, then track down a bottle of the Quinta do Ameal Loureiro Vinho Verde (Eton Vintners £13.95). I remember my first encounter with a vinho verde. Manny, a Portuguese cellar hand at Harrods, gave me a glass as he enthusiastically introduced me to this ‘green wine’. It made such an impression on me that I avoided it years. Modern vinho verde can be fantastic, though. Improved winemaking and site selection give us wines like this one which offers wonderful quality for an affordable price. Pale green-gold, the bouquet is bright, fresh and citrusy with an undertow of flowers. On the palate it’s crisp, packed with green and yellow citrus fruit with nectarine, peach stones, and green herbs adding depth and balance. Enjoy this with seafood or bola de carne (meaty bread).

France has its holiday charms, and if you know where to look (i.e. outside) you may see a vine or two too. If you’re in the Loire Valley you’ll be spoilt for choice. From the crisp, saline-tanged Muscadet – France’s best value white – to the smoky, ‘flint’ wines of Pouilly Fume, great wines are produced along the length of this mighty river. My choice is the Sancerre La Graveliere from Joseph Mellot (Vinatis £19.63). For me, Mellot is Sancerre’s finest producer. Their wines capture the elegance and style for which Sancerre is famed, but offer power, complexity and longevity. I re-tasted the 2022 a couple of days ago and it was excellent. The nose combined leafy blackcurrants, gooseberries, rhubarb and grass with dusty mineral notes. These are continued onto the palate where they are joined by grapefruit, greengage and green pepper flavours to give an intense, complex, beautifully refreshing glassful that has a distinct savoury edge. Sip this with freshwater mussels.

Slip southwest and you’ll find yourself in Bordeaux. If you haven’t considered Bordeaux as a holiday destination, do. Aside from swimming in fine wine, it’s a stunningly beautiful city with amazing restaurants – La Tupina is a must – and you can visit one of the largest subterranean churches in France is Saint Emilion, so there’s something for the kids too! My recommendation is a white wine, the Mouton Cadet Blanc 2020 (Slurp £10.50). Mouton Cadet Blanc was my introduction to white Bordeaux, and my passion for it burns to this day. What I like about this is that a little bottle age has given it a peach, apricot and honey tone alongside the usual citrus, gooseberry and green peppers. This gives it a rich mouthfeel and extra weight. Try this with fois gras (when in Bordeaux…) or with a fish cassoulet.

Keep going southwest and you’ll end up in Spain. Like most wine lovers I tend to associate Spanish wines with reds such as Rioja. Speaking of which, do your cellar a favour and get some Beronia Reserva Rioja 2020 from Waitrose while it’s on offer (£12.99 from £15.99) – it’s tremendous. In the heat of the 28C sun of Rioja, you’ll probably want something white though. So ask the waiter for a bottle of the Valenciso 2022 Blanco (Highbury Vintners £25) and relax in the company of this exceptional white Rioja. To me, this has the precision of a fine white Burgundy with the passion of a Rioja. Made from a traditional blend of Viura and Garnacha Blanca aged in American and Russian oak, it’s full-bodied, fresh, spicy and hugely enjoyable. Layer-upon-layer of white and green-skinned fruits are interspersed with vanilla, honey, and earthy spices. With a little air it becomes weightier, and the steeliness of the Viura is balanced by the richness of the Garnacha to give a wine that’s harmonious and satisfying. Lunch in Haro’s old town square with this and a plate of melon and Jamon Serrano and you’ll be very close to heaven.

No European wine tour would be complete without a couple of stops in Italy. Italy is by some margin the world’s largest wine producer and also is home to some of the greatest regions and producers on the planet. Wind up in Veneto and you can sample the excellent 2020 Campofiorin Rosso del Veronese (Waitrose £14.99) from the renowned house of Masi. This rich, full-bodied red is produced using a double fermentation method, the second utilising semi-dried grapes to add even more weight and texture. Deeply coloured with a nose of cherries, prunes and spices, the palate is decadently rich with masses of sweetly toned black and red cherries, plums, black and red berries and a soft, spicy finish. Savour this mighty wine with roasted red meats, mushroom risotto or hard Italian cheeses over dinner in the shadow of Marmolada.

Tuscany has more than its fair share of incredible wines. Ancient superstars such Chianti and Brunello di Montalcino have been joined by a raft of newer wines, the so-called ‘Super Tuscans’. These have often blended native varieties like Sangiovese with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot or just use these international vines to startling effect. While the most famous of these wines – Tignanello or Sassiciaia – can cost several hundred pounds a bottle, others are producing wines that remain affordable. Take the Bulichella Rubino (Terravigna £17.49). This blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Sangiovese shows how exciting this new meets old approach can be. Invitingly deeply coloured, the bouquet combines blackcurrants, plums and cherries with green peppers and violets. In the mouth it’s generous and full, but with a firm structure and a lean edge that keeps it food-friendly. Crushed blackcurrants, damson conserve, bitter chocolate, sweet and sour cherries, and a twist of herbs make for a wine that’s as much about the mind as the mouth. Sit and watch the cypress trees turn black as the evening descends while you enjoy this with bruschetta and tomato and basil pasta.

Like all good things, holidays have to end, but if you’re in eastern France then make a pit stop in Burgundy and enjoy a bottle of two of the Domaine Decelle Nuits Saint Georges 1er Cru Aux Bousselots 2017 (Perfect Cellar £51.56 down from £73.65). Domaine Decelle is a young domaine – re-established in 2008 – with roots dating back 1880. The wines are made in a modern way to exacting standards. This is a silky, seductive style of red Burgundy that offers that unique combination of red berries, cherries, flowers and beetroot that makes the region’s wines so special. Pretty incredible now, you get the sense that over the next 5-10 years even more will come from this show-stopper.

Well wherever you may roam this summer, I hope you’ll find some wines to raise a smile. I’m off to plan my summer wine tour. It goes something like this: cellar, hammock, repeat.


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Henry VIII at West Horsley Place

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West Horsley Place takes you back to the splendour of Henry VIII’s time on July 27th & 28th for a Tudor festival like no other at the haunt of pleasure seekers and plotters

This summer be transported back to Tudor times at West Horsley Place when they’ll be Hosting Henry VIII at a festival of authentic Tudor merrymaking.

The manor house and estate will recall entertaining the legendary king and his court 500 years ago with banquets, music, dancing, archery, falconry and a joust.

West Horsley Place was an out-of-town palace for the Tudor royal family. Henry VIII gifted it to his longest-lasting court favourite, Henry Courtenay, marquess of Exeter. The pair had been close since boyhood – Courtenay was of royal blood, the grandson of King Edward IV, Henry VIII called him ‘cousin’.

The King not only gave the Marquess West Horsley and its hunting park he also match-made his marriage to noblewoman, Gertrude Blount. At the peak of Henry’s ambitions as king, when he divorced Katharine of Aragon, married Anne Boleyn, and began his raid on the Church, the Courtenays were the golden couple of the Tudor court; and Horsley was their playground.

Everything was rosy until the power-hungry and increasingly paranoid Henry turned on those closest to him, even his own cousin. In 1538, the Courtenays fell under suspicion of hatching a plot at Horsley to overthrow Henry. They were arrested, Henry executed and Gertrude and her son were imprisoned in the Tower of London.

Researchers at the University of Exeter who worked with West Horsley Place Trust to uncover the history of the house, unearthed ‘snapshots’ of the colourful history of the time, including Lady Gertrude’s frantic letters attempting to explain away the suspicions of plots whispered in the house and garden, and the interviews given by household servants who told of the great and the good they saw come and go.

An account of a visit with a rich banquet includes gannet, heron, partridge, stork, stuffed rabbit, sturgeon and venison pasties among the meat dishes and blancmange, clotted cream and pistachios for pudding on the menu. The table was set with gold and silver goblets, jugs and serving plates and music played on the virginals, regals (portable organs) and viols.

This summer’s festival will capture the sights, sounds and tastes of this Tudor country house-party. Specialists will conjure up Tudor food, clothing, jewellery and weaponry, with music, jousting, dancing and hawking as well as fun for children such as shield making and face painting.

Book tickets, £25 adults, £10 children (3-16) and journey back in time, please visit West Horsley Place Trust

All proceeds from ticket sales support the mission to repair and conserve West Horsley Place, which is currently on Historic England’s Heritage At Risk register.

Join bioblitz on Puttenham Common

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Hampton Estate invites the local community to free activities as a great way to learn about Surrey’s wonderful wildlife on Sunday, 21st July

Hampton Estate is inviting local people to join wildlife experts including Surrey Wildlife Trust to take part in a ‘bioblitz’ to help identify as many plant and animal species as possible across Puttenham Common.

One of Surrey’s most beautiful and biodiverse habitats, the common is located between Farnham and Guildford and is run by the Hampton Estate, which has a 100-year plan to manage the site for nature and wants as many people as possible to help learn about and conserve local species. As well as inviting people to seek out and record creatures great and small with the aid of nets, magnifying glasses and binoculars, the day will include wildlife walks led by experts and offers people of all ages the chance to learn all about the awesome birds, butterflies, insects, plants, reptiles and conservation grazing cows that call Puttenham Common their home. A range of local conservation organisations will be joining in and offering local people the chance to learn fascinating details about the nature on their doorsteps. They include Surrey Wildlife Trust, Surrey Bird Club, Surrey Bat Club, West Weald Fungus Group, Surrey Botanical Society, and Surrey Moth Group, and Heathland Connections.

Puttenham Common is a 180-hectare mosaic of habitats including lowland heathland, dry acid grassland, boggy mires, lowland mixed deciduous woodland and wood pasture. Hampton Estate has kept the site open for public enjoyment since 1968, and its 100-year vision for the restoration of its precious habitats places special emphasis on creating additional lowland heathland and wood pasture. Wildlife and flora that depend on healthy, connected mosaic of lowland heathland includes Nightjars, Woodlarks, Nightingales, Silver Studded Blue and Small Heath butterflies, Sand lizards, Serotine Bats, Smooth Cat’s-ear, Shepherd’s Cress, Bog Pimpernel and Bottle Sedge. Hampton Estate’s Nature-Based Solutions Manager Molly Biddell says: “Whether you are a dedicated wildlife geek, have a passing interest in local landscapes or are simply wanting to enjoy time out in nature with your kids, you can have a great time on our bioblitz. Most importantly, by joining in with our survey you’ll be helping us formulate a really effective plan to conserve Puttenham Common for wildlife and people to enjoy for decades – and hopefully centuries – to come.”

Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Space4Nature Project Manager Andrew Jamieson says: “People will only protect what they care about, and this is a wonderful opportunity for people from toddlers to grandparents to nurture a great relationship with the natural world. With lowland heathland now globally rarer than rainforest, the Hampton Estate team is right to put the restoration of this habitat at the top of its to-do list. It’s great that they have chosen to involve local people in helping get a better and more in-depth understanding of what lives there.”

The event is free of charge and runs from 10am to 3pm. To book onto a wildlife walk visit the Hampton Estate website or visit this link. Ample parking is available at Top Car Park, Puttenham Common, Suffield Lane, Surrey GU3 1BG.

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Unearth Tudor secrets at Petworth

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Image by: James Dobson

This summer archaeologists are tracing the footsteps of Henry VIII as they search for evidence of a lost Tudor wing of the National Trust’s magnificent Petworth House and Park, July 19th to 31st

The two-week dig at Petworth is part of ‘Henry VIII’, a landmark research project led by Historic Royal Palaces (HRP) in partnership with the University of York.

For the first time, they plan to map every venue occupied by the legendary Tudor king on his ‘royal progress’, a tour consolidating his rule over the country. The project aims to enhance historians’ understanding of the purpose of royal progresses and their impact on 16th-century political culture.

Image by: DigVentures

Image by: DigVentures

The excavation coincides with the International Festival of Archaeology and there will be opportunities for the public to take part, including guided tours of the dig site, bookable half day sessions as well as family-friendly sessions to help with the dig itself or handle any finds that may be uncovered. Other free Tudor-themed activities will be available with no booking required. Normal admission to Petworth House applies.

The archaeologists will be searching for the footprint of the lost North Wing which was built when Henry acquired the house in 1536. The wing included a chapel, fortified tower and large hall, and was located on what is now the north west lawn in the park.

Image by: John Miller

Image by: DigVentures

There is also the tantalising possibility of discovering a lost ‘mystery building’ in the park which is indicated in several historical documents and was believed to be a banqueting house or hunting lodge where the king would have entertained his guests.

Visitor Experience Manager at Petworth Sue Rhodes said: “It’s extraordinary to think that Henry VIII once owned Petworth House, and we can’t wait to finally understand more about these lost buildings he may once have stood in. We’re also very keen for our visitors to get involved in the dig.”

Professor Anthony Musson, Head of Research at Historic Royal Palaces, said: “We’re really excited to be partnering with Petworth as part of the Historic Royal Palaces-led ‘Henry VIII on Tour’ research project. Our ambitious three-year venture is charting all of Henry’s royal progresses and exploring the properties he stayed at, particularly the less well-known venues and those now ‘lost’ Tudor palaces and landscapes. It is very much part of our commitment to help communities discover their local heritage, which we’re facilitating through digital visualisations, Tudor festivals, archaeological digs and musical performances. We’re especially looking forward to seeing what we uncover in this dig.”

For further information including booking details, please visit

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