National Trust restores Oxfordshire fen

Karen Neville

Round and About

Rangers and volunteers have been clearing and restoring an area of alkaline fen to aid endangered species such as a tiny rare snail

A team of rangers and volunteers have been scything reeds in a plan to restore an area of alkaline fen at Pea Pits in West Oxfordshire. Fenland is one of Britain’s most threatened and precious homes for rare plants and wildlife. The National Trust is working with Freshwater Habitats Trust who provided the tools and scythe training to protect this internationally important habitat.

Most people associate fenland with the lowlands of East Anglia and are unaware that alkaline fens are also a special feature of the Oxfordshire countryside. The fens in Oxfordshire are fed by springs emerging from chalk or limestone in valleys and on hill slopes.

Alkaline fens support many wetland plants that are rare or endangered nationally or in the county such as the carnivorous butterwort, grass-of-Parnassus, marsh helleborine and marsh lousewort.

Endangered insects include species of soldier-fly, horsefly and damselfly, while molluscs include the Desmoulin’s whorl-snail. This is the tiny rare snail the size of a pinhead that almost stopped the Newbury Bypass being built in 1996 when the construction was set to destroy its habitat.

The work party cleared back trees and reeds at Pea Pits to give the rare plants some light. The cuttings were used to create dams to slow down water flow and create pools. The team also planted marsh lousewort to stop the dominant reeds taking up the majority of light. Marsh lousewort does this by finding another plant’s roots underground and extracting water and nutrients from the ‘host’ plant. This parasitic action weakens the reeds, allowing a diversity of other, more delicate plants to come through.

Whilst the marsh lousewort is establishing, the National Trust will continue to cut the reeds and scrub in the late summer and, if funding and a suitable grazier can be found, may eventually fence the area and graze it with cattle. Rest assured, if the vanishingly rare Newbury bypass snail makes an appearance at Pea Pits, it will have a safe home.

Richard Watson, Countryside Manager, West Oxfordshire said: “It’s great to see this quiet corner of the estate being brought back to life. It is the only Fen site we look after in West Oxfordshire, so it’s a really important habitat. It’s been great to work with the Freshwater Habitats Trust on expertise and training for our staff and volunteers to take on the management of the site.”

Paola Perez, Fen Conservation Officer at Freshwater Habitats Trust said: “Along with other small freshwater habitats, alkaline fens have traditionally been overlooked, but they support a unique community of plant and animal species.

“Restoring and protecting these rare alkaline fen habitats is a vital part of our work to reverse the decline in freshwater biodiversity. We’re thrilled to be collaborating with the National Trust to restore the alkaline fen at Coleshill and are very grateful to their volunteers for all their hard work.”

Sale e Pepe’s iconic Italian recipes

Liz Nicholls

Round and About

With neighbourhood trattoria Sale e Pepe recently being given a complete refurb ahead of its 50th anniversary next year, we’re saving up a taste of la dolce vita for those seeking a fresh at-home recipes to keep those summer vibes going!

The Knightsbridge staple invites lovers of traditional Italian food to take their hand at their classic dishes. Ideal for hosting across the summer period, the illustrious restaurant has always attracted a jet-setting crowd, loved by the likes of Rod Stewart, Sir Roger Moore, Priscilla Presley and Ringo Starr.

Sale E Pepe prides itself in serving the very produce, try your hand at their infamous Costaletta di Vileto Milanaisepan-fried veal chop with breadcrumbs which is signature to the Lombardy region or the Camparian Linguine all’ AragostaLinguine with lobster, cherry tomatoes, basil and garlic. Opt for a more light dish of Insalata di Granchio – crab and avocado salad with tomato concassé, spring onions, chives and lemon dressing, bringing the Italian summer to the table.

Costaletta di Vileto Milanaise

• 500g one bone in veal cutlets about 3/4 thick, trimmed or you can ask the butcher to make flattened for you than will be easier to prepare at home,
Three eggs
• 100gm breadcrumbs granules
• 80 gm all-purpose flour
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 240g clarified butter (recipe is mentioned below)
• One lemon, quartered

1. Make two or three cuts on the edges of cutlet to keep them from curling up as they cook
2. Heat the clarified butter over medium high heat. The secret to cooking the meat is to cook it quickly at a very high temperature to seal the outside and create a crunchy breading while keeping the inside moist and juicy.
3. Whisk the eggs and place them in a shallow pan
4. Place each first into the flour, then the eggs bath and then finally the breadcrumbs as you go to ensure that they don’t fall off
5. Fry the cutlet for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side, then remove to a plate lined with paper towels and allow the extra butter to drain off
6. Season with salt and pepper to taste, then place on a baking sheet

Linguine all’ Aragosta

• 600g Canadian lobster
80g linguine pasta
• 120g red cherry tomato
• 5g fresh basil leaves
• 18g garlic
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 45ml white wine
• 28ml extra virgin olive oil
• 5g mix micro herbs (optional)

1. Cover the bottom of a large frying pan with olive oil, chopped garlic, basil leaves and fry your cherry tomatoes together. Add stock, black pepper and fry for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally
2. Add the lobster tail and chunks and fry for 1 minute
3. Add the dry white wine and make sure to cook all the alcohol out and reduce until the sauce has thickened slightly
4. Cook your linguine or spaghetti in a LARGE pot of rapidly boiling salted water. Stir the pasta regularly and cook until al dente almost 5 to 6 minutes and using your spaghetti spoon lift, the cooked pasta out of the pot, allow the water to drain off and add it spoonful by spoonful straight into the pan of lobster pasta sauce
5. Toss well and serve garnished with the micro herbs

(Insalata di Granchio) crab & avocado salad

• 45g diced tomatoes
• 85g freshly handpicked crab meat
• One ripe avocado
• 30ml fresh lime juice
• 55ml extra virgin oil
• 5g chipped chives
• 5g spring onion
• 1 gram or pinch of chilli powder
• Sea salt & pepper as per taste

1. First in a small bowl mix together avocado cubes, lime juice, diced tomato, chives, olive oil, salt & pepper, mix well and set aside.
2. Then repeat the same process and add crab meat, lime juice, diced tomato, chilli powder, chopped chives, spring onion, olive oil, salt & pepper, mix well and set aside.
3. Take a flat base plate, place the round shape ring in a centre and add avocado layer and add crab mixture for second layer up, garnish with olive oil & chopped chives.

Theatre: The Making of Mary Shelley

Round & About

Round and About

Jonathan Lovett tells us about a fascinating new play about Mary Shelley landing at Norden Farm in Maidenhead on Thursday, 12th October, as part of a UK tour

Conception: Mary Shelley – the Making of a Monster celebrates the incredible life of Mary Shelley on the 200th anniversary of the first edition of Frankenstein to bear her name.

This latest production by feminist theatre company CLAIR/OSCUR focuses on the return of Mary to Lake Geneva, the birthplace of her most famous novel. Haunted by the ghosts of her husband, Percy Shelley, Lord Byron and others from that infamous ‘year without a summer’ she embarks on a voyage of self-discovery resulting in a brutal confrontation with the very creation that made her name.

Unlike Frankenstein the life of Mary Shelley is not so well known… and yet it reads like the plot of one of her tragic, Gothic novels. Suffering three infant deaths and one miscarriage that almost killed her she then lost the love of her life, Percy, drowned in a yachting accident, in her early 20s.

Deserted by friends and with little money or means to support her one surviving son, she was known as the widow of Percy and some even questioned whether he was the author of Frankenstein. And yet, in the face of a misogynistic, critical society, this single mother went on to write a further eight novels, more than 50 short stories and essays and even, in a typically selfless act, brought together her husband’s writings in a complete works edition that made Percy’s name.

The play’s writer and star Deborah Clair says: “In Mary Shelley’s day society dictated the need for women to be wives. If not, the other paths were decidedly perilous: spinster, divorced, widow, harlot… corpse,” said “Mary was completely off-grid with her choices – elopement, travel, children out of wedlock, a thinker and writer. Her life straddled two eras – Romantic and Victorian – and the latter really didn’t know what to do with her!”

As well as playing the role of Mary, Deborah is director of CLAIR/OBSCUR, a female led-theatre company dedicated to placing inspiring women of the past centre-stage. Conception is directed by Lucy Speed who starred in EastEnders and The Bill and is currently playing Stella in The Archers.

Conception is being performed at the Norden Farm Centre for the Arts in Maidenhead on Thursday, 12th October at 8pm as part of a national tour. For ticket details visit Conception: Mary Shelley – The Making of a Monster : Norden Farm Centre for the Arts.

New Art Surrey fair at Epsom

Karen Neville

Round and About

Your creative senses will be tingling from the moment you arrive at Art Surrey, a new contemporary art fair coming to The Duchess Stand, Epsom Downs Racecourse, October 6th to 8th

Art Surrey opens on Friday 6th October with a Preview Evening with a complimentary glass of fizz from 6pm-9pm and opens over the weekend on Saturday 7th, 10am-6pm and Sunday 8th, 10am-5pm.

This exciting inaugural art fair curated by Art Surrey and Ewell based Art Adviser and Gallery, Caiger Art, offers art lovers and collectors the chance to browse and purchase artworks from over 80 of the most exciting contemporary and traditional artists selling today, many of whom are Surrey based artists.

As final preparations get under way, Carol Caiger, Director of Art Surrey, is excited about this new Epsom venture: “Being one of the largest art fairs within the south east of England, this new contemporary art fair will be the perfect place to find artwork to start your art collection, or add to your collection if you are already an art enthusiast!”

There will be over 3,000 works of art to see, paintings, drawings, prints, digital art, mixed media art, photography, sculpture, glassworks and ceramics. With all artwork ranging from £50 to over £3,000, there will be something for everyone.

This year the invited showcase is Surrey Sculpture Society, who will be showing a selection of their artists’ sculptures for sale.

Carol adds: “The bonus is, as well as awesome artwork, the Caiger Art and Art Surrey Team are on hand to give expert advice on the best artwork to buy for your home, too”

Weekend facilities include a bar and café / restaurant serving teas, coffee and food throughout Saturday and Sunday, so you can easily spend a whole day there. The venue is also wheelchair accessible.

Tickets are available to buy for the Friday Preview Evening, Saturday and Sunday from Buy Tickets – Art Surrey.

Cube comedy and quiz nights

Karen Neville

Round and About

Kate Lucas, Louise Atkinson and Howard Read are on the bill for comedy at the Cube at The Shed in Bordon in October

The Shed has a truly top selection lined up throughout October with the return of the Cube Comedy Club as well as quiz nights and markets.

The venue offers the perfect backdrop for evenings of belly laughs and fantastic community events.

The Cube Comedy 5th October at 8:00pm

This month’s comedy delights include Kate Lucas, Louise Atkinson and Howard Read.

Kate Lucas is an award-winning musical comedian and is known for her razor sharp and deliciously dark songs.

Louise Atkinson has quickly established herself on the comedy scene as one of the ones to watch for the future, and is said to have a strong flavour of Victoria Wood!

Howard Read is a comic, writer, animator and actor, in that order. He is best known for being one half (and the other half), of the Big Howard, Little Howard, the world’s first human cartoon double-act.

Tickets are £13.50 and can be bought on The Shed website.

Quiz nights at The Shed

On October 5th and 17th The Shed’s popular bar will be running quiz nights to test your brains every other Tuesday.

The Tap at The Shed’s quiz nights are only £1 entry per person with teams up to six. Winner takes the pot and there’s a chance to win a £25 bar voucher! Always a fun night out, just message Tap @ The Shed via their social media to book – Facebook.

Throughout October there are also the popular Saturday Markets on 14th and 28th, as well as a Halloween themed craft session with Daisy’s Craft room to try with the little ones, and of course top films at the Ticket Cinema.

You can find the full line-up of all upcoming Saturday Night at The Shed acts on the events page – Upcoming Events at The Shed.

Keeping adoptive siblings in care together

Round & About

Round and About

Adoption agencies across the UK, including Parents And Children Together (PACT) have joined forces to keep brothers and sisters together.

Voluntary adoption agencies across the UK have come together with a joint mission to stop brothers and sisters who are waiting in care from being separated when adopted.

Almost half of children currently waiting in care* are part of a family group and voluntary adoption agencies (VAAs) are looking for people who can offer them a permanent and loving home.

Thames Valley-based Parents And Children Together (PACT) is among 23 VAAs from all over the UK who have together created a guide for people considering adoption containing helpful information and advice from parents who have already adopted sibling groups.

Lorna Hunt of PACT said: “The impact on children in care who are separated their brothers and sisters to enable them to find a permanent family is huge and causes anxiety and loss for children who have already experienced a difficult start in life. Yet so few people feel equipped or able to consider adopting a sibling group of three, or even four children.

“We are excited to be a part of this project sharing first-hand, heartfelt experience and advice from families who have already done this incredible thing of adopting a sibling pair or group.”

VAAs are specialists in finding families for children who wait the longest in care. They work in partnership with local authorities to find families for children waiting for a permanent home. VAAs are independent, not-for-profit organisations who have intensive services to provide families with vital support both when the children are placed and into the future.

Maggie Jones, chief executive of the Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies (CVAA) which represents VAAs across the country said: “Brother and sisters who are adopted together are often the only constant thing in each other’s lives in times of huge upheaval, loss and trauma. The voluntary adoption sector are specialists in finding families for sibling groups and being there for them with bespoke packages of support for as long as its needed.”

“Brother and sisters who are adopted together are often the only constant thing in each other’s lives in times of huge upheaval, loss and trauma!”

Hogs Back Brewery celebrate hop harvest

Karen Neville

Round and About

Record number of guests enjoy beer and entertainment at Hop Harvest Festival

A record number of people enjoyed Hogs Back Brewery’s hop harvest and raised more than £2,500 for a local charity as they did so.

More than 3,500 guests savoured beer, food, live music and family entertainment in the late summer sunshine in Tongham, Surrey, over the weekend of September 15th to 17th, making it Hogs Back’s biggest hop harvest party ever.

This year, for the first time, the entertainment started on the Friday evening, with a new ‘Roots’ concert on the Festival stage, headlined by folk musician Seth Lakeman. On Saturday, crowds gathered from early afternoon to watch lively performances from six bands, culminating in a set of crowd-pleasing covers from headliners Bloomfield Avenue. Compere David Whitney kept people entertained as bands changed over, and performances were live streamed to the Beer Garden for those wanting a more chilled musical experience.

At Sunday’s TEA Party, a more family-friendly vibe took over, with plenty of entertainment for children of all ages. The fun included a circus workshop, archery, inflatable slides, Mr Magic show, farmyard animals and electric skateboarding, as well as the ever-popular dray rides around the Hop Garden. There was music for the younger crowd too, with the popular Harry Styles Experience topping the bill.

Across the weekend, guests enjoyed the full range of Hogs Back beers, including Green TEA – a variation of the brewer’s flagship Tongham TEA, brewed with fresh ‘green’ hops straight from their hop garden. Food included hog roast, pizzas and authentic Indian dishes from local Mandira’s Kitchen. In line with Hogs Back’s ambitious sustainability aims, no single use plastics were used, replaced with reusable or compostable items.

One of the highlights of the weekend was, as in previous years, the competition for best hop-decorated hat, this year won by Jonathon. The custom of raising money for a local charity was also continued as the Prostate Project, based in Guildford, took a stand at the event and received all donations made on the dray rides. In total, the charity raised £2,543 over the weekend.

Rupert Thompson, Hogs Back managing director, said: “Every year, we say we’ve just had our best Hop Harvest Party ever – and it’s always true! This year we had more guests than ever before, more bands on the Festival stage, fabulous entertainment for families – and we enjoyed nearly all of it in glorious sunshine.

“The whole event was staffed by the Hogs Back team, so a big thank you to them, as well as to local businesses and volunteers, and to the many local people who joined us to create the party.”

He added: “We have already set the dates for next year’s Hop Harvest celebrations, which will run on 13th,14th and 15th September. We look forward to an even bigger and better event.”

Hogs Back harvested three hop varieties this year: Fuggles, used in Tongham TEA; English Cascade, used in its Hogstar lager and Surrey Nirvana Session IPA; and Farnham White Bine, a traditional local variety that the brewer saved from near-extinction by planting in its hop garden in 2014.

Thompson said: “We’re delighted to have harvested hops from our own hop garden for the eighth year. This year’s crop won’t be our biggest, due to the wet weather in July and August, but the hops we have are of good quality and will add distinctive flavours to our beers.  We’re proud to be growing hops just yards from the brewery, helping to reduce our food miles and achieve our goal of being an ever more sustainable brewer.

“It’s rewarding to have reinstated hop farming in Farnham and we know it’s meant a lot to local people. We’re grateful for their support, particularly the 50 Hogs Back Hopper volunteers who helped us bring in the harvest. It’s hard physical work over a few weeks and they certainly earned themselves a few pints!”

Windsor Designs Live a success!

Round & About

Round and About

After a successful first event, all eyes are now on the next Windsor Designs Live on Saturday 7th October. There’s still time to book your place.

Thinking of building a new home? Or extending, remodelling or refurbishing your home or garden?

Then Windsor Designs Live is for you! The goal of the event is to help take some of the stress out of the process of creating or transforming your home, to alleviate any worries or concerns you may have, and for you to be inspired.

You can book a meeting with up to eight consultants and suppliers completely free of charge, without any obligation. You’ll be able to ask questions, get free advice and become more knowledgeable.

Experts including an architect, interior designer and a landscape designer. There will be a furniture designer and manufacturer, a builder and decorator plus consultants in planning, energy and smart homes. Pre-booking is recommended by following this link.

The venue for Windsor Designs Live 2023 is The Education Centre at the architecturally inspiring Thames Hospice, overlooking Bray Lake. Complimentary refreshments are available throughout the day. The address is, Thames Hospice, Windsor Road, Maidenhead, SL6 2DN. For more information on how to find the venue please follow this link.

Greyhound team are AA gold winners

Liz Nicholls

Round and About

Congratulations to the team at The Greyhound Inn in Letcombe Regis who have earned two rosettes and a four-star gold award plus a breakfast award in the latest AA Hospitality Awards.

Catriona Galbraith and the rest of the trusty Greyhound team know how it feels to be on the receiving end of warm praise, having won the loyalty of locals and visitors as well as a galaxy of awards including CAMRA pub of the year.

But an extra serving of praise goes to them all today, including Head Chef Martyn Sherriff and Sous Chef Attila Fulop, for winning two rosettes and a four-star gold award after a visit from discerning AA inspectors.

Catriona tells us: “Since opening almost eight years ago, The Greyhound Inn has strived to offer our guests a dining experience that will make them want to return again and again. Without being pretentious or formal, we look after our guests in a friendly and efficient way and serve food that we are extremely proud of. Receiving this award from the AA of two rosettes, on top of an entry in the Good Food Guide earlier this year, demonstrates our team’s commitment to creating a memorable experience for our guests which, to us, is the point of having a hospitality business.”

“Without being pretentious or formal, we look after our guests in a friendly and efficient way”

We enjoyed a taste of this award-winning hospitality at the weekend and will serve you a review in our next edition of Round & About, plus details about Christmas and NYE parties.

Meanwhile, book in to enjoy the six-course Autumn Tasting Menu on Thursday, 19th October with a wine flight of specially paired wines. For more details visit The Greyhound Inn or call 01235 771969.

The Garden Show at Broadlands

Karen Neville

Round and About

The Garden Show is set to bloom again this weekend, September 29th to October 1st, with the chance to admire the trees in all their autumn glory

The Garden Show is set to bloom again this autumn and we are delighted to be back at Broadlands and admire the wondrous trees in the park as they start to acquire their autumn glory.

Although there will be fewer plants than in the spring and summer shows, it is the perfect time for planting trees, shrubs, bulbs, winter flowering plants, giving them a chance to develop good root structure, as well as an array of indoor plants to enhance the winter home.

It’s a great opportunity to source new talent, designers and artisans and browse over 160 stands showcasing the latest specialist plants, garden and home accessories, art, design, sculpture, fashion, toys and a multitude of lovely goodies with tempting foods and wines in the Country Food marquee. There is something at the show that will appeal to everyone! It’s a good opportunity to do some early Christmas shopping and support the smaller businesses with a unique range of wares not found on the high street.

Apart from the extensive selection of retail companies at the show there are many other attractions. Expert garden advice from Paul Slater, the new Gardening Doctor and also from the knowledge growers at the show, helping gardens thrive.

On Friday Dr Ian Bedford, entomologist, will be running the ‘Pest Clinic’ and can identify any bug samples, brought along and how to rid your garden of them in as friendly a way as possible and he will be ready to discuss ‘Britain’s Nature Recovery Plan’.

Also on Friday we are delighted that Tayshan Hayden-Smith will be running a Gardening Q&A session ‘Empowering young people into horticulture’ and on Saturday Paul Slater will be also holding Q&A session ‘Plant Selection’ helping gardens thrive. Then the show welcomes back Ben Cross from Crosslands Nursery, who on Sunday will be extolling the ‘British Cut Flower Industry’ … ‘British Flowers Rock’!

It’s not all about gardening: there are plenty of activities on site to keep all the family occupied including The Giant Tombola, a chance to win amazing prizes donated by The Garden Show exhibitors in support of the show’s chosen charity Jane Scarth House Cancer Support Charity. Fun times to be had for the children with entertainer Crazee Hazee, learning circus skills and watching his hilarious Punch and Judy shows! Plus, Carousel amusements with toddler fun fair rides and bouncy castles.

There will be ongoing artisan demonstrations and a chance to have a go at a blacksmithing workshop plus musical entertainment from The Jazz Trio, who will be wandering around delighting all with their evocative music of times past… all this and so much more to enjoy including Huxley Birds of Prey who will thrill spectators as they soar to the skies.

Tickets on the gate: adults £10, concs £8, child £4, family (2+2) £26.

Prebook online for 15% discount BUY TICKETS – The Garden Show at Broadlands.