Bucks book shops worth a visit

Liz Nicholls


Our independent bookshops welcome readers young and old as well as connecting authors to loyal audiences. Liz Nicholls chats to some of the people behind the local treasures which deserve your custom, thanks to face-to-face, tangible magic in an increasingly online world

Don’t underestimate the pulling power of your local bookshop! Recently Joan Borreli travelled from the USA to Gerrards Cross Bookshop to collect a signed, limited-edition copy of Sir Paul McCartney’s book, 1964: The Eyes of the Storm.

“There are only 175 signed copies of this book worldwide, and we were thrilled to be selected by Penguin Random House to receive one copy to sell,” explains Sheryl Shurville. “As you can imagine, we were inundated with phone calls and emails from interested customers, but Joan got in first! We had a lovely celebration for her and Joan combined her visit with a trip to Liverpool as she’s a huge Beatles fan. It’s moments like these that really bring home how much joy people get from books. It’s a fantastic memento that Joan and her family can treasure, and we were delighted to play our part in that.”

The GX shop has been cherished by locals for more than 30 years while its glam older sister, Chorleywood Bookshop, has clocked up 50 years. Both are now part of the same company, Chiltern Bookshops Limited, co-owned by Sheryl Shurville and Martin McKean, but the Chorleywood shop was originally set up by four women in the early 1970s. Both are cultural hubs for their respective communities, as Sheryl adds: “Individuals and families love visiting for pleasure and inspiration. They’re the lifeblood of the local cultural communities, inspiring the readers of today and tomorrow, connecting authors and their potential audiences. Our friendly, knowledgeable booksellers offer customers personalised advice on what to read next. These human conversations are so important. Customers really value these face-to-face interactions – it’s something they simply cannot get from shopping online!”

The shops also host about 90 author events a year, with recent highlights starring the likes of Rick Stein, Lorraine Kelly, Alastair Campbell, Victoria Hislop &Clive Myrie. “Our schools programme is extensive and expanding too, from large-scale author events, book fairs, supporting children’s literacy, and library restocks. It’s a vital part of what we do to inspire an interest in reading from a young age.”

Use your independent shops or lose them! We aren’t museums.”.”

Spring and early summer is always a busy time for book releases. On Monday, 15th April, 7.30pm at Chorleywood Memorial Hall, the Chiltern Bookshops team will welcome the writer and comedian Helen Lederer to discuss her powerful, frank, moving new memoir, Not That I’m Bitter. Tickets are £12; call 01923 283566 or email [email protected]

Women’s heath expert Liz Earle will star at King’s Church in Amersham, HP6 6LX, for an evening celebrating the publication of her new book A Better Second Half (tickets from £15).

Gardeners’ World presenter Frances Tophill will be at Chorleywood Memorial Hall, on Monday, 29th April to talk about her new book, A Year in a Small Garden which features photography shot throughout the year, as well as Frances’ own journal and garden notebooks documenting how she built her small oasis.

Highlights beyond this include former PM Theresa May, bestselling novelist David Nicholls, writer & journalist Clover Stroud and historian and writer Max Hastings. For this & more please visit chilternbookshops.co.uk

Young readers were also front of mind when Thame Book House opened in 1972, exclusively as a children’s bookshop… “Hence the gift of our wonderful Fat Puffin who stands outside (in opening hours) from publisher Puffin Books,” says Luise Pattinson of the shop. “We started in Cuttlebrook House – auspiciously WB Yeats had lived in that house a short while and his son was born there. As our business grew, we needed to expand; we were essentially in the main downstairs room of the owner’s home so we moved to our current position, 93 High Street, which allowed us to add books for grown-ups to our shelves!”

A few years later the same team opened a shop in Summertown, beloved by Morse author Colin Dexter…  “We had to close that branch exactly 40 years after opening,” adds Luise with a call to action for us all: “Use your independent shops or lose them! We aren’t museums.”

Among the many authors whose burgeoning career was nurtured by their local bookshop is bestselling writer and barrister Tony Kent. “I first came to know the team at Chiltern Bookshops when I moved to Bucks in 2018, which coincided with the release of my first book,” he tells us. “Despite being very early in my career at that time, Sheryl, Martin and their staff were incredibly supportive. They invited me to appear at a host of events throughout the first few years and made a big difference to my profile locally. As things have progressed and my books have become more well-known, that same support has been maintained, including a launch event for my fifth thriller The Shadow Network and our partnership with them at the UK’s newest major crime writing festival, Chiltern Kills.” For more on this October highlight, visit chilternkills.com

Anya Lautenbach’s new book, The Money Saving Gardener, is thriving as heartily as the Bucks garden she planted from seeds and cuttings. Her book was recently named a Sunday Times bestseller and featured in The Telegraph. But it’s her local Marlow Bookshop which helped tend this blossoming success… “I love supporting local businesses and was thrilled the shop wanted to stock my book and invite me to talk,” she beams. “It’s a wonderful place, with 25,000 books in stock. Since they know I’m local, they have been so kind to me and I have also supported them on social media. I love the fact that my passion, and now my book, have allowed me to connect with so many people.”

With its hotchpotch of characterful buildings tucked under wonky rooftops, Great Missenden High Street will forever be the BFG’s stomping ground in my mind thanks to Roald Dahl, the famous son of the village. It’s also home to St Andrew’s Bookshop which has served readers of Christian books for more than 65 years.

Real Magic Books opened in the heart of Wendover High Street in 2022. Co-owner Carl Gosling says: “Independent bookshops celebrate real books, showing people of all ages how beautiful, exciting and important they are. Booksellers work tirelessly to bring authors to our towns and villages, to share ideas and culture that hopefully bring us joy through art and the written word, and ultimately inspire us. Amazon does none of this; Amazon just believes in profit. Our motto is ‘good books for bad times’. Our highlight guests since we opened have included Irvine Welsh, Jeremy Deller, Salena Godden, Cold War Steve, and many more. There has been an event almost every week with lots of author events coming.”

l Please visit booksaremybag.com

The magic of Pratchett

Round & About


Marc Burrows is bringing his celebration of Terry Pratchett to Norden Farm

Author, comedian and Terry Pratchett fan, Marc Burrows invites audiences to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the landmark comic fantasy Discworld series with his beautiful tribute.

In 2020, Marc penned the first ever biography of Sir Terry. The book received critical acclaim, won a Locus Award and was embraced by fans. This new, live multimedia show, based on the book, was then created with the full endorsement and support of Narrativia, the company founded to protect and promote the late author’s work in association with his estate.

The Magic of Terry Pratchett is a comic lecture in which Burrows explores Pratchett’s influences, his rise to fame, impact, and unique life, becoming one of the most beloved storytellers of all time. From the national treasure’s days as a school librarian, his time as a trainee journalist to his untimely death in 2015 and in keeping with Pratchett’s own style, the show is a gently comic celebration and exploration of his work. It will also seriously examine his death, and the activism he was involved with toward the end of his life surrounding dementia treatment and the right-to-die; an important part of his story and legacy.

In addition to using the framework of the The Magic of Terry Pratchett book, the show incorporates additional elements of Rob Wilkins’ official biography, Terry Pratchett: A Life in Footnotes, (A Sunday Times Bestseller) as well as licensed media.

Sir Terry Pratchett OBE is one of the world’s most widely read authors. Conventions dedicated to his work are held globally every year. His works have been translated into 40 different languages, sold 100 million copies and have been performed on stage on seven continents. John Lloyd was right when he said “of all of the dead authors in the world, Terry Pratchett is the most alive”. Pratchett’s short story The Abominable Snow Baby was adapted by Channel 4 as a Christmas Day animation in 2021. Sky released a feature film adaptation of his Carnegie Award winning book The Amazing Maurice in cinemas in 2022, and Good Omens, a TV series based on the book Pratchett wrote with Neil Gaiman, will have a second Amazon Prime season in the autumn.

Marc Burrows often writes on culture and social issues for The Guardian, New Statesman, Big Issue and Independent and his Edinburgh Fringe shows include The Ten Best Songs of All Time and Mind Your Head. Marc’s second book, The London Boys: David Bowie, Marc Bolan and the 60s Teenage Dream was published to considerable acclaim in 2022 and is in the early stages of adaptation into a feature-length documentary. Outside of writing and comedy, Marc plays in the cult punk band The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing, regularly performing at the Download, Glastonbury, Bestival and Latitude festivals and touring the UK and US.

The Magic of Terry Pratchett is at Norden Farm on 28th March.
Tickets are available here.

Varvara Neiman Exhibition and Event

Round & About


Elgiva Theatre hosts an exhibition and a “meet the artist” event in March

A solo exhibition featuring local artist Varvara Neiman began at the Elgiva Theatre in Chesham on Saturday and will run until the 1st April.  Power Of Colour In Light is open to the public from 10.30 am – 3.00 pm daily, except Sundays. There is no cost to enter during these times.

Varvara obtained her MA in Fine Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in St Petersburg in 1996. Subsequently she worked in several local theatres specialising costume and set design.

Following a move to the UK in 1999 Varvara concentrated on her career as a professional artist, staging exhibitions in Suffolk, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and London. She now has a studio in Beaconsfield and is a member of both the Bucks Art Society and “HP9”, a group of local artists.

Varvara is also an art educator and teaches for artsmart School of Art and Buckinghamshire Adult Learning. She is currently teaching Life Drawing and her key subjects also include Portraiture, Water Colour, Oils and Acrylics.

At this solo exhibition Varvara is showing two of her favourite subjects, Portraiture and Landscape.

“I have always drawn people from a very early age and am passionate about creating a character either from life or from photos when undertaking commissions,” she says. “These can be celebratory surprises or simply commemorative. My favourite portrait artist is Rembrandt from whom I am always learning that a portrait of a person is all about their eyes which are a mirror of their soul.”

Varvara is very enthusiastic about painting en Plein Air and passionate about Cezanne’s famous quote: “Painting from nature is not copying the object; it is realizing one’s sensation…”

“For me whether it is a watercolour technique or painting in oils or acrylics it is about the power of light reflecting in a prism of a kaleidoscope of colours,” she says.

Varvara will also be showcasing her watercolour technique on Saturday 16th March when the is a chance to meet the artist at the Elgiva. The event starts at 1pm, and will explore Varvara’s artistic journey and inspiration and she will discuss her work in depth.

Doppelginger joy with comedian Ray Bradshaw

Ellie Cox


We chat to comedian Ray Bradshaw who brings his new show Doppelginger to Maidenhead, Swindon, Aylesbury, Guildford, Dorking, Reading, London & more from 1st March.

Ray Bradbury is forever being told “you look just like my mate…” wherever he goes. It’s been happening for years, and he’s worried about it. Either someone is cloning generic bald men or, there’s a ginger bearded bald man out there who’s doing a bad job of stalking Ray.

In his new show, Ray is going to use the latest in genetic research (the internet) to try and put an end to this once and for all. He’s on a quest to find the person who looks most like him.

“My new show Doppelginger is about a bald ginger man (me) trying to find other bald ginger men who look really like him. Purely for comedy purposes, not some weird Tinder fetish game gone horribly wrong. Although there are probably some people that would be into that and if that’s you then please buy a ticket for the show because any ticket sale counts as far as I’m concerned.

“The whole show is going to be about finding people that look like me and the weird things that arise from it. Hopefully there will be some bald ginger people in the audience who don’t even know what the show is about and have just been brought there by an evil partner. The whole show will just turn into an episode of Surprise Surprise for them where I play Cilla Black (with a wig, obviously). Please submit your photo to doppelginger.net

Ray’s whole show will be sign language interpreted. “My mum and dad are deaf and I grew up learning sign language,” says Ray. “So that’s a big part of every show I do as I want as big a deaf audience as possible.

“I love having deaf audiences in my show and have them heckle me in sign language only for me to tell the audience what they signed to me and then have the deaf person deny it so I look like I’m picking on them. You’d be surprised how often that happens.

“When I’m not gigging, I’m usually getting made fun of by my son. He thinks the fact I’m bald is so funny and constantly asks me where I’ve left my hair. The other day we were in soft play and he made me feel the oldest I’ve ever felt. We were playing hide and seek and after shouting ‘ready or not!’ he found me in about eight seconds. I asked him how he had found me so quickly and he just replied, ‘when you crouched down I heard your knees crack’. I felt about 100 years old.”

If Ray had to choose a line-up of comedians to go on tour with him or for a special one-night-only all-star comedy show, alive or dead who would he pick? “I’d go for me, Billy Connolly, Bernie Mac and Victoria Wood. It would be an amazing show and I’m the least rich of them all so I wouldn’t have to put my hand in my pocket at the post show drinks. Win win.”

To book your tickets please visit Norden Farm or call 01628 788997.

Spring into Easter

Liz Nicholls


Easter comes early this year, March 29th – April 1st, which gives us an opportunity to enjoy the glories of spring as well of course, as eating chocolate!

There’s so much more to Easter than just choccy eggs, for many it has the deepest religious significance, for others it affords a long weekend of spending time with your loved ones hopefully with some bright cheery spring sunshine then and beyond.

This Easter pop along to a National Trust property near you for a family trail. Jam-packed with outdoor activities, games, riddles and crafts, every Easter celebration is different and ends with a chocolate egg.

Spring has sprung at Widmer Farm Park in Princes Risborough, with lots of cute babies due to be born in March and April, including lambs and kids.

“It’s definitely the season we all look forward to after a cold winter,” says Alice Paterson. “At Easter our focus is on new beginnings. We support rare breeds and are very proud to be contributing towards the conservation of Bagot goats, Golden Guernseys and Cotswold Sheep with our breeding programme.”

The farm opened more than 30 years ago and in 2022 the family business decided to reopen the farm park which sits alongside the pet and equine shop and horse riding school, making it a haven for all animal-lovers. A café is being built with an indoor soft play area in the pipeline. Right now there’s an Easter Trail included in ticket prices; all participants will receive a treat. Visit widmerfarmpark.co.uk

The Gruffalo is celebrating his 25th birthday at Wendover Woods and to celebrate, everyone is invited to take part in a brand new forest adventure. The family trail features all sorts of party-themed activities and games, along with fun facts to teach you about life in the forest for the Gruffalo and other creatures. Follow the trail to help find the missing party items to give the Gruffalo a birthday to remember.

Thomas the Tank Engine – a real steam locomotive – is offering rides at Buckinghamshire Railway Centre in Quainton. Plus, meet Sir Topham Hatt, Rusty & Dusty, Percy and Trevor the traction engine! (If you’re away at Easter, don’t worry; Thomas will be back in Quainton in May, July and October!).

Hughenden, near Wycombe, will welcome your little bunnies for an Easter trail, 10am-4pm from 23rd March to 7th April. Encounter life-size mythical creatures, solve riddles, discover hidden treasures and conquer Medusa’s snakes and ladders or engage in a playful game of Cyclops Eye Spy on the parterre (normal entry plus £3 per trail, including a chocolate egg). With its natural playground for climbing, balancing and make believe, picnic tables in the orchard, walled garden and exhibition about Hughenden’s secret WWII map-making history, a trip to Hughenden is always a great day out.

And there are more National Trust treasures worth visiting in Bucks, of course. Cliveden’s Easter trail will run 29th March to 16th April, 9.30am-5pm (and the Storybook Play Den is always a hit). Claydon near Winslow (former home of Florence Nightingale) will offer the Easter trail 29th March to 1st April and wonderful Waddesdon (whose popular Woodland Playground has just been refurbished) offers eggstra (sorry) fun, games and creative activities as well as the choccy trail, 27th March to 7th April. For more info please visit nationaltrust.org.uk

Peterley Manor Farm in Great Missenden, HP16 0HH, is a cherished local treasure and a great place to buy spring produce. Highlights this month include candlemaking & a Mother’s Day market. Visit peterleymanorfarm.co.uk

We love Kew Little Pigs in Old Amersham where you might be so smitten with the little porkers that you look into homing a micropig yourself! You can book a pigkeeper day for children aged between seven and 16 years on 1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th April.

Awesome Odds Farm at Wooburn Common, HP10 0LX, wins rave reviews for good reason with its super slides and indoor zone as well as livestock including goats, sheep, cows, ponies, donkeys and bunnies to meet.

Tot-friendly beauty Bekonscot model village & railway, HP9 2PL, the world’s oldest original model village, has reopened to visitors after the winter. Visit bekonscot.co.uk for more info.

Bucks Goat Centre in Stoke Mandeville, HP22 5XJ, is a bucolic animal paradise with a cafe and the Bunny Brunch on Saturdays at 10.30am offering a chance to feed and cuddle the smaller animals. Also, Fox Cubs is a popular group for SEND children up to 15 years every Thursday. Visit thebucksgoatcentre.website

Hogshaw Farm & Wildlife Park in Claydon, MK18 3LA, is a wonderful space to recharge with animal and farmer encounters and a cafe. Find out more at hogshawfarm.co.uk

Families can explore some of the wonderful details of Amersham old town with a town trail created by the team at Amersham Museum. This has been beautifully illustrated by artist Livi Gosling, with the support of the Rothschild Foundation, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Chilterns AONB. For this & more highlights, visit amershammuseum.org

How about getting some fresh air with a Go Ape treetop adventure in Black Park or Wendover Woods offering a bird’s eye view of the forest. Ropes, zip lines, nets and walkways will take you on a magical journey through the tree canopies. Visit goape.co.uk for more.

The One World Animals team offer hands-on encounters with exotic animals including insects, arachnids and reptiles. Enjoy a workshop at Bourne End Community Centre, SL8 5SX, on 5th April; oneworldanimals.com

Happy Easter, and have a cracking time! LN

Image: National Trust/Paul Harris

How does your garden grow?

Round & About


Spring, even the sound of the word lifts your spirits. Little shoots of colour start to emerge and with it hope for the warmer months ahead, so get digging and clearing and start getting your garden in shape

Getting your garden ready should be a pleasure rather than a chore. It’s time to dig deep, get some spade work in and you’ll reap the rewards later.

Even for professionals such as our expert Cathie Welch, kick starting your garden for spring is no easy task: “Gardening is a real challenge these days and every season will be different.” So where to start? Cathie advises ‘mulch, mulch, mulch’… “The most important thing any gardener can do is to improve the soil. A thick mulch of home-made garden compost, well-rotted manure or suitable peat-free compost. It’s a huge subject but anything that’s not wood chip or multi-purpose potting compost should be OK, but check to avoid expensive mistakes. A thick mulch will keep in moisture, suppress weeds, feed the plants, prevent soil compaction from walking on it as well as looking fabulous.”

Having done the ground work, you need to turn your attention to plant health, which means pruning and training. This time of year is especially important for roses to ensure a fragrant colourful abundance in summer – make sure you know whether you have climbers, ramblers, bush, shrub and prune accordingly, says Cathie.

And it’s not just roses that need some TLC… “Wisteria is another tricky one that needs its spur pruned by mid-March as do apples and pears,” Cathie continues. “Many other plants can be cut hard back, such as Spireaea, Hypericum, Buddleia and all the Dogwood Cornus, to name but a few. Avoid pruning Acers until they are in full leaf and never prune plums and other stone fruits until the summer. Evergreens should ideally wait and be especially vigilant of nesting birds. When you prune, consider making piles or a dead hedge if you have space rather than burning or binning.”

For many of us, our patches of green grass are the crowning glory. This month is the ideal time to sow a new lawn or repair worn patches. As the month progresses, it may even be time to cut the lawn again. Some lawn basics: set the mower blades high to avoid scalping. Rake (scarify) the lawn to get rid of debris, dead grass and moss. Aerate badly drained areas of the lawn with a hollow-tined fork. Try to avoid walking on waterlogged lawns and working in sodden borders to avoid soil compaction. Cathie warns against neglecting your lawn. “If you want a green, striped lawn then it’s hard work scarifying, aerating, top dressing and seeding.”

If you need a hand, with the ardous business of tending a perfect lawn (or with hedge cutting, weeding and all-round maintenance) the green-fingered Greg’s Garden Care Solutions team can help. They promise to help get your garden looking glam in time for summer, and no job is too small. Please call 07419 839623.

If you have been coveting a beautiful hand-crafted bespoke oak building in your garden or adjoining your home, you’re not the only one! The Artisan Oak team work with clients across Bucks to help you design your dream bespoke space to suit your specific needs. The company, based just outside Stoke Bruerne, believe oak to be one of the most beautiful and satisfying materials to build with due to its unequivocal character, raw textures and uncompromisable strength. They also offer a landscaping service and incorporate other materials such as glass, stone, brick and other timber products, working along side sub-contractors for a hassle-free project. For more info visit artisan-oak.com

Stotts Nursery is a plant nursery based in Stokenchurch, HP14 3XS, specialising in growing and selling a wide range of hardy plants. To put an extra spring in your step, the team are in the process of planning a programme of BackWoods workshops including lavender wreath-making, plant propagation, campfire cooking and also a new willow dragonfly making workshop. Visit stottsnursery.co.uk and backwoodsexperiences.co.uk for more info.

Whether or not you have your own garden, perhaps you’d like to join a warm and friendly community, make friends and help the charity team maintain the beautiful six-acre gardens at Lindengate in Weston Turville, HP22 6BD. The team have a variety of volunteering opportunities and would love to hear from you. They also run corporate volunteering days for local businesses. There’s a nine-week wellbeing and nature course for adults who are experiencing mild to moderate depression and low mood, starting on 3rd April. Please visit lindengate.org.uk to find out more.

And the Community Impact Bucks team’s gardening & wellbeing service runs across the county and complements the Handy Helpers scheme and Community Growing Project. For more information on volunteering, or if you need gardening support, please contact Karen on [email protected] or call 01844 617 231 or 07821 133408.

The Henley Players present Pygmalion

Round & About


Much-loved classic comedy comes to the Kenton Theatre, March 20th to 23rd

Eccentric phonetics expert, Henry Higgins, thinks he can pass off a poor flower girl in polite society with a few months of elocution lessons.

It turns out that spirited Eliza Doolittle has a mind and personality of her own and is not willing to lose them as easily as she sheds her cockney accent.

Strong characters and great wit animate this classic comedy, and the themes of social mobility and women’s empowerment are as relevant today as when Pygmalion was first performed, over a century ago. Whether you’re a lover of classic drama or a seeker of truth, this play promises an unforgettable evening.

Pygmalion spawned many adaptations for film and stage and was recently revived at the Old Vic.

The Henley Players’ Saturday matinee performance is once again ‘pay what you want’ with a minimum price of £5.

To book visit here.

Buy a butterfly to celebrate memories!

Round & About


BBOWT wildlife charity launches new commemorative display

To mark Valentine’s Day, a local wildlife charity has opened two new butterfly memory walls to celebrate special occasions, declare your love for nature – or your sweetheart!

The ‘Your Wild Memories’ displays have been installed by Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) at two of its visitor centres. They feature specially-designed butterfly plaques which can be personalised with messages to remember precious moments, people or wild times.

The butterflies are made of brushed stainless steel and fly above an eye-catching wildlife border. They have been put up at the Nature Discovery Centre near Thatcham and College Lake visitor centre near Tring.

Laura Pepper, BBOWT’s Head of Philanthropy, said: “If your Valentine sets your heart a-flutter or you’ve just got engaged or married, why not celebrate your love with a specially engraved butterfly? Or you might like to commemorate a special birthday, a retirement, a favourite family walk or perhaps remember a loved one.

“Butterflies hold all sorts of different meanings for people, as well as being beautiful to behold. Our new ‘Your Wild Memories’ wall is a lovely way to celebrate your special memories and help the vital work of BBOWT at the same time.”

The Your Wild Memories walls have got off to a flying start, with butterfly messages added by local MPs, writers and nature champions.

Estelle Bailey, BBOWT’s Chief Executive, wrote: This special place, with nature at its heart. Here for every community.

Laura Farris, MP for Newbury, left this message on her butterfly at the Nature Discovery Centre: Delighted to support the NDC, bringing the wild into the heart of Thatcham.

Buckingham MP Greg Smith’s butterfly at College Lake reads: Thank you BBOWT, our nature champions. Proud to support you and work with you.

Writer and butterfly lover Patrick Barkham left this beautiful message: Breathe in green, Breathe in blue, Soar soul! Thanks, nature.

Priced at £250 (inclusive of VAT), each butterfly can be engraved to order with the wording of your choice. Funds raised from the sale of the commemorative butterfly plaques will go towards BBOWT’s work creating more nature everywhere for everyone, to benefit wildlife, climate and people.

To order your personalised butterfly visit: www.bbowt.org.uk/support-us/your-wild-memories Order forms are also available from College Lake or the Nature Discovery Centre. For more information call 01865 775476 (Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm) and ask to speak to the Membership Team.

Behind the scenes with Thame Players

Round & About


On Saturday 27th January Thame Players are throwing the doors wide open to welcome everyone who’d like to see how it’s all done to come and look round the theatre

If you’ve ever wondered how a theatrical production is staged and what goes on behind the scenes, this is the time to find out!

You’ll be able to see how the theatre in Nelson Street OX9 2DP works from front of house to backstage, meet the (often highly skilled) volunteers who are behind every show put on, find out how to get involved yourself, and get some hands-on training, whether you’re interested in treading the boards, using your tech or DIY skills, helping with costumes and props, or greeting audiences at front of house.

You’ll be able to talk to members of our friendly team about any of these subjects:

Acting and directing – If you want to have a go at performing, this is your chance to grab a mic and recite or sing on the stage! You’ll receive advice and coaching by Thame Players’ actors, and music and play texts will be provided.

Sound and lighting – Members of the theatre’s tech team will show you round the impressive sound and lighting equipment, and you can have a go at pressing the buttons. If you’d like to improve your skills and you’re curious to see what’s involved, this is a great opportunity.

Backstage – You can see for yourself what the backstage crew get up to, so that things happen on cue and shows run smoothly. Members of the backstage team will be pleased to show you what’s involved and how it all comes together.

Set-building – If you’re handy with the screwdriver, you like woodwork or DIY or maybe  using a paintbrush, these skills are vital. You’ll be able to talk to members of the team, and try out a few effects yourself.

Costumes and make-up – Sourcing, making or adapting costumes is quite an art. Make-up is equally skilled. If you’re artistic, you like sewing or you’re handy with a powder brush, you can try some of Thame Players’ costumes, experiment with make-up effects and watch hands-on demos.

Front of house – If you’re good at socialising with people and can also pour the drinks, the front of house team are the friendly faces audiences meet when they arrive to see a show and gather in the foyer. To see how you could use your people skills, you can chat to members of the theatre’s front of house team.

Wayne Gibson, Open Day coordinator at Thame Players, said: “The theatre is made up of a community of people with different skills who make the magic happen. We’re looking forward to welcoming anyone and everyone from Thame and the local area on Saturday 27th, when there’ll be opportunities to find out what’s involved in putting on a show and how the theatre ticks. You’ll see what we do and how we do it, from acting and directing to set building, sound & lighting, and much more. So please come and see us at the Players Theatre on our Open Day – you’ll learn a lot and have a fun experience too!”

Your Bucks (and hens!) wedding guide

Round & About


Weddings in 2024 & beyond are an opportunity to ‘rip up the rule book’ and surprise your guests. Luckily Buckinghamshire has plenty of experts to help you achieve your dream, green, local wedding

Congratulations! You’ve said yes and celebrated with family and friends and – depending on the date for your big day – you’ll either be into full-on preparations or just making a start, but where to begin? Here are just a few ideas taking into consideration some of the trends for 2024.

Sustainability is a key consideration for many modern brides and grooms. Did you know the average wedding produces 14.5 tons of carbon dioxide? And weddings can negatively affect the planet in lots more ways, which is why Bucks wedding and event planners Eleanor Berry and Lois Langford, founders of Flamingo + Fern help couples tie the knot without causing undue harm to the environment.

Our single biggest tip would be to keep it as local as possible.”

“We’re seeing that people are increasingly interested in sustainability, not just in their everyday lives but also in major life events,” says Eleanor. “We believe this is going to be big trend for 2024 weddings and beyond. The wedding industry has a reputation for damaging the environment, and choosing sustainability can seem difficult or like you’ll have to compromise, but with a few simple changes, couples can still have the wedding of their dreams while reducing that negative impact. “Our single biggest tip would be to keep it as local as possible. Choose a venue close to most of your guests, pick suppliers near your venue, use seasonal, local produce and flowers and you’ll already have made a huge difference.”

For more simple, actionable tips on how to make your wedding more sustainable, you can check out their sustainable planning guide for free at flamingoandfern.co.uk 

Many couples will opt for biodegradable, recycled and upcycled decorations with “pre-loved” dresses becoming high on many brides’ lists from both an eco and cost point of view. Charity shops are a great source of beautiful bargains. Oxfam has a site dedicated to them at onlineshop.oxfam.org.uk/bridal

Hiring is growing in popularity, too. Searches for “wedding dress hire” have increased with specialist shops and sites such as Something Borrowed offering the opportunity to rent designer or vintage dresses. One of this year’s key dress trends is colour; brides in blush and dresses with floral motifs, blue hues and peach: Peach Fuzz is the Pantone colour for 2024.

Sisters Amy Ahern and Steph Miles opened White Lace and Butterflies fashion-forward boutique in Great Missenden in 2016. Since then they have been winning rave reviews from brides flocking from all over the world for the perfect frock. “We don’t do ordinary!” they say, in the pretty boutique inside a listed building, which has relaxed bridal rooms and super-spacious fitting rooms. “Your wedding is your chance to be bold and break the rules. We focus on contemporary and ‘out of the ordinary’ bridal style here in Buckinghamshire. You’ll find an unrivalled curation of world-renowned designers for the modern, fashion-savvy bride. Our collections are unique and anything but boring.” Take a look at whitelaceandbutterflies.co.uk

Since the pandemic pushed more couples into the open air, barns, vineyards and even industrial spaces remain popular for weddings. Many of these venues are also ideal for a more intimate celebration. Less formal catering and entertainment options continue to appeal for good reason, with charcuterie tables and local cheeses, dessert bars and live music, starring friends & family, making memorable highlights.

And, much to the relief of your guests, those formal, staged photography sessions of yore have made way for a more natural, storytelling approach. Photographer Chantelle Shepherd took the stunning cover picture in Chearsley and has won love from countless bride tribes for bringing out the best in her subjects, especially youngsters, having worked in childcare for 10 years. “I’m totally comfortable behind the camera,” she says… “however if it’s turned on me I don’t know what to do with myself! I feel awkward in front of the camera so I do my very best to make sure those who feel the same as me comfortable and relaxed.”
Visit chantelleshepherdphotography.co.uk

Justine Holliday, founder of West Wycombe’s Artisan Jewellery has more than 25 years’ experience and is loved for beautifully upcycling and remodelling pieces. She advises: “Give yourselves enough time to choose the perfect rings. Reserve space in your budget for your wedding band. Make sure it’s comfortable and it sits well with your engagement ring. You will hopefully be wearing this daily for the rest of your life, so you want it to stand the test of time, even when your tastes may have changed!” Please visit Artisan Jewellery