Musical stars: Rock Choir

Karen Neville

Rock Choir offers members known as Rockies much more than just the opportunity to sing with others, it can be life changing as founder Caroline Redman Lusher explains

Rock Choir takes on the role of a family, nurturing, supporting and transforming lives and for founder Caroline Redman Lusher, it is quite simply her “whole world”.

What is Rock Choir?

Founded in Farnham in 2005, Rock Choir has grown to encompass over 33,000 members across 400 choir groups in the UK.

Rock Choir is all about singing, having fun, community and friendship and best of all there’s no audition and no need to read music.

“Everyone who knows me understands that my whole world is Rock Choir and has been for 20 years now. It’s very much my ‘baby’ and very clearly my life’s work,” says Caroline. “Pop and rock music, performance and taking care of people are the three big areas of focus for me as well as my family, of course. I feel protective of my team, the choir leaders who work alongside me across the UK and the tens of thousands of members who take part in Rock Choir. After all, they have stepped into my Rock Choir- world and I feel responsible for their happiness, well-being, musical education and for my team, their careers.”

The Impact of Rock Choir

Caroline concedes that for any venture to succeed in the music business is notoriously tough but the letters she receives from Rockies makes it more than worthwhile. “When I hear their personal stories filled with challenges and often pain and grief, they explain how Rock Choir has helped, given them focus and friendship and made a huge and positive difference to them. It means the world to me and I know that I am in the right place with my life and career and making a difference to all these people.

“The personal sense of fulfilment comes when I see a member lose themselves in the music, smiling, singing and with sparkle in their eyes. They’re confident, free and happy. And that’s what we all want isn’t it? Rock Choir gave them this and it makes me want to work harder and offer the experience to as many people and communities as possible.”

Caroline’s new book, Sing: The Story of Rock Choir, documents her story and how she came to set up Rock Choir and in doing so help to transform the lives of thousands. The book delves into the meteoric rise of enterprise, which first captured national attention following an appearance on BBC Breakfast. This exposure helped propel Rock Choir into the spotlight, making it a symbol of joy, unity, and musical expression for people.

She explains: “When I created Rock Choir, my aim was to offer a positive, glamourous and safe social and musical platform to each community, supporting both the members who take part in Rock Choir and in turn, their families, local organisations and charities.

“I had already witnessed the positive impact of group singing on the mental health of my students as an A-level Music and Performing Arts teacher. I knew I could help communities and support the public if I offered something new and glamourous; a choir experience with exciting performance opportunities creating a busy social lifestyle led by exemplary teaching using pop and rock music.

“Instead of teaching traditional music using traditional choir values, I offered an accessible and inclusive experience with no audition and no requirement to read music. I created the unique Rock Choir experience using many well-being tools to help build members’ personal confidence, giving them a busy diary full of fun social events and immersing them in the greatest pop and rock songs of our time.

“The Rock Choir experience as a whole, leads to a huge improvement of their emotional, physical and mental health. It gives everyone a sense of purpose, fulfilment and the new friendships they make offer support, kindness and further social activities.”

For man Rockies it has become much more and is an emotional and fulfilling testament to the work of Caroline and her choir leaders. She says: “I often receive emails and letters from the Rockies and their families describing how Rock Choir has given them a new and happier outlook on life and that they have found their sparkle again; that they have made new friends for life.  

“For some, Rock Choir has become a life-line when the more difficult and challenging aspects of life appear like divorce, depression, empty-nest syndrome, loneliness, cancer and ill-health.  

“Rock Choir takes on the role of a family, nurturing, supporting and helping the individual. Introducing a choir which uses contemporary music, pop and rock songs and it has transformed lives.” 

Meet the choir leaders

All Rock Choir leaders are unique and talented individuals who have been carefully chosen, not just for their talent, but for their personality and commitment to members’ well-being too. There are currently over 80 leaders leading between 3 and 11 rehearsals a week in their community. 

• In Surrey and Hampshire join a choir in Farnham, Godalming & Guildford led by Tom George; in Alton, Camberley & Woking led by Danny Gortler; in Basingstoke by Glen Harvey; Georgie Standage leads the choir in Haslemere; join Lucy Hewes in Ascot & Fleet and in Chobham and Woking with Sam Smith. 

• In Oxfordshire join a choir in Abingdon, Didcot, Wantage, Witney & Oxford, all led by Krisha Kaye. 

• In West Berkshire & Wiltshire there are choirs in Newbury, Thatcham, Hungerford and Tadley, all led by Chloe Payne and in North Wiltshire & Swindon with Sarah Hollick. 

In Berkshire join a choir in Reading, Bracknell, Henley, Windsor, all led by Lucy Hewes and in Wokingham led by Glen Harvey. 

Join the Rock Choir Community today

Find details about your local Rock Choir at Meet Your Local Rock Choir Leaders – Rock Choir

Sing: The Story of Rock Choir is available from SING – The Story of Rock Choir – Caroline Redman Lusher and at Waterstones, WH Smith, Amazon & more.

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Go nuts for PeCAN’s tree project

Karen Neville

Get your trees for Petersfield Climate Action Network’s Fruit Tree in Every Garden project

Petersfield Climate Action Network’s project encouraging people to plant fruit trees in their garden is back for a fifth year and the first round of orders is open now!

Over the last four years PeCAN has distributed nearly 2,000 fruit trees for gardens across East Hampshire as part of its Fruit Tree in Every Garden scheme.

This year choose from apple, pear, plum, greengage, cherry, apricot and filbert (cobnut). There is a limited stock of each variety – so get in quick to secure your top choice! Each fruit tree costs just £12.50 and comes with a stake and instructions on how to plant. These trees usually cost between £25-£35, but thanks to East Hampshire District Council (this project has received funding from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund) you can buy them at a heavily subsidised price.

On Saturday 22nd February you will be able to collect your fruit trees from collection points in Alton, Liphook, Petersfield and Rowlands Castle. At Petersfield Community Garden you will also benefit from free expert advice, workshops on how to plant, train and prune your tree, and activities for the whole family – at a Festival of Trees. You can select your preferred pick-up point when you place your order and PeCAN request that you please order a maximum of five fruit trees per household.

Trees provide nesting places and materials, food sources and cover for wildlife – so by planting a tree in your garden you can have a positive impact on local populations and increase our collective resilience in the face of climate change.   

To order your subsidised fruit trees (before Thursday, 6th February or until stocks last), go to:   

Petersfield Climate Action Network (PeCAN) is an environmental charity, set up in 2020 by local residents. PeCAN’s aims are to reduce carbon emissions in Petersfield and the surrounding villages, mitigate the effects of climate change on the natural environment, and increase biodiversity, which they do by leading and supporting decarbonisation and nature projects in the community.   

Join Alton Runners this new year

Karen Neville

If ‘start running’ is one of your New Year’s Resolutions, read on! Running coach, Fran Light, from Alton Runners tells us how to get into running and how to keep running 

In seven years coaching beginner runners, one rule I have found to be true is ‘keep it fun and you will continue to run’.  

Websites offer training programmes and valuable tips on techniques, well worth a look, but if you don’t enjoy running, you will stop, so here’s how you can make your running journey a happy, joyful one. 

Every run is a gift

Even on days when you’re not feeling it, a run can add a little joy to your day, perhaps you spot something new, see a particularly adorable dog, a crochet post box topper, or a stunning sunset. You might just enjoy being out in the fresh air or having time to yourself. Look for the positive. Treat every run as a gift, rather than a chore, and you’ll feel enriched and happy.  

Mix it up!

Establishing a running routine is a good idea but can lead to boredom. Add some variety and you’ll be less likely to lose your running mojo. Try different routes. Run your ‘go to’ route in reverse. Add some side roads. If you normally zone out listening to music, leave your headphones at home and engage with your surroundings. Run at a different time of day. Set yourself fun challenges, say a cheery hello to at least five passers-by, or find five different coloured doors.   

Buddy up

We all have days when a solo run is what we need, but similarly, some days it’s good to chat. Joining a running club (Alton details below) is one way to meet new running buddies. You could also pair up with a friend who runs. It’s unlikely you will both naturally run at exactly the same pace, so agree to run at a pace comfortable for you both. 

Banish negative self-talk

Banish phrases like “I should go for a run”. Start saying “I want to go for a run” instead (even if you don’t) and soon you’ll be feeling it as well as saying it.  

Look after yourself

Running isn’t fun if it hurts, so increase your chances of staying injury and niggle-free by cross-training, taking rest days and doing a warm-up before every run and a cool-down afterwards. Take it slow and steady, and most importantly, just enjoy it! 

About Alton Runners

Alton Runners is a friendly and inclusive running club located in Alton, Hampshire, welcoming runners of all abilities. Whether you’re looking to get fit, achieve a personal best at a parkrun, or train for a marathon, we have something for everyone. 

We participate in the Hampshire Road Race League and the Southern Cross Country League. 

Join us for training sessions twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, typically at Jubilee Fields and Anstey Park.  

Fran’s speciality is teaching beginners via the Club’s Alton Rookie Runners programme. For more information visit the Alton Runners website: Alton Runners

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King’s award for Farnham Repair Café

Karen Neville

Farnham Repair Café has been honoured for the difference it is making to the community with the King’s Award for Voluntary Service

Founded in 2015 and gaining charity status in 2017, Farnham Repair Cafe has grown into a vital resource for people seeking to repair broken or faulty items, reducing waste and saving money.  

It repairs household objects including electricals such as irons and kettles, mechanical items, furniture, laptops, bikes, clocks, clothing and textiles.  

The café, which operates monthly at The Spire Church, has welcomed almost 6,000 product owners and successfully repaired more than 2,600 items. Repairing the products has diverted over seven tonnes of waste from landfill, avoided over 68 tonnes of carbon emissions and saved residents an estimated £220,000 in replacement costs.  

Everything FRC does is done by volunteers, from repairs to running the welcome desk, to marketing, fundraising, strategy and everything in between. The current team of volunteers contributes an estimated 2,220 hours a year. The repairers have an amazing set of skills and relish the challenge of some of the trickier items that come in for repair. Between them they have decades of experience in electrical and mechanical engineering, software development, making clothes and furniture and much more.  

Professor Martin Charter, Founder and Chair of FRC, thanked the volunteers’ unwavering commitment. “Our volunteers are the heart and soul of this initiative,” he said. “Their passion for repair not only helps individuals save money but also contributes to the larger goal of reducing CO2 emissions and combating the throwaway culture. We are thrilled to have received this recognition.” 

Clive Handy, long-time volunteer said: “I joined FRC shortly after it started and after I had retired as a jet engineer. For me, the best part is when you’ve fixed a product and you feel the gratitude of the owner and the sense of achievement that something has been saved from landfill. The camaraderie with my ‘fellow fixers’, many of whom have become friends over the years, is also important to me.” 

Satisfied ‘customer’ Mike Baker praised the “excellent service from FRC repairers” he has enjoyed on several occasions including a complicated hi-fi cassette player, adding: “Both me and my daughter were incredibly grateful to FRC textiles team who have brought back to life a teddy bear and Basil Brush.” 

FRC also supports the wider repair movement, welcoming groups from other towns who are setting up their own cafés, to share how they operate as well as initiating a knowledge sharing network of over 20 local repair cafés called the Greater Surrey Repair Café Network. With support from UCA, to help demonstrate its impact, FRC developed its website – – and a repair carbon calculator that is used by more than 100 repair cafés worldwide. 

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Godalming Operatic Society celebrates 100 years

Karen Neville

Enjoy the splendour of Gilbert and Sullivan with Godalming Operatic Society’s production of The Yeoman of The Guard, February 19th to 23rd at Godalming Borough Hall

Godalming Operatic Society is going back to where it started to celebrate its centenary with its upcoming show The Yeoman of The Guard. 

Widely regarded as one of the country’s leading Gilbert and Sullivan societies, GOS was founded in 1924 and had its first production, The Yeomen of the Guard, on February 19th, 1925. Now exactly 100 years later, February 19th, 2025, the curtain will rise again. 

Set in the Tower of London, The Yeoman of The Guard tells of the arrival of a travelling troupe of performers sparking forbidden romances, fantastical plots and unrequited love. It’s full of delightful tunes including When a Wooer goes a-Wooing, and Free from his fetters grim. 

Yeomen is considered by many to be Gilbert & Sullivan’s finest work, a view also expressed by both of them. Darker than many of the other G&S operas, the pathos is well balanced by much joyous and colourful music which ‘bubbles with wit and good humour’. 

This special production will be accompanied by a professional orchestra, this year expanded to 24 players, under the direction of Musical Director, David Wright. The production will be fully staged with spectacular costumes and scenery. 

With the exception of the war and Covid, Godalming Operatic Society has put on a major Gilbert and Sullivan production every year, including the more rarely performed works such as The Grand Duke and Utopia Ltd. 

In addition to a fully-staged opera each February, in June or July they put on a smaller scale work, often at a smaller local venue such as the Wilfrid Noyce Centre in Godalming. Previous summer productions range from a concert version of Aida to The Zoo by Arthur Sullivan and most recently the 2019 Summer concert A Night at the Opera featuring a wonderful selection of grand opera arias, ensembles and chorus pieces. 

Over the years the Society has won many awards and accolades from NODA for its productions, costumes and more. 

New members are always very welcome. Previous experience is not necessary – it is enthusiasm that counts! The Society has a very active social side too with regular events and trips to see other shows, supporting other amateur operatic and musical theatre groups in the local area and further afield. The first point of contact is Chairman, Lee Power, at: [email protected] 

To book tickets for Godalming Borough Hall, February 19th to 23rd, please go to Godalming Operatic Society event tickets or call 0333 6663366. 

The Yeomen of the Guard will also run February 27th to March 1st at The Leatherhead Theatre. Visit The Leatherhead Theatre or phone 01372 365141. 

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Limited edition Christmas macaron gift boxes

Karen Neville

Treat your loved ones to the gift of festive macarons from Giselle Richardson – the most delicious way to celebrate Christmas this year.

The hunt for the perfect last-minute Christmas gift just got a whole lot sweeter. Giselle Richardson, the acclaimed macaron brand, has unveiled the irresistible flavours for this year’s Limited Edition Christmas Macaron Gift Boxes.

These festive treats, made with the finest British seasonal ingredients, offer a truly unique edible gift that’s perfect for the holiday season.

Presented in exclusive, limited-edition packaging designed by the talented illustrator Anna German, the macarons come in a vibrant Twelve Days of Christmas theme, adding an extra festive flair to your gift. From nostalgic Christmas classics to exciting seasonal gifts, each macaron is a testament to Giselle Richardson’s dedication to creating mouth-watering flavours that everyone will love.

“Our Christmas macarons are all about celebrating the season’s best flavours,” says Giselle Richardson, the pastry chef behind the brand. “I’ve worked hard to bring together the best of British produce and festive favourites in these macarons. From the rich indulgence of chocolate caramel sea salt to the refreshing zing of apple bergamot, every bite is a little taste of Christmas joy.”

This Year’s Christmas Macaron Flavours Include:

• Chocolate
• Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt
• Apple Bergamot
• Gingerbread Orange
• Brandy-Caramel Poached Clementine (contains alcohol)
• Snowball (contains alcohol)
• Caramelised Pecan Cranberry
• White Chocolate Pomegranate Peppermint

Pre-order now to ensure your macarons arrive in time for Christmas. Orders will be dispatched on Saturday 21st December via Royal Mail Track 24, with delivery available UK-wide. Alternatively, you can collect your gift box directly from Giselle Richardson’s London kitchen or visit one of their markets across the capital.

The festive packaging features a two-sided design, with playful illustrations inspired by the Twelve Days of Christmas, such as 3 French Hens and 7 Swans-a-Swimming. Choose your preferred design, or even opt for last year’s whimsical 9 Ladies Dancing or 10 Lords-a-Leaping designs.

For those gifting directly, you can also personalise your order with a note to add that extra special touch.

To order your Christmas Macaron Gift Box, visit CHRISTMAS MACARON GIFT BOX | PRE-ORDER NOW FOR XMAS DELIVERY – Giselle Richardson and pre-order today.

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Join Newbury’s Festival of Light

Karen Neville

The illuminated parade takes to the streets of the town on Sunday, 15th December from 4pm in Market Place

The Corn Exchange Newbury is set to light up the streets of the town on Sunday 15th December, as their annual Festival of Light returns for another year to unite local people in an incredible illuminated procession.

From the terrific lantern making workshops, to opportunities to lead this phenomenal parade as part of their community Samba band, everyone is welcome to come together to celebrate the festive season.

The Festival of Light has seen over 30,000 people engage in the festival over the past 12 years, with 9,600 people having participated in the parade during that time. The parade will travel along Northbrook Street before arriving in the Market Place where locals can expect catchy live music.

The Corn Exchange have been running lantern making workshops at 101 Outdoor Arts and in local schools so pupils can ignite their creativity for the festive celebration.

Workshops have also been held for the community Samba band inviting as many people as possible to take part. Led by Reading based Music Charity Readipop featuring experienced drummers from Beatroots Bateria, they have guided participants through the process of learning the samba instruments, rehearsing the patterns and routines and forming a marching drumming troupe to perform at the magical winter parade.

Based on a former US nuclear airbase outside Newbury, 101 Outdoor Arts has grown to be a unique powerhouse for creativity, supporting the creation of hundreds of performances and installations destined to be showcased at festivals, major arts events and cultural programmes both across the UK and internationally. Whilst the Corn Exchange Newbury have been presenting outdoor events in Newbury for over 12 years, this year marks ten year since they opened the 101 National Centre for Arts in Public Space. With the support of Arts Council England and Greenham Trust, they host hundreds of artists every year in the centre’s unique facility, which includes residential accommodation and scenic fabrication facilities, and where the lanterns and festival programme will be created ready for the procession on the 15th December.

101 Outdoor Arts produces a year-round, free programme of national and international outdoor arts performances with the Corn Exchange Newbury, engaging thousands of audiences annually, and striving to involve thousands of local participants, volunteers and community groups across Newbury to widen the scope for creative engagement in the arts.

Corn Exchange Newbury’s Director, Jessica Jhundoo-Evans comments, The Festival of Light is always a highlight of the year for us; bringing together local people and volunteers to create beautiful lanterns and bringing our community together in an illuminated procession. It is a joy to see families and friends gather to enjoy this magical event and to know that people love it enough to keep it fixed in their calendars.

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Twelve wild days of Christmas

Karen Neville

Fox © Jon Hawkins

12 Days Wild is the festive challenge by the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife (BBOWT), from 25th December to 5th January.

Are you up for the challenge of doing one wild thing every day or night…?

Sign up at 12 Days Wild (2024) | Berks Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust and you’ll receive daily inspirational emails packed with fun ideas to help you embrace winter walks in nature or the magic of night-time star gazing – to lift your mood and much more!

Illustration © Corinne Welch

You could:

• Track animals by looking for footprints in the mud or snow
• Go star gazing on a clear night
• Go winter wildlife watching on a walk at a nature reserve
• Or even volunteer at a nature reserve – nature will appreciate it
• Make a New Year’s resolution to help nature. What will you do in 2025?

BBC TV presenter and Wildlife Trust Vice President Iolo Williams, says: “From dawn to dusk, winter wildlife is busy all around us. Otters are always up early and if you see a trail of bubbles in the water, you’ll know they’ve spotted you first. Night-hunting barn owls venture out on cold winter days to find extra food and will woosh past you in the winter sun. Then, at dusk, starlings gather in the sky forming ever-shifting shapes and patterns known as murmurations. There are so many wildlife adventures to be had during 12 Days Wild – I hope you enjoy them.”

Liz Shearer, Community Engagement Director at BBOWT says: “To mark 12 Day Wild this year I’ll be pledging to connect with nature for at least 10 minutes every day. Whether it be a walk amongst the winter trees, watching birds in a tree across a cold and frosty park, or noticing the clouds on a bright day, I often find that stepping outside and taking a moment to connect with wildlife is a powerful way to recharge my batteries. 12 Days Wild is a great opportunity to create some space for yourself, which at this time of year can feel like a real gift.

“Committing to something manageable will make it even more enjoyable. Observe how weather changes the landscapes and check in with yourself – how do you feel within them? Noticing our own relationship with the natural world is the first step to taking action to safeguard it. So, I encourage you to stop for a moment, listen, and see what wild means to you.”

Spending time in nature – night or day – is proven to help people feel happier and healthier. A Wildlife Trusts’ survey found that participants of the 30 Days Wild summer challenge felt 56% more connected to nature after taking part, and that it boosted the health of participants by an average of 30%.*

There’s more information on the challenge at: 12 Days Wild | The Wildlife Trusts

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Twisty short stories for World Vision

Karen Neville

North Ascot writer’s book raises funds for children in Ukraine

Can you spot the twist before the twist gets you? That’s the challenge being laid down by Peter Frost and all for a good cause.

Peter who lives in Blackmoor Wood has sponsored an African child for more than 20 years through the charity World Vision.

When the Ukraine war broke out he was contacted by World Vision asking for donations for Ukraine children, which he did but he also had the idea of publishing a book of stories to help contribute further.

Peter says: “The book of stories, Uncle Chris’s Collection of Crafty Short Stories, came about because I was an Innovation Manager at a company where my role was to come up with neat ideas. I’ve used this thinking to think of clever story twists and have created stories around them.

“The stories are all cosy mysteries and are all very different to each other. The aim is for the reader to have a quick read story (10 minutes) where the story has a twist at the end and the reader has to ‘spot the twist before the twist gets you!”

“My thinking was that instead of donating money, people might donate more if they had something for it, so by buying a book we might get more donations.”

He has told World Vision about the book and that it is mentioned in the back of it, and the aim to raise £500 (more if the book does well!) and they are now looking forward to the further support.

The book has just been published and is on Amazon (as paperback, and soon to be Ebook) and is also available from Waterstones.

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Support Treloar’s Winter Appeal

Karen Neville

Treloar’s Winter Appeal launches on Giving Tuesday, December 3rd. Can you contribute to their fundraising?

This year’s Treloar’s Winter Appeal will focus on raising funds to replace 54 hoists across the school.

Hoists are a life-changing piece of equipment that allow individuals to maintain their independence and dignity, by safely manoeuvring them within their classrooms, learning areas and residential houses.

The Maxi Sky 600 hoists used across Treloar’s are coming to the end of their working lives and will become obsolete by December 2025. The school currently has 154 of these hoists – all of which are in constant daily use. Each new hoist costs £910.

The school is urgently fundraising to replace the remaining 54 hoists. Over the years, the complexity of Treloar’s students’ needs has increased, and today all students are wheelchair-users. The majority have a sensory impairment and over half use assisted speech technology to communicate. For nearly all students, getting out of their wheelchair is impossible without assistance. Having hoists enables students to get out of their wheelchairs in their classrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, swimming pool and leisure areas.

Clare Bradford, Joint Head of Physiotherapy at Treloar’s said: “Given our students’ complexities, hoists are an absolute necessity for safely manoeuvring our students within their classrooms and learning areas and in the residential houses. The hoists also enable students to access a variety of equipment and environments. This includes being able to get onto their trikes or access the trampoline, swimming pool and soft play. Hoists are found in all common rooms, physiotherapy rooms and in students’ bedrooms and bathrooms. Having hoists available in each room plays a huge role in unlocking the potential in our students and enabling them a greater level of independence, choice and comfort. If you are able, please help us provide hoists for all our students by donating to our winter Appeal.”

Treloar’s Student, Leon, said: “It’s nice to be out of my wheelchair. I had never been hoisted before I got to Treloar’s so it’s nice to not be sitting down all day now. I like getting out of my chair – it’s not good to be in it all day so it’s good to do other stuff.”

Another student added: “Having a hoist in class is marvellous, I can now do walking and standing with my friends and not miss out on anything else.”

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