Freddy, steady go in Seer Green!

Round & About


Star pianist Freddy Kempf will star in Seer Green on Sunday, 14th July, as the final highlight in Jordans Music Club’s 81st summer festival

Jordans Music Club’s members are delighted that Freddy Kempf is returning to play for them again after his triumphant concert in 2018.

Chairman Marian Pell says: “Freddy is one of today’s most successful pianists, performing to sell-out audiences all over the world. Exceptionally gifted with an unusually broad repertoire, Freddy has built a unique reputation as an explosive and physical performer unafraid to take risks as well as a serious, sensitive and musical artist.

“The concert opens with one of the great achievements for piano in Beethoven’s middle period, the C major Sonata dedicated to Count Waldstein, a sonata which reflects both the grandeur and the brilliance of the Eroica Symphony, composed the previous year.

“We are then treated to Moments Musicaux, first by Schubert and then by Rachmaniov. Schubert’s Moments are quite short, reflecting different moods from the melancholic to the whimsical. Rachmaninov’s versions show the influence of Chopin but are more monumental and virtuosic as Rachmaninov draws on models from high Romanticism and remoulds them. The mood moves from the intensely mournful through storms and calm to the majestic grand finale – a fitting close to our 2024 season.”

Do you dig Greys Court?

Round & About


As part of this month’s Festival of Archaeology, archaeologists from the National Trust and South Oxfordshire Archaeology Group will investigate some of Greys Court’s fascinating buried archaeology. Katy Dunn tells us more…

The known history of Greys Court, between Henley and Rotherfield Greys, stretches back over 900 years, with the earliest known record being the Domesday Book of 1086. The de Grey family constructed the original manor house on the site, and early historic fabric survives, notably the Great Tower and adjacent wall fragments, dating from the 12th-14th centuries.

The archaeologists will examine the evidence of a series of “parch-marks” which are revealed on Greys Court’s oval lawn in particularly dry weather. These hint at a courtyard wall with a possible gatehouse structure. There were also other buildings on the site, now demolished. The team will also be guided by a geophysics survey across the lawn.

National Trust archaeologist Adrian Cox said: “We are hoping to add to our knowledge of the fascinating early history of Greys Court. We have a range of information already, including aerial photographs and the evidence of an 19th-century engraving depicting the site and showing its courtyard walls. We want to better understand the medieval and post-medieval layouts of the manor, so that we can give visitors a more accurate picture of how it looked in the past. We are aiming to give visitors close access to this archaeological research as it unfolds on site.”

The National Trust is proud to support the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) Festival of Archaeology, the UK’s biggest annual celebration of archaeology.

Shannon Hogan, National Archaeologist with the National Trust said “We’re delighted to be working with Council for British Archaeology on the Festival Archaeology at the places we care for. Archaeological experiences and activities offer opportunities for more people to find ways to connect with and learn about their local history and heritage. The Festival of Archaeology helps us deliver more for communities by uniting children and adults alike in a range of heritage activities and events.”

Archaeologists will be working at Greys Court from 15th to 21st July, and will be very happy to speak with visitors and explain the work and there may be opportunities to get involved.

To find more National Trust Festival of Archaeology events, visit Festival of Archaeology 2024 | National Trust

Toast to The White Oak, Cookham!

Round & About


Cookham’s newest pub, The White Oak, has summer fun in store, including bottomless brunch and live music. We raise a toast to the pub along with manager Luke Weston

Our local pubs are often the beating heart of our community. So it’s fantastic that The White Oak has reopened its doors after being saved thanks to the Brucan Pubs Group.

What’s more, in this fertile, foodie-populated part of the county, the fabulous British-inspired menu is attracting hungry punters. And the first reactions from diners has been hugely positive.

“I’ve had so many conversations over the last few weeks with locals,” says the White Oak’s general manager Luke Weston. “They’ve told me how much they love The White Oak and how sad they were when it closed. Our opening weeks have been great and the feedback fantastic. Having worked out of the area, it’s so good to be back with friends popping in.”

Luke lives in nearby Maidenhead with his wife and son and the former Sir William Borlase pupil loves the area. This month, as you can see, we’re celebrating local produce and suppliers, and Luke has a lot of love for Gordon Supermarket in Gordon Road… “Here you’ll find lots of interesting Asian ingredients to play with,” he says. “Italian Continental is also great. My favourite, though, is probably the Meat Hook of Marlow; it’s worth popping in just for a chat with Andy.”

Brucan Pubs currently operates four other pubs in the collection: The Greene Oak in Windsor, The Drumming Snipe in Mayford, The Greyhound in Finchampstead and The Star in Witley. The Brucan team hope The White Oak will follow in the same footsteps. The team pride themselves on rescuing closed pubs and breathing new life – and traditional hospitality – back into the heart of the community.

The White Oak menu focuses on British seasonal produce, with a regular changing menu, extensive selection of beers, quality wines and cocktails. The are daily, hyper-seasonal specials. Brucan’s MD James Lyon-Shaw is passionate about sourcing the finest ingredients from the British larder and showcasing them in traditional dishes.

Serious meat-lovers can expect 45-day aged native and rare-breed steaks on offer as well as produce from Vicars Game in season. Fish is wild, sustainable, and British, sourced from day boats on the south coast. There’s a handsome bar menu too, Sunday roasts are a big fixture and live music starts on Saturdays, mid-July.

“We’re so lucky to have such beautiful countryside without being out in the sticks,” says Luke of this bit of Bucks. “And loads of amazing pubs! As well as the White Oak, I pop into the Crown in Burchett’s Green for their amazing value fixed-price lunch. And The Dew Drop Inn, which I ran for six years and is now in the capable hands of my mate, Simon Bonwick, who is an amazing chef. I am also reasonably well known in my local, The Pinkney’s Arms.

“If I had a magic wand I’d wish for lower VAT on pub and restaurant food so more people can enjoy the amazing pub culture in our country.”

Big Butterfly Count is flying high

Round & About


You can help protect the future of local species under threat thanks to Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count, 14th July to 6th August

Butterfly spotting can be one of summer’s most wonderful experience. As the sun appears, and flowers bloom, more and more sightings of our fluttery favourites can be seen.

You may be able to identify some common butterflies quickly. The Brimstone, for example, is a yellow-green butterfly that’s one of the first species to be spotted in spring. The Comma is another favourite for many, and has distinctively scalloped wing edges and its underwings resemble dead leaves as a form of camouflage.

A number of stunning day-flying moths bring the same buzz. The Six-spot Burnet has striking red spots on each forewing. Butterfly Conservation has a handy online identification tool. You may also like to familiarise yourself with different species’ habitats. Red Admirals enjoy almost any habitat from hedgerows to the top of mountains. Others, such as the Speckled Wood inhabit woodland.

Holtspur Bottom Butterfly Reserve, HP9 1DH, covers an area of about 4.5 hectares (11 acres), and is managed thanks to the hard work of local Butterfly Conservation volunteers.

And, Yoesden HP14 4AR, is home to an impressive array of butterflies, considered by many one of the jewels of the Chilterns AONB, with some 28 species recorded, including three scarce blue species: Adonis, chalkhill and small blue butterflies, all of which rely on the flower-rich grassland that makes up half the reserve, owned & managed by Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust. Park at Bledlow Ridge; more info at Yoesden | Berks Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust (

The Big Butterfly Count is the largest citizen science survey of its kind. By recording your sightings, you’ll provide valuable data on the populations and distributions of common species. Last year revealed species such as the Common Blue and Holly Blue had a good summer, with an increase in sightings of 154% and 120% from 2021 respectively.

It takes just 15 minutes and whether you’re in a park, garden or looking out of your window, taking part helps us understand UK butterflies’ plight. Some 80% of butterflies have declined since the 1970s and two thirds of common moth species have declined in the last 40 years.

Vox pop Q&A with Holt Dugan

Round & About


Carpenter & dad Holt Dugan, 45, tells us his best bits of Bucks after swapping America for Amersham

Q. Hi Holt. Where do you live?
“I live in Amersham with my wife Emily and our kids Ada (4), Sam(2), and our English Springer Spaniel Sonny. We live in Amersham and moved here from SW London in 2021. However, I grew up on a row-crop farm in the American mid-west and moved to England from Nashville at the end of 2018 after meeting Emily when she was visiting for work – we’ve been busy!”

Q. What are your favourite shops or local businesses?
“I can often be found at Timberstore in Beaconsfield where the team always look after me, and John Cox & Son Motors are top-notch mechanics and just generally good people. I work as a carpenter, specialising in bespoke garden rooms and outdoor kitchens, treehouses, pergolas and playground equipment, as well as fitted indoor furniture such as wardrobes, cabinets, bookshelves etc.”

Q. What are your favourite local pubs or restaurants?
“Lunches at Darmon Deli and at Spiga in Amersham are always great. In both instances, the proprietors are as terrific as the food. With two small children my wife and I are more likely to enjoy an evening takeaway from Tom Yum Thai in Amersham or from Kai at Shangri-La Chinese in Chesham. However, if we are going out, we do like to treat ourselves with the daal makhani at Hawkyns or a night at The Griffin in Old Amersham. I worked as a chef many years ago in Austin Texas so my ultimate treat is probably a tasting menu somewhere very fancy, which often surprises people! The Artichoke in Old Amersham for my birthday last year was exceptional.”

Q. What are your favourite walks?
“Sonny comes to work with me most days and my business partner Jon has a spaniel too so they have a great time! Our favourite place to walk is in the woods at Hervines Park near to where we live, particularly when the bluebells are out.”

Q. What highlights are you looking forward to later this year?
“Workwise we’re about to start building a three-tier treehouse with a zip line and climbing wall which I am excited about. With the weather finally turning nicer we are getting more outdoor kitchen projects being booked in. We just finished a really fun one in Chalfont St Giles and have another really unique one booked for Beaconsfield in a couple of weeks. We also have a massive timber-framed barn restoration and conversion on a farm outside of Chesham we’re really looking forward to. We’ve got a really enjoyable next few months coming up. Outside of work my family has a couple of holidays coming up. In July, my parents are coming over for my daughter’s nursery graduation after which we are all heading to Menorca for two weeks. Then in October my wife and kids and I are joining other friends for a week in Turkey.”

Q. What do you most love about where you live?
“I just love Amersham. The people are lovely. My neighbours are kind and amicable. The town itself has everything I need from hardware and timber to speciality groceries to Michelin star restaurants. Not to mention the absolutely breathtaking rolling hills and centuries old architecture. I can be lost in the woods, on a playground with the kids, picking up dinner, getting a cup of coffee or catching the tube to London, all within a 15-minute walk from my house. Y’all know how to design a town over here!”

Q. Finally, if you could make one wish for the world, what would it be?
“I would wish for everyone to live with a little more love and a little less fear. To work hard, laugh loudly, eat well, and be kind. Also, hire us for your next building project!”

Call Holt on 07379 209449.

Puppy power! Volunteer for Hearing Dogs 

Round & About


Hearing dogs support their deaf partners by giving them invaluable practical and emotional support. But the charity can only train these amazing dogs with the help of its dedicated volunteer puppy trainers. Could you help train a pup and change someone’s life?  

Many deaf people miss out on vital sounds such as smoke alarms, alarm clocks and even baby monitors. Hearing dogs not only alert people to these sounds, they also provide unwavering love and companionship.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People’s work is only made possible thanks to its network of volunteer puppy trainers who care for and train hearing dog puppies in their own home.

Sue Davis, from Bledlow (above), became a volunteer trainer last August. “We live close to Hearing Dogs’ training centre in Saunderton, so I know of the charity and the many wonderful ways it supports deaf people”, she says.

“After losing our family dogs, we missed having a dog around the house, so applying for a volunteering role that involved spending time with puppies, while helping make a difference, seemed a no-brainer. Our first house guest was lovely cockerpoo Freddie who impressed our whole family with his nature and impeccable manners. Afterwards we had Henry, an eight-week old cockerpoo. It was so rewarding helping him learn about his new world.

“I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to develop my own understanding of dog behaviour and effective training. I like to learn! And knowing that the puppies will go on to change the life of a deaf person is so rewarding.”

Teenager Zach Allen from Chalfont St Peter was partnered with hearing dogs Echo nine years ago. Before Echo, Zach struggled to get to sleep every night. His mum Kirsty explains: “Zach said that if he closed his eyes without his hearing aids in, he might not see or hear a burglar. He couldn’t hear us moving around the house, so he felt alone in the dark.

“He started going to bed with his hearing aids in. Then he wanted music on. Then a light. Then he wanted someone with him in his room. Soon he began to experience night terrors. Every day felt like a fight for survival. It affected everything, day in, day out. But then everything changed. And I do mean everything. Because Echo the hearing dog came into our lives.

“That night, out went the hearing aids, the music and the lights. Zach didn’t need them. He said, ‘Echo will keep me safe’, and that was the end of that! Zach is now 16 and about to sit his GCSEs. Prior to Echo’s arrival this would never have been possible as Zach wasn’t getting enough sleep to concentrate in a classroom.

“Zach doesn’t remember much about life without Echo, but we do. We remember the huge impact on our whole family and the immense confidence Echo has given him.”

Hearing Dogs is urgently looking for a volunteer puppy trainers in Buckinghamshire to train the next generation of hearing dogs. No experience is needed, just plenty of time and boundless love to give to an adorable pup. To find out more, visit, call 01844 348129, or email [email protected]

Farm shops worth forking out for!

Liz Nicholls


Summer is the perfect season to sample the goodies at your local farm shop (NB many close on Mondays!), support homegrown growers and help the environment. Liz Nicholls offers her pick of the crops in Bucks & nearby

Fellow foodies, you’re in good hands at the universally loved Peterley Manor in Prestwood, HP16 0HH. Its founders, the Brill family, have been farming in these parts for more than 130 years. Today Peterley is a great day out, with its nursery, pick-your-own and gorgeous Barn Kitchen (a feast for your eyes and tastebuds). The multi-award winning farm shops stocks homegrown, British and seasonal produce, plus products from 100+ suppliers, including Bucks Fish, Laceys (more of which imminently), Nettlebed Creamery, Marlow Cheese Company and Norton and Yarrow. There are wellbeing events, and more too. Visit Peterley Manor Farm or call 01494 863566 to find out more.

The Laceys are into their seventh generation carrying on a passion for farming and preserving our beautiful countryside. And Laceys Farm Shop, HP14 3LP, is the cream of the crop! The farm is home to a pedigree herd of Guernsey Cows, beef cattle and arable croppers with milk bottled on site and delivered around local towns and villages, supplying independent cafes and restaurants. The Laceys are delighted to have been crowned Best Farm Shop and Deli in the 2024 Muddy Stilettos Awards. Visit Laceys Family Farm / 01494 881660.

Oxmoor Farm in Great Hampden, HP16 9RD, is open for the season! Every month the Wild Feasts team welcome a resident chef to cook a sharing banquet on the farmland to serve diners on shared tables overlooking the idyllic views (or in the renovated barn in cooler months). Beautiful new restaurant The Barn offers coffees, small plates, pizzas and natural wines and you can shop for fresh free range eggs, local honey and more. Visit Oxmoor Farm – The Barn & Wild Feast’s.

Would you like some wonderful Wagyu beef?! Pop into Town Farm Shop in Bisham, SL7 1RR, for this as well as fresh eggs, lamb, pork and pheasant (when in season). Visit Town Farm Shop or call 01628 473781.

Copas Farms Estate is a progressive, family-run, rural estate with deep roots in sustainable farming, in a fairytale setting. There are two pick-your-own Fruit Fields juicy with produce and the Copas Farm Shop in Iver, SL0 0LU. Visit Copas Farms Estate or call 01753 652727.

Nearby, soft fruit and apples grow in abundance and you can pick your own or stock up on groceries at Home Cottage Farm Shop, SL0 0BB. Call 01753 653064 or visit Home Cottage Farm to find out more!

Looking to ‘taste the rainbow’ and tuck into the freshest produce? Emmett’s Farm Shop in Little Marlow, SL7 3RR, offer this, plus chilled & frozen items, cakes, flowers, local honey & much more. Call 01628 484094 or visit Emmetts Farm Shop

Are you, like me, a sucker for a scotch egg?! This (as well as Mrs Blusch’s strawberry jam) is one of the specials attracting a loyal customer base at Amersham’s Hatchery Farm Shop, HP7 0JY. Visit The Hatchery Farm Shop or call 01494 670109.

All the goodies are created with love and locally sourced at Orchard View Farm in Little Meadle, HP17 9UG. This postcard-pretty setting is a dog-friendly and also has a café, farm shop, butchery and campsite. Call 01844 273387 or visit ORCHARD VIEW FARM

Farming comes first at the small but perfectly formed Buckmoorend Farm Shop in Butler’s Cross, HP17 0UT. You’ll find quality pork, beef and lamb, available for sale and the family team are involved in the entire chain, from farm to fork. They also serve hot food and drinks from the farm kitchen. The farm is surrounded by natural woodland amid the undulating Chiltern Hills and is part of the Chequers Estate, steeped in history. Call 01296 622472 or visit Buckmoorend Farm to find out more.

From pies to parties the team at Bradmoor Farm, Shop & Café in Haddenham, HP17 8JX are ready & waiting to help you! The butcher’s counter is full of quality cuts of meat and is a great stop for barbecue-lovers – the team’s banging burgers and sausages are freshly made on site. Call 01844 299387 or visit Bradmoor Farm to find out more.

Suppliers to the best in the hospitality business, Boarstall Meats was established in 2000 to market all the livestock produced on the Ernest Cook Trust farm of 500 acres half of which is on Muswell Hill (besides the Pheasant in Brill) which in places in 500ft above sea level and therefore only suited to grazing livestock. The shop is open Thursday to Saturday, and the team can cater for your outdoor events. Call 01844 238256 or visit Boarstall Meats to find out more.

Still fresh after 70 years in business, Rectory Farm, in nearby Stanton St John, OX33 1HF, is home to 45 acres of PYO fields, a well-stocked farm shop, cafe and woodland play area for a beautiful day out in the countryside. I’m a little bit obsessed with the coffee, with an obligatory wodge of cake. I also highly recommend the pies and sausage rolls from the Eadles Farm in neighbouring Beckley and Kingcott Dairy’s award-winning cheeses. Home – Rectory Farm (

For artisan foods with provenance you can’t beat The Wild Pig (formerly known as The Crazy Bear Farm Shop) at Stadhampton, OX44 7XJ. The team here started breeding Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs in 2006 and it was the world’s first farm to be TSG approved, awarded for welfare excellence by Compassion in World Farming. Visit The Wild Pig for more about this & scenic hot air balloon rides!

Whether you’re looking for quality meat, seasonal veg, homemade pies, seasonal game or tasty chutneys, Kings Farm Shop in Nash Lee End near Wendover, HP22 6BH, is always worth a visit. For more info please call 01296 622014 or visit King’s Farm Shop in Wendover

The rosettes hang proudly at Parrott Bros Farm Shop on Beechmoor Farm in Whitchurch, HP22 4LG. You’ll find top-quality meat including gammon, venison, rabbit, chicken, duck, guinea fowl, partridge and sausages as well as pork pies, fruit and veg, dairy and bakery items, soups, pickles and preserves! Call 01296 641207 or visit Parrott Bros

Priding themselves on the best homegrown and homemade produce, the team at Waterperry Farm Shop, OX33 1LB, deliver to a large portion of west Bucks. Visit Waterperry Farm Shop or call 01844 369351 for more info.

I’ve almost got to the end of my greedy list but a shout-out to Jeremy Clarkson’s Diddly Squat Farm Shop over in Chipping Norton (as seen on Amazon Prime). Diddly Squat Farm Shop

You can find more shops near you – or wherever else you’re visiting over the summer – at Fabulous Farm Shops. Tuck in & enjoy!

Capture nature for BBOWT photo competition

Round & About


Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) has opened its annual nature photography competition for 2024 with new categories and prizes

Nature lovers of all ages are being invited to submit their best shots of animals, plants, people and scenery at BBOWT nature reserves and in the community.

This year the vote is also being thrown open to the public, with a new ‘People’s Choice Award’. There’s also an extra category for mobile phone photography.

This year’s top prizes include a high-spec birdbox camera, an exclusive wildlife photography masterclass with GG Wildlife Experiences and all winners will have the chance to see their photos featured in the Trust’s 2025 wildlife calendar. There are also bundles of nature books for younger entrants to win for their schools.

Rachel Levis, BBOWT’s Head of Events, said: “We’re thrilled to launch our photography competition again this year. It’s always such a treat to see so many amazing photos of wonderful wildlife taken on our patch. This year we have introduced a People’s Choice Award, which is a great way of getting our supporters involved with the very tricky judging decisions.

“The mobile phone has opened up nature photography to almost everyone, so we’re please to include a new category for that this year. Anyone from a six-year-old with a phone to a professional photographer with all the kit can enter – so why not send us your best shot?”

• Children (ages 6-11) – in any of the categories.
• Teens (ages 12-17) – in any of the categories.
• Birds
• Mammals
• Butterflies & other insects
• Our nature reserves
• Urban nature
• Taking action for nature
• Mobile phone photography

Examples of last year’s winners/ runners up:

Photographs for most categories must be taken on BBOWT reserves, and all must be taken in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire or Oxfordshire. The closing dates for entries is Monday, 26th August. Entries received by Sunday, 28th July, will also be considered for the People’s Choice Award.

Steve Gozdz of competition sponsor GG Wildlife Experiences added: “Wildlife photography can require patience but can be very rewarding – spending time in nature and capturing ‘that moment’ with a bird, mammal or insect can turn a glimpse in time into a real memory that can be savoured and shared with others. You never know when those ‘moments’ will occur, take your camera wherever you go and be aware of the beauty in nature around you.”

Summer daze

Liz Nicholls


Holidays are on the horizon so let’s get out and have a good time whatever the weather. There’s fun for all ages to enjoy!

Summer feels as though it’s been a long time coming this year, don’t you think? We’re determined to squeeze every last drop from it, once the holidays start!

Luckily, whether you have tiny tots or surly teens to entertain, there are lots of events and attractions nearby to make great memories.

Quainton has been home to a railway station since 1868. And today this lovely rural village is home to a working steam museum and heritage railway (with a smashing visitors’ centre) where kids can enjoy steaming days for just £1pp over the holidays., from 24th July to 1st September. On steaming days the whole 25-acre site is open including steam train rides, miniature and model railways, as well as a gift shop, and travelling post office – a great family day out! Adults £12.50; seniors £11.50; kids £1, under-3s free. If you’re quick you can catch Zog on 30th June and Emergency Services Day is on Sunday, 11th August (£7.50pp & ES workers get free entry with their work ID). And there’s more! A Classic Car Show on BH Monday 26th August & Dino Day on 15th September. Please visit Buckinghamshire Railway Centre for full info.

Chiltern Open Air Museum in Chalfont St Giles, HP8 4AB, is always worth a visit, bringing stories from the Iron Age to the mid-20th century to life. There are 37 historic buildings for you to explore, filled with real objects, including historic toys and games. Try on WW1 uniforms, hats and pinnies, as well as Victorian clothing, accessories and more. Please visit Chiltern Open Air Museum for activities & what’s on.

Based largely in a medieval hall house, Amersham Museum brings to life fascinating local stories through exciting family-friendly exhibitions and events. You can travel through time with the new displays, join a guided walk, get creative in an activity session, or enjoy the herb garden. Also browse the shop full of locally inspired gifts! Amersham Museum

We love Wycombe Swan which offers the best of the West End with a spanking new season of shows, from The Rocky Horror Show starring Jason Donovan (call me, Jason!), to A Chorus Line, Grease, and Elf the Musical plus the magical pantomime, Aladdin, starring local hero Vernon Kay and the sensational La Voix. While we’re in Wycombe, a quick westwards mention for the fabulous Hellfire Caves: visit Hellfire Caves

We hope you enjoy our farms special! We can’t not give a friendly oink to one of our faves for animal adventures and indoor/outdoor fun, Odds Farm Park, HP10 0LX.

Kew Little Pigs is the award-winning farm in the Old Amersham with piggy experiences, petting pens and a new barn (which you can hire). If you’re smitten with the porkers (stars on screen & field), there are piglets for sale. Word to the wise: wear wellies! Visit Kew Little Pigs Farm

The Roald Dahl Museum & Story Centre in Great Missenden invites visitors to enjoy a peachy time (sorry) celebrating James and the Giant Peach from 20th July to 1st September. Enjoy Roald’s writing hut, and check out the activities lined up Tuesdays to Sundays including hands-on science workshops, daily storytelling, a themed trail and craft. Call 01494 892192 or visit Roald Dahl Museum & Story Centre

Fancy getting some fresh air? You can go above & beyond at Go Ape which has adventurous sites at Wendover, and Black Park in Slough, among others. Check out the zip wires, Tarzan swings, rope ladders, leafy hideout, Monkey Shuffle and more, including Captain Fantastic & co at the Black Park branch. Visit The Game Fair Festival of the Countryside

An Open Garden Tea Party at 2pm on Sunday, 4th August, at Woodlands House, SL7 3RN, will include a meadow walk, sculpture, arts & crafts, with added sparkle thanks to local wine heroes, Harrow & Hope. What’s more, proceeds will go to Medical Detection Dogs. For tickets & info please email [email protected].

I used to love taking my little tot to Gulliver’s Land and since then, the fun resort in Milton Keynes, MK15 0DT, has grown to offer even more giant fun! Book tickets to enjoy Dinosaur Discovery and Farmyard Fun from as little as £10pp and there are great stay & play packages too. Visit Gulliver’s Land Theme Park Resort | Milton Keynes ( and also find our super-duper voucher deal opposite!

If Olympian Sharron Davies has inspired you, historic Wycombe Rye Lido, HP11 1QX, has family sessions and a great gym. Visit

Fancy a spin!? Rogue Leisure in Aylesbury, HP19 8DB, has the fastest indoor karts in the UK where you can test your skills on a banked corner up to 45mph. Or give Ten Pin Bowling a whirl, up to seven players per lane and you can wear your own shoes! If karaoke is more your jam, book a pod for up to eight singers with 80,000 songs to choose from all genres and eras, an amazing sound system and 50″ HD TV. To book your trip visit Activity Centre Buckinghamshire – Rogue Leisure

Bekonscot, HP9 2PL, features the world’s oldest and original model village, huge model railway, 1.5 acres of well-tended gardens and intricately detailed model buildings. Travel back to a 1930s idyll, see England how it used to be, and discover this wonderful little world tucked away from modern life. Visit Family Day Out | Beaconsfield | Bucks | Chilterns (

Take your kiddies to see another type of kid and interact with the friendly team of animals at Aylesbury Goat Centre in a safe, and caring environment. Along with goats, you’ll find playful piggies, cheeky chickens, very inquisitive alpacas and cuddly rabbits (the best pets!). For more info visit The Bucks Goat Centre Aylesbury

Denham Country Park, UB9 5PG, has loads to keep young explorers occupied, not least Denham Adventure Zone for 12s and under, including a sand put, adventure trail, tube slide, treehouse, toddler swing and more. Join a bird-spotting safari, collect a map and enjoy some family orienteering. Home – Colne Valley Regional Park (

Widmer Farm Park in Princes Risborough, HP27 0PG, is the perfect place for your little ones to meet llamas, alpacas, goats, sheep, ponies and donkeys amid the picturesque Chiltern Hills. Please visit Farm Attraction | Widmer Farm Park | England

Wishing you all safe, smiley, sunny fun!

The milky way at Laceys Farm!

Round & About


Will Lacey of Laceys Farm tells us more about life in the beautiful Bucks farm his great great grandparents started a century ago

Summer isn’t just our favourite season. The ladies on Laceys Farm – set amid a glorious patchwork of hills – also love the sunshine, as do their calves.

“The cows are all out to graze the fields now”, says Will Lacey. “We have cows calving all year round, so new arrivals are possible every day. The calves love warmer weather, charging round the fields burning off their energy.”

“The calves love warmer weather”

Will’s family have farmed the same land for seven generations and welcomed visitors last month for LEAF Open Farm Sunday. “We’re a working farm, so it’s great to open the farm, with milking demonstrations, tractor and trailer rides, a barbecue and special offers in the shop.

“We’re doing lots of work to improve and enhance the environment across our farm, with a patch work of different habitats including hedgerows, chalk grasslands, wildflower meadows and winter bird feed crops. The soil is our most valuable assest, so how we manage this and look after it is crucial for the success of our crops and the future of farming.

“Farming is very consistent year on year. Our summer stars with harvesting our grass before moving on to hay, barley and maize crops. We have benefitted from the wet spring, being on a chalk hills we need regular rainfall, and our grass volumes have been good this year.

“We are so lucky in this area to have such a variety of habitats. And with a great mix of dedicated farmers and land managers looking after the countryside we are all fortunate to be able to enjoy it through out the seasons.”

“It’s great to see the work started by my great great grandparents more than 100 years ago continue. We’ve always farmed in a way that supports farming and looking after the countryside. Through the farm shop we can tell people what happens on their local farm and you can enjoy the harvest of our produce.

“One thing few people know about farming is that it’s a tech industry! Every cow is managed individually so that we can know everything from how much milk she produces, how many steps she does a day and even how many hour she sits down for!”