Many of you will be heading off on hols this month, but with a little bit of planning the garden can still be looking good when you get back.
For those staying at home there’s still plenty to enjoy and get on with in the garden this month. Enjoy these last few weeks of summer.
– Take cuttings of tender perennials such as pelargoniums and penstemons for flowering next year
– Keep watering, feeding and deadheading (I know I say this every month, but it’s so important)
– If we have drought conditions like last year, don’t be tempted to plant anything new until temperatures drop
– To keep rambling roses flowering and under control, thin out one in three of the oldest stems, tie in new shoots and shorten sideshoots by two thirds
– If you’re going away move pots into a shady spot and have a serious dead-heading session before you go. Ask a reliable neighbour to water whilst you’re away, particularly if it’s warm and dry
– An irrigation system on a timer is also an effective way to keep plants watered in your absence
In the kitchen garden:
• Cordon tomatoes should be ‘stopped’ when they set four trusses outdoors, or six trusses if they’re in the greenhouse – remove the tip of the main stem two leaves above the uppermost truss so that the plant focuses its energy on fruit rather than foliage
• Plant out well rooted strawberry runners in new beds
• Cut out the old canes of summer-fruiting raspberries after fruiting, and tie in new ones
• Lift onions and shallots and dry them off before storing
• Pick herbs regularly to keep the plants productive
• Plant kale and leeks to harvest over the winter
Call Hannah Fraser, Bloom Gardens on 07768 041929 or visit Bloom Gardens website
