Trust your instincts on open days

Round & About

open days

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions a parent can make for their child. It is also one of the most difficult. Headmaster Tom Dawson has some tips and advice

How can you possibly judge what will suit your children when so many schools, on the outside at least, appear so similar and so good? It is just like buying a house, you might get one or possibly two chances to visit and then you have to take the plunge. These visits are so important and parents need to make sure that they approach them in the right way so that they can have real faith in the decisions that they ultimately make.

A lot of schools offer the choice between an open day and an individual visit and there are advantages to both. It is perfectly reasonable to ask to do both. This is a huge decision and schools should be bending over backwards to make it as easy as possible to get to know the school. The advantage of open days is that for many, they are a way of getting an initial feel for a school without being put under too much pressure. A one to one tour with the head or the director of admissions can, for some, be a little intimidating and at least at an open morning there is safety in numbers. Many parents attend an open day and, if they like what they see, then ask for an individual tour to really get under the skin of a particular school and to get know the key people.

It is important to remember that schools spend significant time planning open days and you need to know what to look for to see beyond the various activities that may have been planned.

The day is likely to start with a welcome coffee, which can always feel a little awkward as different groups of parents congregate in various corners of the room making small talk. This can actually be a good opportunity to see which schools other parents have looked at and what they might already know about the school. It is also a chance to chat to senior members of staff who might be present.

Many schools get the pupils to do the tours for their open mornings. This can be very hit and miss. Get a good tour guide and they can be brilliant and really give you an insight into what it is like to be a pupil at that particular school. Whatever the situation, you need to make the most of the tour.

Ask the right questions

Try to put your guide at ease and get to know them. If you show that you are interested in them, you are much more likely to have a positive experience. It is useful to think of some questions in advance. Do some research in advance of the day. What do you really want to know? Try to avoid asking question to which the answer can be yes or no; give the tour guide a chance. You know the facilities are good so no need to ask them whether there is a climbing wall or if the floor of the swimming pool goes up and down. Try to seek their opinion. What subjects do you particularly enjoy? What are the most popular subjects at GCSE, A-Level or IB? What do you think of the teachers? What do you like most about your boarding house? Which sports do you take part in? What do you think of the food? What is the best thing about the school? Why did you choose this school? You should also ask other key questions about school life: What is the policy on mobile phones? What do you do if you are having difficulty with your homework? What do pipuls tend to do during their free time? What happens when you are ill?

You should get the opportunity to meet some staff on your tour. You should try to get a feel for what they are like. Can you see them teaching your child? Do they seem approachable and normal or are they a little bit please with the fact that they are teaching at this particular school. How do they interact with the pupils that are giving you the tour? Do they seem to know the pupils well? If you have your children with you, do the staff seem interested in them?

The most important thing about any visit to a school is how it makes you feel. Can you see your child being happy at this school? This is, after all, the most important thing. Just like buying a house, if it feels right, it probably is. Hopefully you will visit at least three schools and the best piece of advice for any parent is to trust your instincts. Don’t be swayed by facilities or the choices your friends are making; you know your child and you know what will work for them. Trust yourself!

Tom Dawson
Sunningdale School
August 2024

Tom Dawson has been Headmaster of Sunningdale, an all boys prep school, since 2005. Prior to that, he taught French and Spanish at Harrow School. He has been a governor of two independent prep schools, one of which was co-ed and one an all girls school. He is also a co-director of Heritage Summer Camps, a co-ed summer school aimed at preparing children for senior school assessments and the ISEB Common Pre-test.

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