Recipes with Clodagh McKenna

Liz Nicholls

Clodagh McKenna

We’re sharing two recipes to make the most of the last of summer thanks to Irish chef, author & TV star Clodagh McKenna

Read the Q&A with Clodagh McKenna here.

Prawn Coconut Curry

Check out this light, fragrant curry recipe! It’s quick, easy and packed with juicy prawns, creamy coconut milk and crunchy green vegetables.

Serves four, cooking time 15 minutes
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• 1 onion, thinly sliced
• 3 cloves of garlic
• 1 tbsp fresh ginger, grated
• 2 tsp garam masala
• 1 tsp dried or chilli flakes or one whole red fresh chilli chopped
• 1 tsp turmeric (optional)
• 1 tsp mustard seeds (optional)
• 1 tin of coconut cream or milk
• 1 tin of tomatoes (whole or chopped)
• 450g / 15oz fresh king prawns
• Green vegetables – spinach, chard, pak choy, green beans, or peas
• Zest of 1 lime
• Fresh dill, flat leaf parsley or fennel
• Sea salt

1. Place a saucepan or casserole dish over a low heat and add the olive oil. Stir in the onion, garlic and ginger, cover and cook for two minutes. Next remove the lid and add the garam masala, chilli, mustard seeds and turmeric. Stir and cook for two minutes.
2. Stir in the coconut cream and tomatoes and season with sea salt.
3. Next stir in the fresh king prawns, and cook for five minutes.
4. Lastly add the green vegetables and zest of one lime, and cook for a further 5 minutes.
5. Sprinkle fresh herbs on top and serve with lime wedges or any of these if you have them, rice, yogurt and naan bread.

Rosewater pavlova with soft summer berries

One of my favourite desserts, this is so decadent and looks fabulous, too. I sometimes swap the raspberries for other soft fruits. I make the pavlova the night before and leave it to cool overnight in the oven; switched off, of course.

Makes one pavlova, cooking time 90 minutes
For the pavlova:
• Nine egg whites
• 500g caster sugar
• 2 tsps cornstarch
• 1 tsp white wine vinegar
• 1 tbsp rosewater

For the filling
• 500ml whipping cream
• 1 tbsp icing sugar
• 1 tbsp rosewater
• 200g fresh raspberries / loganberries

Sprigs of red currants to decorate

1. Preheat the oven to 160°C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
2. Use an electric mixer to whisk the egg whites in a clean, dry bowl until firm peaks form. Gradually add the sugar, one tablespoon at a time, whisking constantly until mixture is thick and glossy and the sugar completely dissolves. Add the corn starch, vinegar and rosewater and gently fold until just combined.
3. Pour the mixture on to the prepared baking tray in a circle shape and use the back of a wooden spoon to shape the meringue into a nest. Place the meringue in the pre-heated oven and turn the heat down to 140°C and bake for 1.5hrs. Once the meringue is baked, turn off the heat, open the oven door and allow it to cool completely.
4. When the meringue is cooled and ready to serve you can start assembling the filling. You don’t want to add the cream too far in advance as it will soak into meringue. Gently whip the cream until it thickens and then whisk in icing sugar. Fold in the rosewater and then spoon the filling into the centre of the meringue. Add the fresh berries on top.

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Q&A with star chef Clodagh McKenna

Liz Nicholls

Clodagh McKenna

Irish chef, author & TV star Clodagh McKenna tells Liz Nicholls a few of her favourite things

Q. Hello Clodagh! Can you tell me a bit about favourite food memories from childhood?
“Baking on a Saturday morning with my sisters, the tea brack was a favourite bake, and I now have it on my online bakery and we deliver them across the UK!”

Q. What’s your favourite cookbook & why?
“Any of Darina Allen’s cookbooks. Her recipes always work, she is the queen of recipe writing.”

“Darina Allen is the queen of recipe writing”

Q. What was the first recipe you cooked that really struck you as a great succeess?
“Making fresh pasta when I lived in Italy. Taking eggs and flour and making something so delicious!”

Q. What’s your favourite of kitchen kit?
“My zester; I take it everywhere with me, even on holidays! I love zesting limes and lemons in recipes, and I also love wispy gratings of parmesan cheese. I sell my zester in my online store [Clodagh McKenna].”

Q. What advice would you have for any parent out there who thinks ‘I can’t cook’?
“Decide on one night a week that you are going to cook, and try a new recipe each time. Soon you have a whole bank of recipes that you are good at! My book In Minutes is brilliant for any starter cooks.”

Q. What was your first experience in the This Morning Studio like?
“Exciting is the word that springs to mind, and grateful is the second. Excited to get the chance (now every week!) to cook to 3-4 million viewers, and grateful for the opportunity to do so.”

Q. Is there any food stuff you just can’t stand (your “hell”), no matter who cooks it?
“Highly processed foods in general, and non-organic meat.”

Q. Which are your favourite pubs or restaurants?
“I love The River Café in London and The Devonshire Arms in Soho.”

Q. What would your last meal be? And/ or what’s your “guilty pleasure”?
“Irish oysters, Dover sole and a tiramisu! My guilty pleasure is chocolate and red wine.”

Q. Have you ever had any weird, foodie fan mail!?
“Yes all the time! But I don’t mind too much…. I am always grateful that someone takes the time to write to me.”

Q. Did you enjoy school?
“Yes, it was a long time ago!”

Q. What do you think schools could do to involve kids in cooking more?
“A class every week on learning cooking skills should be part of the curriculum.”

Q. What one invention would radically improve the quality of your life?
“If I could pause time so that there are more hours in the day, wouldn’t that be amazing?!”

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