Why organic?
Many products available focus on quick fixes and chemicals. Lawns are for walking on and enjoying so why poison them to people, pets and wildlife? The solution? It just means thinking about it a bit differently.
Ten points for lawn success
- Remove large broad-leaved weeds with a daisy grubber.
- Rake out the moss with a scarifier or metal rake.
- Aerate to improve drainage using a hollow-tine aerator or garden fork.
- Top dress with a proprietary product or mix your own with sieved garden compost and sandy loam.
- Sweep away fungi and worm casts regularly.
- If you want stripes use a rotary mower with a large roller on the back and mow regularly.
- Always remove lawn clippings.
- Reseed any bare patches and keep watered.
- Feed with blood, fish and bone.
- Do not water established lawns.
Cathie’s Gardening school services
- Horticultural consultancy visiting your garden for bespoke advice.
- Cathie’s Garden Army to transform your garden following a consultancy
- Professional pruning following a consultanc
- RHS courses. Please ask for details.
[email protected]
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