Bake it or fake it for Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day
Who doesn’t love a cupcake and even better if you can tuck in while helping a brilliant cause.
Bring everyone together on Thursday to help fight dementia for the Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day. Whether you’re a baker or not, faking it’s OK with some shop bought ones, every cupcake helps fund pioneering research, support services and care.
If you want to make and decorate your own you’ve got two days to get in the kitchen and get creating but don’t worry if you can’t get it done for then – just choose a day that suits you instead.
In the average time taken to bake a batch of cakes, six people in the UK will develop dementia, since 2016, Cupcake Day has raised £2.7million so get baking and help raise funds as your cupcakes rise.
Take them to work, school or just invite a few friends and family round, tuck in and get helping.
If you need some tips for your Cupcake Day and some great recipe ideas right here
Click here for more about Alzheimer’s Society and the work they do
Read more about what is being done in the battle against dementia in our feature on motor racing legend Sir Jackie Stewart whose wife Helen has been diagnosed with the disease. He has launched a fundraising drive, Race Against Dementia, to boost funds for research. You can also find out about Singing for the Brain and the benefits of music when it comes to unlocking memories.
