Couple’s mighty cycle for local wildlife

Liz Nicholls


Oxfordshire couple Richard and Sian Liwicki, aged 65 and 62 years, have just completed a month-long cycling trip along the longest river in France to raise funds for local charity Wild Oxfordshire

In spite of awful weather they pedalled more than 1,150km along the Loire, climbed a total of 11,200m, carrying all their belongings in paniers.

The couple planned the trip and organised all the logistics themselves. Richard says: “We had cycled the Rhine before so we knew what we needed to pack, and how to organise and navigate all the stages in this long trip. We trained for weeks. What we had not planned for was the wettest September in France in 25 years. We cycled through two icy storms and faced strong headwinds in the mountains. We regularly got wet so getting dry for the next day was an added challenge. However, we knew we could not stop and the French locals were incredibly helpful and kind. Motorists are used to a vibrant cycling culture in France.”

Sian who has been a supporter of Wild Oxfordshire for many years adds: “We wanted to really spend time getting to know this beautiful part of France and travel sustainability. We used public transport to get to the start and for our return journey. We wanted to raise funds for nature in Oxfordshire because we knew it would spur us on during this challenging trip. We were even more determined when we heard that Butterfly Emergency in September.

“Cycling is our way of experiencing and celebrating nature up close. We wrote a wildlife and travel blog along the way, and it was inevitable that we would make comparisons between our county along the Thames, and the Loire countryside.

“Our friends and family have been very encouraging and we are over half way to hitting our target of £7,000. We have just got to get around to telling everyone that we made it!”

Camilla Burrow, Cheif Executive Wild Oxfordshire, says: “As a long-term supporter of Wild Oxfordshire, we’re so delighted and grateful for Sian and Richard’s fundraising efforts. The funds will contribute towards our work enabling more people to take action for nature across Oxfordshire. Our sincere thanks to all those already contributing to nature’s recovery, and we look forward to working with even more people in the future.”

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Step up for wildlife this month!

Liz Nicholls


You’re all invited to create your own autumn fundraising challenge to help Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) restore our wondrous nature.

BBOWT’s Big Wild Walk aims to be the biggest yet to encourage wildlife lovers to raise money and help restore nature across its three counties.

Supporters can create their own challenge, whether a trek through town or a long-distance hike in the countryside, in any way that suits them. The funds raised will support wildlife recovery and contribute to BBOWT’s mission to see 30% of land well managed for nature by 2030.

Image: Zsuzsanna Bird

Image: Laura Snell

This autumn BBOWT is encouraging participants to nominate friends and family to get involved too, with #NominateForNature. A digital fundraising pack will support everyone by providing a sponsorship sheet, distance-tracking form and social media posts.

The Big Wild Walk takes place across from Monday, 21st October, to Sunday, 3rd November. It’s half-term for schools and a great time for all ages to enjoy the great outdoors. Sign-up at Big Wild Walk.

Liz Shearer, community engagement director at BBOWT, said: “This challenge is the perfect chance to plan your autumn adventure and take it at your own pace! I love nothing more than putting my boots on and exploring the outdoors, and there are some wonderful place across our counties to do this, including more than 80 nature reserves.

“While you’re on your walk, you can listen out for wintering birds and spot mushrooms growing among the trees, all against the orange, bronze and red autumn backdrop. It’s also a great opportunity to raise money for The Wildlife Trusts, including BBOWT, to help us create more nature everywhere, for everyone. What are you waiting for?”

Rhiane Fatinikun, founder of Black Girls Hike and ambassador for The Wildlife Trusts, said: “Dip your toes into the outdoors this autumn, and join me, as well as thousands of others, to experience the joy that nature can bring. Supporting children, families, and individuals to get outside is a cause which is so close to my heart, as well as an incredible opportunity to raise money for a WILDlife-changing charity. Sign up today to get involved with The Big Wild Walk!”

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Become a nature sleuth with SWT

Karen Neville


Image by: Danny Green

Get a free Wildlife Recording Kit and monitor local green spaces

Want to know what wildlife might be making its home on ground you own, manage or work on with a community group?

Help is at hand thanks to Surrey Wildlife Trust’s new Wildlife Recording Kits – boxes filled with surveying equipment to help community groups undertake species monitoring on sites from gardens and recreation grounds to local woodland.

The kits are available free of charge from Guildford and Godalming Libraries and directly from the Trust’s head office in Pirbright, and can be reserved for one or two weeks at a time.

Image by: Jon Hawkins

With one-third of local species in trouble, Surrey Wildlife Trust is on a mission to encourage more people to take action to protect and provide homes for native plants and animals – and these kits will help people identify what wildlife, from minibeasts to moths to small mammals, is present, enabling them to make better informed land management decisions to benefit nature. Actions could include putting up signage to encourage people not to walk on wildflowers, installing bird feeders filled with suitable food for a particular species, installing bat boxes, planting hedgerows to support butterflies and moths or creating ponds for newts.

The Trust currently has the following equipment available:

• Bat kit including high-viz jackets for working at night, a bat detector and call frequency guide.

• Pond kit including nets, trays for specimens and identification guides for a range of species.

• Minibeasts kit including magnifying pots, equipment for handling specimens and ID guides.

• Small mammals kit including footprint tunnels and plates, feeding kit and ‘tracks and signs’ ID guide.

• Soil kit with a corer and tester kit to establish soil chemistry.

• Plant kit including quadrats, magnifiers and ID guides for a huge range of local native flora.

• For those with a cinematic bent, a trail camera kit is also available. This can be set up to record badgers, foxes, hedgehogs, birds, mice and other creatures that might visit when you are not present.

Once people have completed their surveys, the Trust is encouraging users to report their findings to the Surrey Biodiversity Information Centre (SBIC) to help it gain important information on the distribution and abundance of species and habitats across the county.

SWT’s Community Engagement Manager Claire Harris says: “You don’t have to be a professional to contribute to science and conversation. SWT is proud to work with a broad range of community organisations across the county, but we want even more people to get involved in mapping, understanding and restoring the natural world. It’s great the local Libraries of Things are working with us to help people find out more about what lives on their doorsteps. If we all play our part, we can open minds, transform local areas and ultimately create a much wilder environment for everyone to enjoy.”

More information about how to book kit, and the equipment hire agreement is at Wildlife Recording Kits | Surrey Wildlife Trust

SWT also runs courses that enable people to learn more about species and habitats in Surrey. Any adult can register to attend here. The Trust also offers a limited number of FREE places to Surrey-based community groups, who are signed up to its Wilder Communities programme.

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BBOWT’s Andree Church’s best of Bucks

Liz Nicholls


Andree Church tells us about moving from Ontario to south Bucks and her wildlife trust role helping protect & enjoy the countryside

Hi Andree. Could you tell us a bit about yourself?
“I’m 33 and have a very energetic 18-month-old who keeps me on my toes! I’m a learning manager for the Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust [BBOWT], which means I’m lucky to spend my ‘work’ days on beautiful nature reserves teaching people of all ages about local wildlife. I manage BBOWT’s education centres in Oxfordshire and West Berkshire, and we have centres near Tring, Maidenhead and Windsor. I enjoy sharing my love of nature and fielding questions from inquisitive children. One of my recent faves was ‘Do you sleep at the nature reserve?’ (I don’t, but there’s an event idea!).”

Q. Where do you live?
“I’ve lived in Chinnor with my husband since 2017. I grew up in Ontario, Canada, and came to the UK in 2013 to do some postgraduate studies. I planned on staying for a year but met my husband at university! Here I am, still in the Thames Valley area eleven years later!”

Q. What are your favourite walks?
“Any along with Ridgeway. The stretch between Bledlow and Princes Risborough is a particular favourite – the rolling hills provide some great viewpoints of the Chilterns. Amazing to think that people have been using these paths for thousands of years.”

Q. Any favourite local shops or businesses?
“Oakley Village Shop (recently opened) for delicious baked goods, great coffee and a park/playing field next to it. And Gloria’s in Thame.”

Q. What highlights are you looking forward to?
“Some summery family picnics in parks and local woodlands. Just need all this rain to stop!”

Q. What do you most love about where you live?
“The rich cultural history coupled with gorgeous countryside. As somebody who didn’t grow up in this area, I have a real appreciation for how lucky we are to live where we do.”

Q. What are hidden gems locally?
“Our local nature reserves, there are plenty just on our doorstep. BBOWT are a fabulous group of people who work tirelessly to look after wildlife and habitats in our area. We look after more than 80 nature reserves, run five education centres and two visitor centres. We feel everyone benefits from access to wildlife and nature – physically, mentally and/or emotionally. We offer programming for everyone, from Nature Tots (12 months+) through to our Teen Rangers clubs and events for adults. If you’d like to find out more about any of these, check out our website.”

Q. How can we help?
“As a charity, BBOWT relies on donations to fund our conservation work in the local community. If you’re not already a member and would like to support our work you can join us by visiting our website. Alternatively, you can donate to our Nature Recovery Fund [Nature Recovery Fund], our biggest fundraising campaign to date which aims to raise £3 million for nature climate and people.”

Q. Finally, if you could make one wish for the world, what would it be?
“That we all treat others as we wish to be treated. And that we do a better job of looking after this planet – after all, it’s the only one we’ve got! Oops, that’s two wishes!”

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Be a heath hero

Round & About


Join a scavenger hunt, go on a wildlife walk, get up close with reptiles and ‘take a trip to the movies’ all as part of this year’s Heath Week

There’s no need to go abroad to find rare and amazing wildlife, fascinating history and beautiful landscapes. They’re right here, on your doorstep.

This year’s Heath Week, July 29th to August 4th, is timed for the beginning of the school holidays and is packed with free activities to get kids and the young-at-heart outside, enjoying the countryside and discovering local nature.

Celebrate a precious wilderness that’s home to flora, fauna, butterflies, nightjars, insects, reptiles and join scavenger and treasure hunts as you discover how precious our heathland is and why we all need to play our part in protecting it.

Put the dates in your diary and join in:

Sensory Scavenger Hunt – Monday 29th, 11am-3pm. Lightwater Country Park & Wednesday 31st, 11am-3pm, Horsell Common.
• Bring the family and try out the Sensory Scavenger Hunt. Discover heathland in a different way and get all of your senses tingling. No booking required.
Butterfly Walk – Monday 29th, 2pm-4pm. Hazeley Heath.
• Join Hazeley Heath’s RSPB Warden for a gentle stroll to see what Heath Week butterflies are around. If the weather’s warm and there’s not too much wind, we should be able to see Silver-studded Blue butterflies, and that master of disguise, the Grayling. Booking essential.
Nightjar Walk – Monday 29th, 8pm-10.30p. Whitmoor Common & Wednesday 31st, 8pm-10.30pm, Chobham Common.
• Nightjars are almost impossible to see during the day, but at dusk there’s more than a chance of seeing and hearing them in their natural habitat. Join the wardens to learn more about these stunning birds and hopefully see one or two in flight. Booking essential.
Three Churrs for Horsell Common, Nightjar Walk – Monday 29th, 8pm-10.30pm.
• As the sun goes down, the magic begins… Explore Horsell Common with Education Officer Michael and discover the secret twilight world of the Nightjar! Booking essential.
Insect Walk – Tuesday 30th, 2pm-4pm & Thursday 1st, 2pm-4pm, Horsell Common.
•An opportunity for a leisurely walk with entomologist and Horsell Common Preservation Society trustee, Andrew Halstead, and a chance to see some of the insects that make heathland such a special habitat. Booking essential.
Wildfire Roadshow: Crowthorne – Tuesday 30th TBC. Wildmoor heath.
• Meet the folk that fight the fires! Come along to Wildmoor Heath and find out how the brave firefighters of Crowthorne keep our countryside safe from fires. Clamber into the cab of a fire engine and have a go with some of the equipment they use. Chat to a firefighter about how you can keep your countryside, and your home safe. No booking required.

Butterflies and other things with wings – Tuesday 30th, 10am-3pm. Chobham Common.
• Butterfly walks and arts & crafts activities available all day! Discover the butterflies and other invertebrates you might find on heathland in summer. If the weather is right, Chobham Common offers excellent opportunities to observe and learn about butterflies, bees, hoverflies and other flying insects, and learn about their special relationships with flowers, grasses and trees etc. In addition to some common butterflies, two rare heathland butterfly species are usually seen. No booking required.
Guided walk: Dragons and more of the marshlands – Wednesday 31st TBC, Thursley National Nature Reserve.
• Leisurely walk with the Reserve Manager at Thursley National Nature Reserve. Learn about this very special heathland nature reserve and the wildlife of its marshes. Booking essential.
Reptile & Amphibian Roadshow – Thursday 1st, 11am-3pm, Ockham Common.
• Come and meet the team from Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (ARC). They’ll be showcasing some of our amazing native species with live amphibians and reptiles! There’ll also be a craft table where you can enter the ARC’s Heathland Art Competition and take a look at last year’s winners. No booking required.
Heathland History Walk – Thursday 1st, 2.45pm-4.30pm, Hazeley Heath.
Join us with Hart District Council for a walk exploring one of the rarest habitats in the world. As we walk, we’ll learn about the heathland and the history of this beautiful place. Booking essential.
Golden Letter Trail – Friday 2nd, 10am-4pm, Wildmoor Heath.
• Collect the golden letters to discover a secret word as you journey across the heath. Learn about this rare habitat as you go, and once your quest is complete, come and tell us the golden word… No booking required.
History Walk – Saturday 3rd, 10am-12.30pm, Chobham Common.
• A visit to Chobham Common, on a tour steeped in history. With Chobham Commons Preservation Committee. Booking essential.
Reptile & Amphibian Roadshow – Sunday 4th, 10am-3pm, Yateley Common.
• Say ‘hello’ to native reptiles and amphibians! Meet some of the amazing wild creatures that inhabit your local heath, with the team from HIWARG – Hampshire & Isle of Wight Amphibian & Reptile Group. They’ll be showcasing some of our amazing native species with live amphibians and reptiles! Or you can step into our arts & crafts gazebo for a spot of colouring. No booking required.
Forestry Fun – Sunday 4th, 10am-4pm, Bramshill Plantation.
• Discover the history of Bramshill Plantation and the birds, reptiles, butterflies and wildflowers that depend on forest’s habitats. There’ll be a nature trail to explore or you can step into our arts & crafts gazebo for free crafts such as ‘make your own Nightjar nest’ or stone decorating. No booking required.
Guided Walk: A Trip to the Movies – Sunday 4th, 10am-12.30pm, Chobham Common.
• Join Warden Steve on his Trip to the Movies… and a bit of TV… as he explores film and TV locations at Chobham Common. From Dad’s Army and Carry on Cowboy, to early 2000s science-fiction series Primeval and more recently Taboo. There are so many to mention! Booking essential.

All events are free. Some are suitable for all ages and some for over 12s only. Dogs are welcome on some activities. Full details and booking at Thames Basin Heaths Partnership. Heath Week – Thames Basin Heaths (

Stonesfield open gardens glory

Round & About


In need of gardening inspiration? Visit Stonesfield open gardens and pick up some tips

Enjoy the glory of nine open gardens in Stonesfield on Sunday, 23rd June, including some which have never been open to the public before.

Organised by Stonesfield Gardening Club, a number of gardens are opening in aid of local charities. There are a variety including a mix of flower beds with a productive vegetable garden including soft fruits and apple trees. The lawns are slowly being left to become meadows.

A garden for wildlife where you are asked to pause a while, maybe sit for a few minutes, smell the roses, listen to the bird song and the waterfall. Stepped gardens with shrub and herbaceous borders, wildflower orchard, fruit cages and kitchen garden and a peaceful, work in progress garden, full of labours of love from lockdown learnings. Come for the view not the gardening knowledge.

Entry is £6 per person, cash only (accompanied children under 16 free). Tickets and maps will be available from St James Centre, High Street, Stonesfield OX29 8PU where teas and plants are also on sale. Gardens are open 2pm-5.30pm, last tickets at 5pm.

Limited car parking will be available in Stonesfield Primary School opposite St James Centre.

More at Open Garden | Stonesfield Gardening Club

Stonesfield Gardening Club is a friendly, sociable club with a full programme of events through the year. Membership is open to all.

Join Greener Henley and help environment

Round & About


Join Greener Henley and friends for Great Big Green Week and find out how together we can tackle climate change and bring nature and wildlife back to its full glory

The UK’s biggest celebration of community action to protect the planet is back, showing that people everywhere are wanting to help create a better tomorrow.

Greener Henley have organised a week of events for local residents to enjoy, bringing people together to celebrate, and get involved in, what’s happening in and around Henley for climate and nature.

From 8th to 16th June, we’ll have walks, talks, film, art sessions, gallery exhibitions, poetry, and a sustainability workshop for local businesses. Our Nature Discovery Day, down by the River at Mill Meadows, kicks off the week and includes something for everyone, with nature-focused activities for all ages. We’ll have conservation groups and local experts on hand to explore and discuss everything from butterflies and birds to fungi and river water quality, plus a wildlife photography session. Collect your free native wildflower seeds and take part in our Nature Squared campaign, helping Henley get closer to our total of 500m2 of plants for pollinators.

Why not bring a picnic, join the wildflower walk, butterfly sweep, or bug hunt and make a day of it. Pop into the River and Rowing Museum’s Kirkham Gallery to see work from our local students for our Schools Environment Science Challenge on the theme of ‘Pollution’, alongside artworks from the wonderful waterside arts & ecology project that is The Beautiful Blue. In the afternoon you can, let your creativity and love of nature entwine at The Gardening Drawing Club, a family friendly art and gardening session at Henley Library.

Our guest speaker, Professor Chris Merchant talks ‘climate’ on the evening of 10th June at the Town Hall Council Chamber, at ‘In Our Hands: Our Climate Future’. Find out about the key science that makes climate change a formidable challenge, and how ingenuity and determination can meet the Net-Zero target.

Kate Oldridge, Greener Henley’s Chair said: “GBGW is a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together to stand up for nature and fight climate change. There are a whole host of activities in Henley for everyone across the community to get involved in. We can all do something to help, whether that means taking part in our Nature Squared campaign by planting seeds for pollinators, continuing the conversation about something you discover at GBGW, or asking our local decision makers to support action on climate and nature. Let’s make this the biggest and boldest GBGW so far – come out, get involved, take action.”

Events currently planned to take place during Henley’s Great Big Green Week include:

Saturday 8th: Nature Discovery Day, 10am-2pm, Mill Meadows – participants include Henley Toad Patrol, Upper Thames Butterfly Conservation Group, BBOWT, Henley Car Club, chalk stream volunteers and many more.

Saturday 8th: Plant vs beef taste test: Which burger’s best? 12-2pm, outside Pavilion Foods.

Sunday 9th: Green screen: Elephant Mother, plus panel discussion, 2-5pm, Regal Picturehouse. Ticketed.

Monday 10th: ‘In Our Hands: Our Climate Future’ talk on climate change with Q&A, 7-9pm, Town Hall Council Chamber.

Tuesday 11th: Poetry Readings from ‘Tread Gently on the Earth’ poetry competition, 6-7:30pm, Henley Library.

Wednesday 12: Wilding, a special preview screening, plus expert panel, 8-10.15pm, Regal Picturehouse. Ticketed.

Thursday 13th: Greening Your Business seminar & networking event with speakers, 5.30pm-7.30pm, Thames Room, River & Rowing Museum.

Week-long events:

Fun scavenger hunt: Find the letters hidden in crafted flowers in 10 shop windows around town and work out the mystery word.

Henley’s Big Green Road: Choose from eight books that make for interesting reads and start the conversation!

Exhibitions in the Kirkham Gallery, River & Rowing Museum: running alongside each other from 23rd May to 17th June: Pollution: an exhibition of work by local students in response to Greener Henley’s Environmental Science Challenge and The Beautiful Blue: exploring water and our human relationship with it.

More information on individual events and how to book at GBGW 2024 – Greener Henley

Wildlife garden & nature photography competition

Round & About


We’ve teamed up with Adam Henson to invite you to send us pictures of the wildlife in your garden – or local park – and win seeds to help improve biodiversity

One of the UK’s best-known farmers and TV presenter Adam Henson has launched a range of British Wildflower Seeds, the first product line to launch from his new online store, Wildscape.

Developed in collaboration with leading experts in ecology and sustainable agriculture, Wildscape promise to create beautiful spaces, bringing joy to all those who experience them and creating essential habitats to foster biodiversity.

“I believe everyone should consider growing wildflowers,” says Adam, “not only are they beautiful native British blooms, but they also support local biodiversity. No matter if it’s a small pot in an urban setting or large garden, wildflowers create a mini ecosystem right outside your window, attracting a variety of birds, insects, and other delightful creatures.”

Someone who is doing their bit for nature and enjoying it is Chris Waymouth who has shared some pictures of some creatures in his Buckinghamshire garden.

“I was brought up in a small village in Northamptonshire and my father was a lover of wildlife and the outdoors,” Chris tells us. “I used to roam the fields beside the River Nene, absorbing all that the countryside had to offer.

“I used to roam the fields beside the River Nene, absorbing all that the countryside had to offer.”

“As a youngster I wasn’t allowed to touch my father’s prized Rolleiflex camera. I had to make do with a Kodak Brownie, until I was given a simple Agfa for my 21st birthday and this really kickstarted my lifelong interest in photography.

“When I met my wife she had some pro-quality Canon kit and this took me to another level. Digital cameras arrived on the scene and this was another step forward. Finally, three or four years ago, I became pretty serious about my hobby and invested in a mirrorless camera with extremely high resolution and I’ve expanded my range of lenses to seven. These include macro for close-ups of insects and flowers etc, and very long telephoto lenses for bird and wildlife shots.

“My garden in Jordans backs on to beech woods. It is not a showpiece; I prefer a more natural look including a wild area at the back. It is through here that my four-legged visitors arrive: muntjac, roe deer, fox, badger, hedgehog, not to mention the two or three rabbits who are usually trimming my lawn when I pull back the curtains in the morning. Plus, of course, the squirrels. I enjoy stretching my longest lenses to maximum reach to get full-face shots of all of these.

“Then there are the birds. Lots of them! I have half a dozen feeders in the front garden and a couple at the back and clearly the word is out among our feathered friends that this place is good for a meal or two. The list of regulars include all the usual garden birds: robin, blackbird, song thrush, chaffinch, bullfinch, blue tit, great tit, long-tailed tit, dunnock, wren, jay, green and great spotted woodpeckers and just recently a brambling, not to mention the ever-present woodpigeon, collar dove, magpie, jackdaw, crow, green parakeet and the red kite circling majestically overhead.

“Although I do not have a huge array of flowers, there are plenty to attract bees and a variety of bugs and this is where the macro lens comes into its own, capturing the subject at 1.4x life size. With the high resolution of the camera (a Canon EOS R5) I can then “crop” (zoom into) the photo once it is on my computer and end up with some highly detailed, sharp images.

“I have something like 35,000 photos on my computer – here are just a few for you to enjoy.”

To enter, upload your pictures to Instagram or Facebook and tag @roundandaboutmag with the hashtag #RAphotocompetition to be involved and we’ll choose a winner to receive the seeds. The competition ends June 1st.

Wildlife campaign will support the NHS

Round & About


Families are encouraged to join 30 Days Wild, the campaign by Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) to connect with nature every day in June, backed by the NHS.

Wildlife trusts across the UK have run the 30 Days Wild challenge every June for nearly a decade, encouraging people to take one wild act each day. This can be anything from watching wildlife from a window to listening to birdsong or taking a meal or drink outside.

For the first time the initiative has won the backing of the UK’s National Health Service. Liz Shearer, BBOWT’s community engagement director, said: “We are over the moon that the NHS has endorsed our challenge: we have always known that spending time in green spaces can have huge health benefits for many people, helping to lower heart rate and blood pressure and reduce anxiety, but now we have the official support of our fantastic health service. Try taking one tiny act to connect with nature and see what it does for you – you could change your life.”

Last year more than 500,000 people took part in 30 Days Wild, including more than 5,000 in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Across the UK, 114,245 households, 11,740 schools, 898 care homes and 1,384 businesses joined in.

Anyone taking part can order a free activity pack, with different packs for families, individuals, businesses and schools containing activities, games and packets of wildflower seeds to sow. A survey of nearly 1,000 participants last year found that people’s favourite activities were watching wildlife and listening to birdsong (85%).

The NHS has decided to back 30 Days Wild as it celebrates its 75th anniversary celebrations this year. The Greener NHS programme at NHS England will showcase NHS gardens and green spaces that support biodiversity, improve air quality, and provide health benefits for staff and patients, both physically and mentally – across the NHS estate.

Join 30 Days Wild and download a free activity pack at 30 Days Wild.

RHS wildlife show stoppers

Round & About


A garden with nature’s recovery at its heart will be premiered by The Wildlife Trusts at this year’s RHS Malvern Spring Festival.

The Wildlife Trusts: Wilder Spaces garden promises to take wildlife-friendly gardening to a new level, combining beauty with biodiversity.

Wilder Spaces is sponsored by The Wildlife Trusts, led by Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) and its ecological consultancy Future Nature WTC. Working with experts from Oxford Garden Design, the team will demonstrate how wildlife habitats can be designed into the structure of a garden, using building waste, reclaimed material and untreated timbers. With biodiversity designed into the garden, hopes of winning a prestigious RHS medal are high.

The Wildlife Trusts believe gardening has a vital role to play in nature’s recovery, with long-term benefits for climate and people’s wellbeing too. The aim of the garden is to inspire visitors to think differently about the appearance of a garden designed for people and wildlife, and to show how we can all nurture nature, no matter what size or style of garden.

Estelle Bailey, BBOWT’s chief executive, said: “Nature is in crisis and not enough is being done to reverse this terrible decline in the UK’s biodiversity. We want to see 30% of land well managed for nature by 2030 and our gardens are a vital part of that wild jigsaw. Private gardens make up a bigger area than all of Britain’s nature reserves combined – they can provide a mosaic of mini-habitats that support a diverse range of species, so they are key to helping create more nature everywhere. RHS Malvern Spring Festival will be a great opportunity to showcase to people everywhere what they can achieve in their own gardens for nature, for climate and for themselves.”

The garden will include a range of nature and climate positive features, including grassland, wetland & deadwood, pollinator and larval friendly planting, a steam, waterfall and pond, a compost channel and hoverfly stumpery, recycled materials – timber, steel, building aggregate, a biodiverse roof and solitary bee columns & climate resilient planting and landscaping.

The garden features a watercourse that meanders through the plot towards a central pond and a section of bog planting. A pavilion, created in conjunction with Charlie Luxton Design and constructed from reclaimed steel joists and grating, will be topped with a living roof.

Oxford Garden Design, with Jamie Langlands as lead designer, is returning to the RHS Malvern Spring Festival following its successful 2022 show garden. Jamie has designed a garden that’s beautiful to behold and beneficial for the natural world. Jamie says: “I love creating spaces that are wild and untamed whilst having a little wonder within them.”

“I love creating spaces that are wild and untamed”

Sheena Marsh, owner and founder of Oxford Garden Design, which is also building the garden, said: “We are delighted to be working with BBOWT on The Wilder Spaces Garden, bringing together our learnings from BBOWT with Jamie’s creativity. We hope that this garden will inspire home owners to create wilder spaces in their own gardens.”

Once the RHS Malvern Spring Festival is over, the garden will be distributed across various Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust sites and projects. The seating will go to BBOWT’s College Lake visitor Centre, near Tring or Sutton Courtenay Education Centre’s wildlife garden near Didcot. The RHS Malvern Spring Festival runs from 11-14 May 2023 at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern, Worcestershire.

For more information and tickets to the show visit The RHS Malvern Spring Festival 2023 / RHS Gardening