Celebrating Down’s syndrome & Sparkles charity

Round & About


Life-changing charity Sparkles helps children with Down’s syndrome & urgently needs your donations to keep going. Mum Emily Reay tells us more…

“Down’s syndrome”… What do you think of when you hear these words? Probably some sort of stereotype. Sadly, people with Down’s syndrome (DS) face this all the time and assumptions can become reality, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Since having Teddy – and knowing other families who have a child with DS – I’ve heard all sorts of negative things… “He may never talk.” “He may never walk, run, jump climb.” “He might not ride a bike, read or write, get a job.” Teddy can do all these things and more; he’s incredible! Yes some things take him a little longer, but he never stops trying and we’ll never stop helping him. However, if a child can’t do these yet, then that’s OK too. But let’s assume that they can, so that maybe they will.

The biggest challenge faced by families and people with DS is the barriers we face, because of expectations or the fact that equality doesn’t exist. Let’s take the UK abortion law. A baby with DS can be aborted up to the point of birth, 40 weeks. But for all other babies there is a 24-week limit. That’s inequality right there.

Lots of healthcare professionals ask “What do you want for your child?” and initially when I used to say, “I just want him to be happy” (which is another stereotype by the way, people with DS are not always happy; come over when he’s tired and hungry!) However, this is a cop-out answer. What I want for Teddy is exactly the same as what I want for his sisters. I want him to thrive and be the best he can be.

“What I want for Teddy is exactly the same as what I want for his sisters. I want him to thrive and be the best he can be.”

If you meet someone with DS, treat them as you would anyone else, because they are. They have a right to be included, fully and equally, respected and accepted. In our house we say “everyone’s different, and different is good”. When I tell people I have a child with DS I’m often greeted with a sad face or “I’m so sorry”. Don’t be! There’s nothing to be sorry about. He’s Teddy first, who’s cheeky, funny, loves school, football and the Rolling Stones. He also happens to have Down’s syndrome.

Teddy has received wonderful support from Sparkles. The team support pre-school children with DS with weekly speech and language therapy, OT and physio. This is an invaluable supplement to the NHS therapy which is not as frequent. The charity is entirely parent-led and relies solely on fundraising. With the cost-of-living crisis and Covid, the charity is struggling so Teddy and his friends have just completed a sponsored litter pick around the local village. Anything you can do will really help Sparkles.

Please visit sparkles.org.uk for donation info. Or if you could sponsor a child’s therapy for a year email [email protected].

Appeal to help Sunny the dog

Liz Nicholls


We’ve teamed up with The National Animal Welfare Trust Berkshire to see if you could help Sunny, the dog who can’t be touched…

Her tail wags with excitement but there is a fear that lurks behind her eyes. Her want for love and affection, outweighed by the overpowering sense of anxiety and terror that clouds the sunshine within.

Sunny, a small Jack Russell cross born and raised in the Berkshire area, came to National Animal Welfare Trust Berkshire, better known as Trindledown Farm, due to behavioural issues, derived from her fear of being touched.

At first, the staff suspected her fear came as a response to pain, an affectionate pat being a lethal touch. The team ran numerous investigations with the help of their veterinary practice. Scans and blood work all coming back to say how healthy the little dog is.

But as staff made attempts to touch her, it was clear Sunny did not like this. Attempts to put a harness on, or check her paws were futile, as each time Sunny gave warning to the team. Instead of growling, Sunny goes stock-still, her body tensing as she prepares to fight in defence of herself.

I am incredibly proud of all the hard work my staff have put in, to help reassure Sunny, that there are brighter days ahead

Feeling there was more to Sunny’s story, than her history of not being walked, Centre Supervisor, Taryn Beaumont, enlisted the help of a local dog trainer who volunteered regularly for the centre. “It was clear to us, from staff interactions, that Sunny was completely terrified of being touched. Although my team had worked up to being able to get a harness on Sunny, she still wasn’t keen to let the team near her. After an initial assessment, our wonderful dog trainer concluded that it is likely Sunny has PTSD, and, it is suspected her terror at being touched comes from the worst reason of all; that she may have been beaten in her past.

It breaks our hearts as a team to think that she could have such a tragic back story. But, at the same time, I am incredibly proud of all the hard work my staff have put in, to help reassure Sunny, that there are brighter days ahead.”

According to Trindledown Farm, Sunny has managed to progress to allowing staff to touch her occasionally, but they have found her greatest joy, is just having the company in her room.

Dogs are just so compassionate and loving, even after everything they may have gone through. We hope we can find her an amazing home!

“Though she is frightened of being touched, the second anyone walks into the room, she breaks out into the most excited wiggle, which will just make your heart burst of happiness. Just having your company is everything to her,” continues Taryn. “She loves when staff go in and sit on the sofa and watch her as she plays with her toys. She’s even jumped onto some of the team members laps, just to show off her fancy rope toy and how she plays with it! She has an incredibly long journey ahead of her, but we know there is a perfect home out there for her!

You may not be able to give her all the pets she deserves, but just by earning her trust, you mean the world to her, and your company gives her all the love and attention she could ever want. She’s such a special, lovely girl and we adore her so much. Dogs are just so compassionate and loving, even after everything they may have gone through. We hope we can find her an amazing home!”

Sunny has been at the centre for over two months now and has been through multiple vet checks to ensure her health. If you would like to contribute to the centre and the cost of their animal care, you can donate directly to the centre via post, phone or their website. Alternatively, you can visit them during their opening hours Tuesday – Sunday, between 10am to 4pm and see all the wonderful work and effort that goes into everything they do.

Find out more

The staff are appealing to help find Sunny the perfect home she deserves. If you know of anyone that may be interested in a loving, little companion, they can find out more about her here.

Looking on the Bright Side

Round & About


Sing along and smile with Farnham group in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life couldn’t be more apt for the times we are living in with the promise of better days in the not-too-far-distant future.

We all need a bit of cheering up, and Farnham’s Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice has been starved of essential funds since scores of fundraising events were cancelled to comply with social distancing advice.

FAOS Musical Theatre Group has found a way to raise both our spirits and some money for the hospice and they invite you be their guests and take a front row seat at their virtual performance of Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.

Business manager Nigel Morley said: “Most importantly, if you enjoy the performance, please show your appreciation not to us but at our JustGiving page for the Hospice. You can get there by clicking here

Watch FAOS Musical Theatre Group’s entertaining performance below

Don’t forget to sing along!

Cupcake Day

Round & About


Bake it or fake it for Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day  

Who doesn’t love a cupcake and even better if you can tuck in while helping a brilliant cause.

Bring everyone together on Thursday to help fight dementia for the Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day. Whether you’re a baker or not, faking it’s OK with some shop bought ones, every cupcake helps fund pioneering research, support services and care.

If you want to make and decorate your own you’ve got two days to get in the kitchen and get creating but don’t worry if you can’t get it done for then – just choose a day that suits you instead.

In the average time taken to bake a batch of cakes, six people in the UK will develop dementia, since 2016, Cupcake Day has raised £2.7million so get baking and help raise funds as your cupcakes rise.

Take them to work, school or just invite a few friends and family round, tuck in and get helping.

If you need some tips for your Cupcake Day and some great recipe ideas right here

Click here for more about Alzheimer’s Society and the work they do

Read more about what is being done in the battle against dementia in our feature on motor racing legend Sir Jackie Stewart whose wife Helen has been diagnosed with the disease. He has launched a fundraising drive, Race Against Dementia, to boost funds for research.  You can also find out about Singing for the Brain and the benefits of music when it comes to unlocking memories.

Happy baking!