Alex James: feast of fun

Liz Nicholls


Liz Nicholls chats to musician, cheese maker and dad Alex James, 49, ahead of The Big Feastival which takes place 24th-26th August, in the Cotswolds

Q: How do you start planning each new Big Feastival?
“The first thing we do is invite The Cuban Brothers and Justin Fletcher; then we’ve got a party. Justin turns up and marches on stage with his little red nose on to sing One Man Went To Mow and brings the house down, without fail, every year. As time goes on it gets easier to attract the big stars. I’m delighted Marco [Pierre White] is involved this year; the whole British food revival started with him. Raymond Blanc and Pierre Koffmann complete the trio of culinary granddaddies.”

Q. Do you love the local food scene?
“Totally. We’re lucky with such a brilliant culture of food, starting with Daylesford just up the road and that’s drawn loads of brilliant chefs to the area. I love all the great pop-ups, farmers, producers…”

Q. Do you get to enjoy the festival once all the hard prep work is done?
“Yes; it takes all my charms and the odd cheese parcel, as well as loads of hard work. But when the sun’s shining and everyone’s jumping up and down, having a good time, it’s worth it. I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun as this – it’s an absolute scream. I get the whole family involved; everyone’s got a role.”

Q. You make parenting look easy, with your big brood!
“Haha! Yeah but I do get stressed too, man. Having a big family teaches you to roll with the punches, focus on the horizon, keep pushing.”

Q. You seem very productive?
“I’ve made five children, six cheeses and seven records. That’s the only reason I can do a food, music and family festival. You’ve got to care to make it happen.”

Q. How do you stay so svelte, making so much cheese!?
“Thanks for saying; I don’t feel it! I’ve got two new cheeses out this year so each one is quite a bit of time in the gym. It’s difficult not to invent cheese without eating loads of f***ing cheese!”

Q. Where do you want to travel next?
“Marco and I were talking about this the other day – he wants to go round Europe. South America, for me, is mind-blowing. The last time I was in Chile with the band I had a great meal and there wasn’t one ingredient I recognised. There’s interest in doing a festival down there, actually. I love travelling as a family; it’s so easy to travel in the 21st century.”

Q. Do you still love astronomy?
“Yeah; I watch lots of videos on YouTube; science, physics. It’s a good way to zone out at the end of a long day. Since the kids arrived I’ve got more down-to-earth concerns but my love of astronomy has gone into a more abstract realm of higher maths.”

Q. Who’s your favourite author?
“I like to re-read those books I’ve always loved, especially Conan Doyle and Robert Louis Stevenson.”


Hurry! Enter for our The Big Feastival Competition – ends Friday, 27th July

Plots for Pollinators

Liz Nicholls


Alan Titchmarsh is calling on all gardeners to unite to create a refuge for struggling butterflies, moths and other pollinators this summer. Join us in your garden – and online.

The future of our butterflies, moths and other pollinating insects is under threat,” warns Mr Titchmarsh, vice-president of Butterfly Conservation.

The cold start to spring may affect how some butterflies fare this year, as they could have less time to feed and breed. But you can help by creating some ‘plots for pollinators’.
“So many flowers are great nectar sources,” adds the local star, “such as catmint, cosmos or calendula. You could attract butterflies such as my favourite, the Red Admiral,” adds Mr Titchmarsh. “[Your square metre] doesn’t have to be on the lawn – you could create a vertical garden on an unused wall or fence.”

The project encourages you to set aside one square metre to plant a nectar-rich flowerbed or a colourful container garden over the summer.

Pollinating insects fertilise many crops, as well as other plants, trees and wild flowers. Gardens can act as vital refuges for pollinators, which are increasingly under threat from habitat loss, agricultural intensification and climate change. Previously widespread species, such as the Small Tortoiseshell and Garden Tiger Moth, have seen numbers plummet in recent years.

Titchmarsh’s Top Tips

Measure one square metre of outdoor space as a plot of pollinators and fill it with open-flowered, nectar-rich plants. Choose a sunny, sheltered position and group pots on a patio, grow up a fence or wall, or pick a flowerbed patch.

Water your plot regularly – ideally from a water butt which is more eco-friendly. Water soil not the plant; larger leaves can act as an umbrella shielding roots! Remove your watering can’s rose to get nearer the plant base if necessary.

Put a layer of mulch on the surface of the soil around the plants to help prevent water evaporation and suppress weed growth.

Always choose peat-free compost and cut down on plastic. Use recyclable and recycled containers or be creative and turn tins and tubs into pots, drilling drainage holes in the bottom.

Dead-head after flowering for more blooms.

Inspire your neighbours to plant a plot to create a flowery super highway.

Avoid harmful pesticides by removing slugs and snails by hand instead. Night is the best time.

Live & Direct

Liz Nicholls


Historian, broadcaster and TV presenter Dan Snow tells us more about his upcoming History Guy tour…

Q:What will you be talking about in your show? “A large chunk will be about local history, with direct relevance to the place we’re in…”

Q: Do people want to recount their personal histories, too? “Yes, they often want to tell me all about their family or the part their family played in history, such as a soldier in the First World War. A huge number of people tell me stories about their ancestors. They’ll say something like ‘My father was the first black RAF pilot’. Listening to them, you realise how many firsts there are.”

Q: Is your hope that you can captivate audiences with your infectious enthusiasm? “Yes! History is not all about dead kings, old libraries and dust: it’s everything! It’s your parents’ eyes meeting across a crowded room and why we are who we are and why we are speaking English and why it’s acceptable for women and men to mingle together. I hope people walk out of the theatre saying that they had a really good time. I also hope they leave having thought deeply about the past of their town, their country and their world. I just love this country – there is so much character and history here. Wherever you go in Britain, there are so many stories.”

Q: What do you think are the benefits of studying history? “It’s very good for your mental health to go to these places. When I went to Odiham Castle recently it was a beautiful sunlit morning – not a bad way to spend 20 minutes. Being a historian is a lovely job, but we can all do it at any time.”

Q: Tell us about your channel, History Hit TV. “Life is very exciting at the moment. Our podcasts have a million listeners. I love doing the podcast because of its simplicity and speed.”

Q: What you do in your spare time? “We go on holiday and visit historic sites! The kids are more manageable when you’re doing stuff with them. Having them around the house in winter is brutal. Looking around Winchester or Basingstoke is great fun. Walking around the Roman walls of Chester is a really good day out. You’re a better parent if you take your children to these historic places; it makes better citizens. We’re also on the water all the time. I often row with the kids near our house.”

Q: Did you inherit your love of history from your family? “Yes. My dad is fantastic on the heritage side. I inherited that from him. He has relentless energy. Also, my Welsh grandma, Nain, was a huge storyteller. She taught me to give history a human element and to bring it alive. I hope my history is real and vivid because of her.”

Enjoy Dan Snow: An Evening with “The History Guy” at The Swan in High Wycombe on Thursday, 7th July. For tickets, visit or call 01494 512 000.

On the line

Liz Nicholls


Liz Nicholls chats to Dame Esther Rantzen, 78, patron of Silverline and Childline, about life, loneliness and love

Q. What would be a helpful change for youngsters’ mental health?
“Families should have a big basket by the door and, as each person walks in, drop their mobile phone in. For the next three hours they all talk, eat, laugh, watch television, whatever. But it’s not easy; I’m a phone addict myself. For young people not to have real conversations with people they love is terrible. The artificial pictures created by social media and virtual friendships, which can turn into cyber-bullying or online grooming, are harmful. I’m not saying all families are perfect but I think tech-free family time can boost self esteem.”

Q. Are older people lonelier today than previously?
“Yes. Extended families live together less than they used to, and are dotted further apart. Technology is supposed to bring us closer but quite a lot of older people feel uncomfortable with it. Most Silverline callers call us because they’re lonely, often in the evening to say goodnight to someone as they haven’t spoken to anyone for days or weeks. We offer friendship calls on a regular basis and much more support and are urgently looking for more volunteers.”

Q. Do you get hassled much and what’s the weirdest fan mail you’ve had?
“I don’t think of it as ‘hassle’ – I never mind posing for a selfie. People who dislike me avoid me, I suppose! A group of lads from Scotland once wrote to me asking if I’d send a photo of myself in black suspenders. I didn’t reply, no. I remember when I started on television the producers used to laugh at the letters I had from gentlemen over 60; I was a pensioners’ pin-up. Now I’m a pensioner myself and I don’t get any.”

Q. Did you enjoy your time at Oxford?
“I loved it. I think you can be at your happiest and at your most unhappy at university because you’re in that volatile stage in your life and, of course, you have exams upon which your future depends. You have time to indulge in your favourite hobbies but you have to be quite resilient. I’ve got friends who live in Oxford and I’m very proud of being an honorary fellow of Somerville. I love wandering around the colleges, especially in spring and summer. And of course, going for a punt on the river with some white wine on a piece of string. You must do that!”

Q. What is the most surprising lesson from motherhood?
“What an appalling grandmother I am! I can’t say ‘no’, I spoil them rotten which my children hate. Being a granny is quite wonderful.”

Q. Where’s your favourite place to visit?
“There’s a beautiful rose garden at Mottisfont which I absolutely adore. They’ve got lovely herbaceous borders at this time of year.”

Q. What do you eat?
“Practically everything except chilli and pork – neither of which I like. I hardly ever drink alcohol – it doesn’t agree with me. I eat lots of fruit and whatever else comes my way.”

Q. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever had?
“My mother always said things will look much better in the morning, and they do. And my late husband Desmond used to say ‘never let the sun go down on your wrath’ when I tried to sulk.”

Q. What’s your abiding memory of George Michael?
“I had lunch with him to thank him for his fabulously generous donations to Childline, which he wanted to keep secret. He was a fantastic, talented human being; it’s a huge loss. His music was background to some of my best times. My favourite hit has to be Jesus to a Child – George donated all of its royalties to the charity.”

Level best

Round & About


Jonathan Lovett chats to Mark Chadwick of seminal band The Levellers ahead of their tour

Places such as Windsor, Eton, Ascot and Henley-on-Thames are beautiful,” enthuses Mark, “and we love our heritage – you can tell from the name of the band! We are contradictory; we have Tory-voting fans as well as lots of left-leaning ones…”

I’d just asked the lead singer of The Levellers if they are as happy playing more overtly “posh” areas such as the above which may not be the natural fanbase of a left-wing band named after a radical 17th-century democracy movement.

But Mark is nothing if not egalitarian and, combined with a passion for history, makes for the kind of stimulating interviewee who can quite easily fall into conversation about the Putney Debates of 1647!

“These were forced by the Levellers and paved the way for many of the civil liberties we value today,” he adds. “They were the first to talk to people as equals and the debates were a platform for common people within the context of the time. I wonder whether we need a modern Putney Debate today?”

Politics has always figured strongly in the work of The Levellers who celebrate their 30th anniversary year with a tour and the release of a new album, We The Collective. But they would never have been able to have preached to so many people if it was not for their wonderfully catchy tunes and sing-alongs which turned them into one of the most popular indie bands of the 1990s.

Indeed, they were so popular that the band still hold the record for playing to the biggest crowd Glastonbury has ever seen when an estimated 300,000-plus people saw them headline the Pyramid Stage in 1994.

“It was bizarre looking out into that crowd because it was so big,” says Mark. “It was terrifying and afterwards I had the worst stomach cramps I’ve ever had in my life because of this massive delayed nervous anxiety! I do look back with affection on those times and still get people coming up to me all the time going, ‘You helped change my life’, which is great.”

Still relevant and still challenging the status quo, We The Collective is the band’s highest-charting album entry in 21 years and features new arrangements of old classics such as Liberty Song and Hope Street alongside new songs such as Drug Bust McGee. “That’s about the subject of undercover police which is something we’ve experienced several times over the years,” adds Mark. “We’ve also been investigated and infiltrated by Special Branch and MI5 but we are no threat to society… the whole point of The Levellers is that we promote society!”

The Levellers play The Anvil in Basingstoke on Friday, 13th July. Visit

Heart to heart

Round & About


Rufus Wainwright, musician, dad and all-round superstar, chats to Rachel Wakefield ahead of his UK & world tour

Rufus Wainwright has sung jazz with Robbie Williams; crooned ballads with George Michael; created dance music with Mark Ronson; sung Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah to The Queen, and, if further approval were needed, Elton John has stated: “He’s the greatest songwriter on this planet.”

Rufus has also been gifted with a rich musical heritage: he’s the son of acclaimed folk singers Loudon Wainwright III and Kate McGarrigle, and is brother to musicians Martha Wainwright, Lucy Wainwright Roche and Sloan Wainwright.

So, you might expect this American-Canadian singer-songwriter to be somewhat aloof. He’s not. “Oh, I’m the biggest prima donna when it comes to the recording studio,” he exclaims, but on stage, you’re only as good as your last performance. I’m excited to be coming to the UK,” “I have a special core fanbase here who follow me from concert to concert. It’s all very innocent.”

Rufus has recorded eight albums of original music and numerous film soundtracks. His work ranges from melody-driven pop to highbrow opera to piano torch songs to super eccentric stuff, even setting Shakespeare sonnets to music. “Oh, I frustrate! Marketing can’t put me in a box!” laughs Rufus, who is 44. “At my age, I’m no longer flavour of the month. And besides, when I try and pose for pubicity shots, well it’s a disaster: what I think is sexy and sultry, I often look angry and confused.”

Rufus is very driven. “With music, it’s the melodies that remain, not the personalities,” he states. “You listen to hundred-year-old operas, and they are fresh and present. This is my aim. Never to be defined by the media , always the music. I believe this has been my saving grace. My voice is too unique and my musical sensibilities are too sophisticated to capture. So, my ability to evade capture, has captured my audience’s loyalty.”

For his All The Poses, 20th Anniversary Tour, Rufus has picked 11 dates for the UK. With just a handful of dates, you do have to wonder if there is an ulterior motive to the choice of venues, which begin at Basingstoke’s The Anvil moving to Kenwood house, London, with a few smaller venues, including Whitley Bay and Bexhill-on-Sea.

The short visit may have something to do with being a dad to his seven-year-old daughter, Viva, whom he co-parents with childhood friend Lorca, the daughter of Leonard Cohen. But, Rufus reveals: “I’m writing an opera about Britain, which will be published in October, it’s got Romans and Celtics and that’s all I can tell.” He gushingly adds: “I love the nomadic differences with each town here. The mystical qualities of the landscape awestruck me as a child, touring with my father. I get lost in ancient dreams at every turn.”

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Good truck

Liz Nicholls


Liz Nicholls chats to musician and dad Gaz Coombes, 42, whose acclaimed new album World’s Strongest Man is out now and appears at Truck festival in Steventon in July

Q. Hello Gaz, I love your new album! Are you most proud of this one?
“Thanks! It’s difficult to compare albums, y’know, like children! This album is still new and fresh, but I feel really good about it. The last three or four years have been the most creative of my life; it’s been a lot of fun.”

Q. Do you get recognised a lot when out and about?
“In Oxford, I’m just not a big deal, wandering along Cowley Road! I moved back just after my mum died to be closer to my dad and we haven’t looked back. I’m so at home here.”

Q. Where are your fave hang-outs?
“Jericho – I love The Harcourt Arms. We’re out in a village now, but when we were living on Cowley Road and my wife was in Banbury Road, Jericho was central and it’s cropped up in my lyrics! Last weekend Jools and I got a babysitter and went on a bit of a pub crawl with walks around Port Meadow – a magical place.”

Q. Oxford is a guitar music powerhouse, starting in your Supergrass days. Do you guys all hang out?
“Well yes! Loz and I hang out as he plays drums in my live band, when he’s not with Ride, and I see Mark Gardener [also of Ride]. When I was at Courtyard Studio recording this album, Colin Greenwood [of Radiohead] came by, for a cuppa and ended up playing bass on Oxygen Mask. He’s a fab guy, is Colin. The guys in my band are all local – I feel lucky that I’ve picked the cream of Oxford players. So yeah, it’s all subtley incestuous!”

Q. Anyone else you’d like to collaborate with?
“Ah, I heard something in my head a few months ago and contacted Nick Cave because I thought he’d be perfect. Unfortunately we couldn’t make any studio time work, but these things happen organically. I’d love to do some soundtracks…”

Q. Do you love vinyl?
“Yeah! It’s how I play music at home. I used to always pick some up on tour and don’t so much now, probably because of how accessible music is now on phones, it makes us lazy. But record releases are special – getting a box delivered, in classic Spinal Tap, style is so exciting.”

Q. Which new acts do you like?
“The band Shame are cool; honest rock ‘n’roll with depth. I also like Willie J Healey who’s a local boy, good and challenging. I’m always looking forward to what Goat are doing next – I’m a big fan of Goat.”

Q. What’s your fave gig venue?
“I’ve played some amazing venues over the years, like the Hollywood Bowl. But as a solo artist, I love the sound and space of The Forum in Kentish Town and Camden’s Roundhouse. I played a tiny basement club in Berlin last night and it was a great vibe.”

Q. What about festivals?
“Festival Number 6 is great; a real experience in a quirky, colourful town. And I always really enjoy Truck, nice and local!”

˜Truck festival is 20th-22nd July in Steventon, Oxfordshire. Visit

Rotten luck

Liz Nicholls


Liz Nicholls chats to Johnny Rotten, AKA John Lydon, 62, ahead of The Public Image Is Rotten Summer Tour of Europe and Japan, marking Public Image Ltd’s 40th anniversary

Q. Hello! Which date on this world tour are you most excited about?
“The first one is always the most fearful. But then often your first gig is your best, because of stress. I’m always nervous; I leave myself practically naked when I go on stage. All my defences and ego, I leave in the dressing room… it’s a hard parting! But as soon as you see their eyes, you’re being human together and I love that. That’s why I love these small, intimate venues.”

Q. Are you enjoying making music more than ever?
“Yes! It’s 40 years rewarded well, being in PiL now. I’m happy to say I’m working with real friends. We respect each other; we’re not laying down booby traps to make each other look foolish. And I’ve had that from bands [chuckles]… no doubt I’ve done it myself, too! But you can’t live in that world of adversity and animosity all the time. You just gotta stop it; start being reasonable. It’s a surprise to me!”

Q. How does London today compare to the old Kings Road days of punk?
“Well it’s more Topshop than interesting and avant garde. But I’ll always love a British pub. If there’s a bunch of old people, all the better, thank you.”

Q. Who’s your favourite author?
“Dickens; he gives a child’s view of a cruel world; there’s hope. Look to the children; they’re the ones closer to God.”

Q. What makes you angry as you get older?
“Little things, like my knackered big left toe can annoy the hell out of me. But it’s always bigger issues. The disenfranchised. The rich getting richer. So here I am, fully armed to combat that!”

Q. Is anger an energy and does politics anger you?
“Yes. There’s fake news on both sides of the agenda now, all around the world. Everyone has a personal vendetta which they’ve transferred into an agenda a la politics. As for politicians, is there a football pundit who doesn’t talk absolute b*****s? It’s the same with politicians. They separate us into ‘camps’. That’s why I loved punk initially; it broke down barriers like the north vs south, same with rave. I see the world as us: all of us. Now I’m only nasty to subjects and topics, not human beings.”

Q. You live in LA – what’s the buzz like over the Royal Wedding there?
“The Americans go mad for all the pomp, in a very Walt Disney, childlike way. I see no harm! I love a royal wedding because I get to see the old spitfires and bombers flying over Buckingham Palace… that is a sight for me!”

Q. Do you have much vinyl?
“An enormous amount; to the extent I’ve damaged the structure of my house. I had to put RSJs in! My collection’s the weight of a baby elephant, maybe two. I love vinyl, same as I books; I love the texture, the feel.”

Q. Who’s your favourite artist?
“Kandinsky: free-flowing vivid images. I also love Hundertwasser; taking ideas from the canvass into architecture.”

Visit for details of a new 40th anniversary box set and gigs on the tour.

Shared experience

Liz Nicholls


Liz Nicholls chats to broadcaster and campaigner Jonathan Dimbleby, and his charity Dimbleby Cancer Care

Q: Good morning! Have I caught you in the middle of your exercise routine?
“Are you joking?! My mornings, on school days, are spent encouraging my offspring with times tables and spelling. Then I have porridge, work on my book and have a light lunch. But I try every day, even on a gloomy one like today, to walk for at least an hour and a half. Because I live in Bristol, which is so hilly, I know it does me good. When we moved here 18 months ago, I’d be out of breath when I got to Clifton but now I can walk it in half the time without noticing. I hate gyms – they make me feel like a hamster. The human body is made to walk and, in my case, to play tennis. It used to be made for riding horses and a whole range of other activities. But basically, I walk and play tennis… and fail.”

Q: Your charity was founded in memory of your dad Richard. Do you think of him often?
“Yes, I’m 21 years older than he was when he died. My father remains part of my life, as does my late mother; I’m blessed by having wonderful parents. You do regret that they can’t see your children grow up, how they turn out. But we learn to live in life with our sorrows and regrets as well as our joys. We manage pain as we manage delight.”

Q: Dimbleby Cancer Care helps with some of the non-clinical aspects of life with cancer doesn’t it?
“We know we make a difference – we support the work done within the NHS, including at our cancer centre at Guy’s and Thomas’s [in south London] and fund a benefits advice service. It’s difficult to exaggerate how support for people living with cancer, and their carers, can transform lives which is where our cancer care map comes in. Acute anxiety exacerbates living with cancer hugely. We offer complementary therapies, advice, support; a counsel of comfort and hope.”

Q. What’s your greatest journalistic moment?
“I think when I ‘exposed’ a terrible famine in Ethiopia and started an appeal which raised, in today’s money, something in the order of £70m. I’ve been locked up in police cells, come under fire, all the things that happen to a front-line reporter. But I think my most memorable interview was with Gorbachev. I thought; ‘here’s an extraordinary man who can change the world’. And he did.”

Q. What’s your favourite book?
“It changes all the time. I’m working on a second world war book so I try to read a novel or a biography to get away from that of an evening. My ‘desert island book’ would be Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge.”

Q. Do you listen to much music?
“Yes – I go to a lot of concerts and listen to Radio 3 and am sometimes profoundly irritated by the presentation. But it makes our green and pleasant land a million times greener and pleasanter.”

Q. Do you enjoy the Walk50?
“This is our fourth and I usually walk the 50km because I’m so competitive but there are 25km and 12.5km options. Walking along the river at night, watching dawn break is beautiful; a real feelgood factor. We live in hard times, but it’s an unadulterated delight.”

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Fighting Talk

Round & About


Comedian Lucy Porter brings her smash-hit Edinburgh Fringe show Choose Your Battles to various venues Peter Anderson catches up with her…

In Choose your Battles Lucy Porter, with the aid of the audience and a punchbag, works out when she should stick to her guns and fight and when she can use her disarming charm to defuse a situation. I caught up with her and, while ducking the boxing glove, asked her about her life and the tour.

Q. Is your current tour based purely on your life and experience, or observation as well?
“It’s a bit of a mixture. Most of the material comes from my own experience, but my audience are wonderful at coming up afterwards or emailing me and saying ‘that story you told reminded me of something awful my husband did…’ or ‘when my kids were little, I found this was a really useful tip…’ so I get a lot of helpful feedback that finds its way into the show.”

Q. Have your husband or children seen the show?
“Oh goodness, no! My whole act relies on the fact that my husband is looking after the kids while I’m out talking about them on stage. I don’t know what I’ll do when the children are old enough to see my act – I’ll have to change it and just talk about our cats.”

Q. How long does it take you to collate and write material for a show?
“It’s a never-ending process of writing, presenting stuff to the audience and then revising it. It’s 100% my favourite thing about live stand-up; the fact that no two shows are alike. The skeleton of this show was written for the Edinburgh festival in August last year, and some of my favourite bits have stayed in, but there’s always stuff that’s new this week, today, or even on the night.”

Q. As someone who prefers not to make a fuss, and carefully choose your battles would you like to have lived in 1717?
“Ooh, I hope you’re referring here to my play the Fair Intellectual Club, which was set in 1717 and concerned a group of young women who decided to set up a secret society for studying maths, physics, astronomy and all the other things that ‘nice girls’ weren’t supposed to concern themselves with. I hope I’d always have been a mouthy, opinionated and difficult woman like they were.”

Q. You write both comedies and dramas. Is it easy to switch between the two?
“I never had any ambition to write drama, but as I’ve got older I’ve realised my life experience has gifted me some serious points to make. That said, even when I’m writing drama I can’t help playing for laughs sometimes. I hope never to have to take life, or myself, too seriously.”

Q. If you were stranded on a desert island, who would like to be stranded with?
“I love my own company and I need a holiday, so I’d be delighted to be on a desert island for at least a week. If I could be stranded with Dolly Parton and Paul McCartney, I could have the music and good company as well.”

Q. You are appearing at The West End Centre in Aldershot. What memories do you have of appearing there?
“The West End Centre is one of the nicest and most welcoming places I’ve ever encountered. Also, the people who run it have impeccable taste in music (and comedy too of course!).”

For more details visit