The Dolphin, award-winning pub

Round & About

The Dolphin recently picked up Greene King’s Community Pub of the Year for its excellent range of events and community initiatives, landlady Emma Cox shares her delight

To me the pub trade isn’t just about selling alcohol it’s about being an all-inclusive base where everyone can come together. For celebration, commiserations, for support through the high times and the low times.

I’ve been at The Dolphin working since I was 13 as a cleaner to start off with and my parents became managers when I was 16 so I’ve watched the trade change over the years.

I love Wallingford and we are in a position to give back some of the support we have been shown over the years. When lockdown happened I noticed there was so much more we could do. So many customer didn’t return through fear of covid that we started doing food parcels, prescription runs, phone calls for company, which lead to us getting involved in the different community centres.

The reason I do it is simple. If the shoe was on the other foot or one of my family or friends are in need I’d really hope somebody would be there to help – one of my mottos is ‘it’s nice to be nice!”

I love the kids eat free, my daughter Annie is six. She struggled socially for a long time after lockdown. I think social skills build such a great confidence in our children and that’s so important.

Winning the award is probably one of my greatest career achievements so far! But, it’s not just me. There’s a whole team of amazing people that work at The Dolly who go above and beyond everyday. And we couldn’t do what we do without each other.
