Henley resident launches a new service on Friday, 31st August, to support people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction

Towards Recovery is a new Community Interest Company (CIC) based in Henley developed to support people to initiate and sustain recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, including supporting families, friends and any professionals in contact with them.
This family initiative was launched by Henley resident Huseyin Djemil who has more than 18 years experience specialising in the criminal justice / drug treatment sector.
Huseyin underwent residential rehabilitation for class A drug use in 1986. After recovery he took on various roles within the government and not for profit sector, eventually developing a consulting business with the simple aim of improving the condition for addict, their recovery, and therefore improving the lives of the people around them.
Huseyin now works with an extensive range of UK and International charities, social enterprises, private and public sector organisations, central government departments, universities and local authorities.
Huseyin says: “Many people know what addiction looks like, we want to show people what life in recovery is like. We know that a life in recovery is possible as we are living proof of it, we know that people can go on to become responsible citizens and an asset to their community again. We help people by identifying their skills and abilities and building their support network, we know that this strengthens a persons recovery journey and gives them the best chance to succeed. We are here to help people who need the support themselves or family members looking for guidance.”
His project, Towards Recovery, has created a positive impact and the service has received National Lottery funding. With this support, Huseyin is launching a new service to his local community this Friday, 31st August in Henley, between 7-10pm.
This is an open invitation – no registration needed, turn up on the night where food and refreshments will be available all evening.