Conservationist cows to arrive in Camberley

Karen Neville

Give them a quiet welcome, says Surrey Wildlife Trust

Starting this month, public access areas of Barossa nature reserve in Camberley will play host to a special band of black-and-white visitors – a 36-strong herd of native Belted Galloway cattle owned by Surrey Wildlife Trust.

During the spring and summer months, the steers play a vital role in keeping the site in good condition for nature by keeping vegetation including Molina grass under control, thus creating ideal habitat for species such as Nightjars, Dartford Warblers, Silver-studded Blue butterflies and a range of reptiles including Common Lizards and Adders.

With the animals set to arrive on 06 April, the Trust is reminding people not to be intimidated by the cows, but to treat them with respect. Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Conservation Grazing Manager Tamsin Harris says: “As well as being a popular spot for walkers Barossa is an important site for Surrey’s wonderful wildlife, and our cattle are helping keep the area special – but it’s important to remember that they are there to do a job, not to make friends. They are bred for a placid temperament but please don’t feed or pet them, remember to give them some space when walking past them and keep dogs under control.

“We hugely appreciate the support of local people in helping our herd stay happy.”

Conservation grazing is widely used by Surrey Wildlife Trust to manage wildlife habitat, whether it be grassland, woodland, wetland or scrub. It is less intrusive to wildlife than burning or cutting excess vegetation, and grazing animals can access areas which people and machinery can’t.

Many of the rare flora and fauna that exist within Surrey now relies on this type of management to survive, and Surrey has used cattle, goats, sheep and native Red Deer for these purposes on sites including Chobham Common, Quarry Hangers, Ash Ranges and Pirbright Ranges. Belted Galloway cattle originate from the lowlands of Scotland and are particularly suitable for grazing both heathland and chalk grassland thanks to their hearty appetites for course grasses and scrub as well as softer vegetation. Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Belted Galloway cattle are moved across multiple sites according to the season and the needs of each site. The 36 steers arriving at Barossa this month will remain on site until early November.

Clay, Cloth and Wood in Henley

Karen Neville

An exciting exhibition showcasing the varied works of four talented artists runs at Henley’s Old Fire Station Gallery from April 7th to 17th

Clay, Cloth and Wood: WORKS is an exciting exhibition showcasing the varied works of four talented artists covering ceramics, textile pictures and sculptural wood.

This exhibition runs from 11am to 7pm each day for 10 days, from Friday 7th April to Tuesday 17th April. It’s free and you are welcome to view the show at Henley’s Old Fire Station Gallery, just up from the Town Hall.

Henley resident Margaret Wainwright (Billson) has coordinated this exhibition which brings together the work of four friends, all highly experienced and gifted in their respective creativities. Their varied artworks are complementary and deliver a satisfyingly coherent show that will please many interests.

What can you expect?

Two of the exhibitors – Margaret Wainwright and Andrea Smith – are experienced potters whose passion for working with clay goes back decades. Based in Henley, they now share use of a kiln and studio where they exchange ideas and are mutually supportive. Will they ever apply to be on the TV series Pottery Throwdown? Ask them when you visit!

This TV series has no doubt fuelled growth of interest in handmade pottery and art ceramics, reflected in works appearing more in art galleries. Part of the attraction is the variety of form, texture and design and the uniqueness of hand-built wares, as is evident with these practitioners.

Margaret Wainwright’s hand-built pieces are textured, tactile and decorative. Robust, incised sculptural forms take inspiration from ancient rocky outcrops of granite. Other rounded vessels hold your attention with a Zen-like quality. Enigmatic forms hold interest from every angle. Margaret prefers matt finishes, with decoration coming from applied oxides, creative mark-making and use of a variety of clays. Pieces range in scale from palm-sized to large ‘statement pieces’.

In contrast, Andrea Smith’s domestic ware is skilfully thrown on the wheel and comprises bowls, plates and mugs. Her pottery is fired twice: an initial biscuit firing for the glazed decorations to be applied, followed by another firing at even higher temperatures. Her brushwork decoration is simple and tasteful. Each piece of tableware – dishwasher safe – works on its own or as part of a set. For gardens, Andrea makes hand-built bird baths.

Karen Higgs, from Watlington, makes expressive artworks – pictures and wall-hangings, using recycled textiles and thread. This medium has a subtle 3-D quality; and light catching the materials at differing angles highlights nuances in colours and textures of materials. It’s painterly, with portraits, landscapes, figurative and abstract subject matter, all superbly rendered as a montage of carefully selected fabrics, overlays and sewing threads.

Wood carver and turner John Heley has created sculptures, bowls and platters originating from trees sourced from well-managed woods and recreational parkland. John is a ‘man of the land’, living and working on a farm, his workshop a rustic outbuilding. Each piece starts at his sawmill, timbers sawn, stacked and seasoned over time – in readiness for working.

Like most craft workers with wood, John has a deep affinity and respect for trees, appreciating their varied qualities which dictate what he makes. His unique pieces highlight specific qualities of different woods, the grain and burrs, and the sense of history inherent in ancient trees.

The exhibitors are, in part, aiming to raise money for charities (the relief fund for the Turkish/Syrian earthquake & for Cancer Research) by donating some proceeds from sales and holding a prize raffle. Contributions are optional.

Do stop by at the Old Fire Station Gallery during the 10 days of this interesting free exhibition. The artists look forward to meeting visitors and chatting.

The exhibition has an Invitation only private viewing on Saturday 8th from 2pm onwards and is closed for public viewing at this time. Otherwise, you are very welcome to visit at the times shown.

Bring your lawn to life

Karen Neville

Surrey Wildlife Trust and RHS call on gardeners to give the mower a rest and bring their lawns to life for nature

Surrey Wildlife Trust and the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) are calling on gardeners to ditch the ‘golf course’ look and reimagine their lawns this spring and summer.

The ‘Bring your lawn to life‘ initiative encourages people to cut their grass less regularly and embrace daisies, dandelions, clovers and other naturally flowering plants. Leaving more space for native vegetation means the pollinating insects we all depend on, as well as a huge range of other wildlife from frogs to finches, has a much better chance of survival.

Lawns left to grow long help mitigate flooding by soaking up more rainwater, counter the ‘heat island’ effect in urban areas, and capture pollutants. They are also better at resisting browning during dry spells owing to their longer roots.

Their benefits continue into the height of summer, providing all-important habitat for a whole host of insects including ants, bees, beetles and butterflies.

The charities have set out five ways to love your lawn this year:

• Reduce the frequency of mowing to once every three to four weeks to allow flowers such as dandelion and speedwell to bloom and help pollinators.
• Keep some areas short as pathways, sunbathing spots, and foraging areas for worm-eating birds. For the rest, let the grass grow a little longer, offering shelter to grasshoppers and other insects. In turn, these creatures are food for frogs, birds and bats.
• Allow parts of your lawn to grow long for the whole summer so that caterpillars can feed and transform into butterflies and moths.
• Turn a blind eye to the odd bare patch as these provide sites for ground nesting bees.
• If you do want a luscious green carpet, consider growing hardy yarrow within your lawn or, where this is limited footfall, experiment with a tapestry lawn and grow herbs and flowers such as chamomile and creeping thyme.

Given that most lawn-dwelling plants are annuals, there is plenty of scope to experiment with different layouts and mowing patterns each year, giving gardeners numerous outlets for their creativity.

Lucy Cahill, Team Wilder Project Officer at Surrey Wildlife Trust says: “Private gardens cover more of the UK than all our nature reserves combined, so just imagine the difference we could make if every one of them became a sanctuary for wildlife. And with so much colour and contrast on offer, a lawn that makes space for nature can look as beautiful as the most formal display.

“We all depend on the services nature provides, so we all have something to gain by helping make Surrey wilder.”

Helen Bostock, Senior Wildlife Specialist at the RHS, says: “Lawns, while central to many garden designs, are often overlooked as important ecosystems in favour of the plants in beds that border them. But they’re home to a huge amount of wildlife and help mitigate the impact of climate change.

“We want to inspire people to get up close and personal with their lawns this year, discover what can be found in their swathes of green and dabble with new, more hands-off means of management.”

For more user-friendly information on how your lawn can help wildlife, visit Wild about lawns.

Surrey Wildlife Trust is currently asking for donations to create and protect hedgerow and woodland habitat for the threatened Hazel Dormouse – part of a vision for Surrey as a county where people and nature can thrive together. For more information or to make a donation visit Surrey Wildlife Trust.

BBOWT Nature Photography Competition 2023

Karen Neville

This year’s competition has opened with new categories and great prizes

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) has opened its annual nature photography competition for 2023 with a host of new categories and prizes.

The charity is inviting nature lovers of all ages to send their shots of animals, plants, people and scenery at BBOWT nature reserves and in the community.

Anyone from a six-year-old with a camera phone to a seasoned professional can enter the contest which this year has new categories for pictures of plants, fungi, insects, mammals, birds, reptiles and fish. There is also a new category just for Urban Nature.

This year’s prizes include a top-of-the-range digital camera, an exclusive wildlife photography masterclass, and a high-quality canvas print of your winning photo. All winners will have their photo featured in the Trust’s 2024 calendar.

Rachel Levis, BBOWT Head of Events, said: “We’re so excited to be launching the contest again with these new wildlife categories. Last year we had so many fantastic photos of plants, animals and fungi at BBOWT nature reserves, and this year we really wanted a chance to celebrate all those ways of capturing our wonderful wildlife at its finest.

“I’m also really excited to be launching our Urban Nature category: as we’ve come to realise in recent years that we are in a nature and climate crisis, it’s also become clear that the solution has to be more nature everywhere – and that means looking after wildlife in our towns and cities as well. This category offers a brilliant chance to showcase and celebrate the species that are right under our noses – pollinating our window boxes, nesting under rooves and living in our gardens: these species can be just as important as the wildlife at nature reserves.”


All photographs must be taken on a BBOWT nature reserve except in the Team Wilder, Urban Nature, Children and Teens categories which must be taken in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire or Oxfordshire.

• Children (ages 6-11) – Photos matching any of the categories below
• Teens (ages 12-17) – Photos matching any of the categories below.
• Flora
• Fungi
• Insects and Arachnids
• Birds
• Mammals
• Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish
• Nature reserve Landscapes

• Team Wilder – People are stepping forward from every sector of society to lead change in their fields and we welcome businesses, schools, politicians, and individuals as part of Team Wilder. If you’re taking action for nature right now, no matter how small the act is, you’re already a part of #teamWILDER. Send us your photos and show us what you are working on or have achieved already.
• People in Nature
• Urban Nature – Wildlife or nature in towns, cities and other urban settings.

Closing date for entries is Friday 1 September 2023.


This year’s overall winner will receive:

• A top-of-the-range digital camera
• Photography workshop with wildlife photographer Steve Gozdz from GG Wildlife Experiences
• A high-quality A3 canvas print of your winning photo
• Your photo featured in the 2024 BBOWT calendar
• Certificate

Category winners will receive:

• Photography workshop with wildlife photographer Steve Gozdz from GG Wildlife Experiences
• Your photo featured in the 2024 BBOWT calendar
• A BBOWT cafe voucher
• Certificate

The Children and Teen categories also have an additional prize: a bundle of nature books which will go to the school library of the winner (or to a school the winner nominates).

This year’s competition will be judged by a panel of three experts: Steve Gozdz is a professional wildlife photographer and founder of Berkshire-based GG Wildlife Experiences, which offers wildlife walks, experiences and photography classes; Ben Vanheems is the editor of BBOWT’s Wild Magazine and a wildlife gardener and Youtuber, and Lis Speight is BBOWT‘s head of communications.

Commenting on what he will be looking for in this year’s entries, Steve Gozdz said: “A great photo makes good use of light, composition and shows creativity. However, most importantly, I will be looking for images that capture ‘the moment’ that encompasses the beauty and essence of the subject matter of the environment.

“You don’t need a fancy camera: even a smart phone can produce some amazing images and give some very different perspectives. Don’t forget – the best camera you can have is the one in your hand.”

Need some inspiration?

Here are last years winners and runners up.

Teenagers Winner – Zachery Osbourne
Teenagers Runner Up – Lucy Colston
Team Wilder Winner – Helen Touchard-Paxton
Team Wilder Runner up – Peter Massam
People Winner – Peter Mohr
People Runner Up – Lorraine Clarke
Flora and Fauna Winner – Roy McDonald
Flora and Fauna Runner Up – Adrianna Bielobradek
Children Winner – Roly Lewis
Children Runner Up – Hayden Denham

The Trust is extremely grateful to GG Wildlife Experiences for sponsoring this year’s competition.

For full details and to enter, go to BBOWT Photography Competition 2023

World Autism Awareness Day

Karen Neville

Sunday 2nd April is World Autism Awareness Day, national charity Dogs for Autism, based in Alton, Hampshire, shares the story of employee Lola and how dogs help her

As Autism Liaison Co-Ordinator for Dogs for Autism, Lola Bellarosa-Homer is often the first point of contact for the families the charity helps. She has always really enjoyed her role, but her recent autism diagnosis has meant she really understands why she absolutely loves her job and feels like she belongs at the charity.

“Getting the formal diagnosis meant everything, for the first time in my life I felt like I belonged,” is how Lola reacted to finding out her formal diagnosis.

After her son, who is now 17 years old, was diagnosed with autism and cognitive learning disabilities, Lola set about investing her time into learning about autism and how best she could support her son and help him navigate the world. For as long as she could remember she had felt like she hadn’t fitted in, and experienced huge anxiety and depression that led her to self-harm, from being a teenager until she met her husband. While there wasn’t a lightbulb moment, she realized that a lot of the questions she asked about herself were common questions that other autistic adults were having.

After a lot of research and thought, she decided she wanted to know whether she too was autistic, and after seven months of consultation she was given her formal diagnosis.

Describing how it feels to know she is autistic, Lola said: “I finally see the world in colour. It’s like someone put a key into a lock and opened something that had been shut away for 30 years.”

Lola sees being autistic as an overwhelmingly positive thing and is keen that other people know about all the strengths that her autism brings her. Perseverance and courage, which come from having to work so much harder to navigate the neurotypical world, are two of the qualities that she wants to pass on to her son and every other autistic person. She also needs an enormous amount of courage to face and resolve difficult situations; this enables her to be a huge help to the families Dogs for Autism work with and they know that the charity really understand and see the world from an autistic person’s point of view. It’s meant she’s been able to bring in new processes, flow charts and mind maps, which all help the charity provide more support to their partners.

CEO of Dogs for Autism, Hilary Armour, sees huge benefits in having an autistic person as part of any team. She added: “It’s a massively positive step for our families to have someone supporting them who really ‘gets’ autism. I would actively encourage any employer to include autistic people in their teams.”

Lola feels that her unique perspective is an advantage to her work and something that any company would benefit from. She wants to be champion for helping employers to understand that by making small changes in the workplace, autistic employees can bring creativity, enthusiasm, and a new vision to their role. She would love other employers to read this and realise how positive it can be to have an autistic or neurodiverse person in the workplace. By making some small changes, educating staff, being accepting and open to allowing an autistic person to process things in their own way, it really will make a difference to the lives of their autistic staff, as well as bringing new strengths to the workplace.

For more on Dogs for Autism visit Dogs For Autism

Have a cracking time

Karen Neville

Easter is the perfect occasion for family adventures and spending time together, as well as offering the chance to find more eggs than you could possibly eat, there are a variety of other fun activities to entertain you too

How about following an egg trail at a National Trust property near you? Trails cost just £3 plus normal National Trust entry and all end with a chocolate egg, or vegan and free from egg, made in the UK using cocoa responsibly sourced from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. To find out more including whether booking is required (in many cases it’s not), visit Easter trails and Easter egg hunts | National Trust

West Berkshire
West Sussex


Hop along to the Walled Garden at Blenheim Palace to enjoy a whole host of egg-citing activities including circus skills, balloon modelling, bubble performances, bungee trampolines and a travelling vintage variety show, not to mention appearances from the Easter Bunny, 7th to 10th and don’t forget the Easter egg hunt to win a tasty chocolate treat. Tickets Easter Eggstravaganza | Blenheim Palace

Adopt a dragon this Easter at Oxford Castle & Prison from 1st to 16th. Join the Dragon Masters and paint and decorate a dragon egg, build your own nest for your dragon and then adopt your dragon to take home. Each child will take home their egg, nest and soft toy dragon as well as a certificate of adoption and fact sheet for them and their fiery friend. Spaces limited, book at Oxford Castle & Prison

Myths and legends swirl around the neolithic landscape at White Horse Hill. With burial mounds, hillforts, Giants Steps and a Dragon Hill to discover at this unique site in Uffington from April 7th to 10th. Complete all the activities and take home a chocolate egg.

Travel back in time to the golden age of Great Western Railway and savour the sights, sounds and smells of steam at the 21-acre living museum at Didcot Railway Centre with trains dating from Victorian times. April bank holiday steam days run from 7th to 10th, 29th and 30th with May bank holiday steam days 27th to 29th. You won’t want to miss that lovable bear Paddington on May 1st. More details and tickets at Didcot Railway Centre.

Image: National Trust / John Millar
Image: National Trust / John Millar

Thame Country Fair comes to Thames Showground on Easter Sunday and Monday, with country sports and pursuits and arena entertainment. Watch falconry, gundogs, horse boarding, scurry driving and a stunt display team. Enjoy demonstrations and have-a-go events while a visit to the World of Dogs is a must for any dog lover. The Food Glorious Food Section offers street food and drink vendors, chef demonstrations and music and stop by the craft village. Plenty of amusements for children too. Tickets at Thame Country Fair | Living Heritage Country Shows.

Join the Family Easter Trail: Easter Bunny’s Egg Hunt at Sutton Courtenay Environmental Education Centre, follow the trail and help the Easter bunny discover who has laid all the different eggs to earn your Easter treat, 3rd to 6th! More at Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust.

Leap into a new era of bouncing at Oxfordshire’s largest inflatable park! The Bounce Park is now open weekends at Willowbrook Leisure Centre, Didcot offering fun for all ages. Looking for the ultimate birthday party? Let The Bounce Park host with all the fun with no stress. Open bounce, Tots and SEN sessions available online at The Bounce Park are offering all Round & About customers an exclusive discount when booking open sessions, please use Rabout10 code when checking out! 

If you’ve over indulged on choccy at Easter how about walking it off in a good cause? Challenge yourself to a 10 or 20-mile Pink Ribbon Walk at Blenheim Palace on Saturday, 13th May and soak up the sights on the ramble-ready routes. Starting and finishing in the stunning grounds of Blenheim Palace, the walk will showcase the best of the Cotswolds’ spectacular rural scenery. Whether you’re a newbie walker or a seasoned hiker, the Pink Ribbon Walk is for you. Sign up now 

West Berkshire

What are the differences between rabbits and hares? How fast can a hare run? Discover more about this wonderful, elusive creature at Where’s The Hare? Family Easter Trail at the Nature Discovery Centre, Thatcham 4th and 5th, includes a take-home craft and a small chocolate treat, more at Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust.

Spring into Newbury and enjoy the great Newbury Easter egg hunt from April 1st to 16th along with the Easter Farm and Family Fun Day on 6th when you can meet rabbits, guinea pigs, goats, lambs and donkeys in the Market Place. Details at 

Go on a journey of discovery at the Living Rainforest, Thatcham this month and take part in the latest in a new series of monthly Children’s Rainforest Activity Trails. Discover Rainforest Foods – find out how the rainforest is linked to your kitchen cupboard in this latest adventure in the warm tropical glasshouses. Pre-order a children’s Activity Pack when booking at The Living Rainforest or buy onsite. 

Join the fun at Avebury this spring for an Easter adventure. Explore the garden and have a go at lots of exciting activities to claim your Easter egg. Make your way along the trail and find nature-inspired activities for the whole family between Saturday 1st and Sunday 16th.

Image: National Trust / James Dobson


If you’re looking for some motivation to get outdoors (especially after all the chocolate) why not join the Goring Gap walk, a ramble along the Thames and through the riverside villages of the Chiltern Hills. Choose from half marathon or marathon distance routes (13 or 26 miles) starting at Mapledurham House, Saturday 13th May. Fully signposted, friendly marshals, village hall refreshments/ facilities on route, medals, massage and more at the finish. Dogs welcome! Find out more at Goring Gap Walk.

Follow the trail and find nature-inspired activities leading to a secret garden at Basildon Park. Find blossom-inspired activities for the whole family as you make your way along the Easter trail through the spring parkland at Greys Court, Henley. Both trails run April 1st to 16th and include a trail map, pencil, bunny ears, and a chocolate egg at the end.

Image: National Trust / Chris Lacey

Wellington Country Park has a cracking assortment of Easter events planned from 1st to 16th with Junk Jodie and her Easter crafts and singing and dancing with Canary Mary and her friends Custard the Chick, Lolli the Lamb and the Easter Bunny. There’s Big Top show tent entertainment too from PeteZa, Big Foot and Friends and Circus Wellingtonia. Don’t miss the Mega Egg Hunt on Sunday 9th – solve the clues and find the missing eggs to claim your prize. More info and to book visit Wellington Country Park.

Plant a wicker basket decorated with a bow to create a charming Easter gift at Squires Garden Centre, Wokingham, April 3rd to 14th (booking required) and join the bunny hunt – same dates – and follow the clues in the centre to help find the magic word. 

The Berkshire Egg Run is a Motorcycle Ride across Reading which takes place annually on Good Friday, April 7th this year. Riders converge at Stadium Way in Tilehurst from 11.30am, for a 12.30 departure, riding through Reading ending up at The Abbey Rugby Club in Emmer Green where the Easter Eggs are donated to the Rotary Club and Southcote Children’s Centre who distribute them across Berkshire. The Ride is marshalled and slow so all types and size of bike/scooter/trike and quad can join in. More at 

Dive into a world of adventure with Secret Adventures in the Berkshire countryside. Tuck into a four-course woodland feast at Goring Heath on April 29th. Walk through the woods, enjoy a botanical cocktail on arrival and chef’s mouthwatering fare. Find out more at 

Image: National Trust / Chris Lacey

Add a twist to your egg hunt this Easter, by looking for dinosaur eggs at Savill Gardens, Windsor, on April 5th and 6th. Follow the footprints to find dinosaur nests and evidence of other egg-laying creatures. Discover how plants, animals and dinosaurs evolved on Earth along the way, and help solve a mystery to win a chocolate egg. Suitable for children aged four to 11 years, but all children are welcome. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Book at Dinosaur Egg Hunt.

Binfield Easter Egg Hunt is back for the eighth year, 2nd – 10th, and it’s all set to be another eggsellent hunt! There will be 30+ eggs to find around the village, simply buy a map for £3 from either Binfield Village Stores, Daphne’s Coffee Shop or Foxes Den Community Cafe, and have some fun. With cafes, shops and playgrounds enroute, come and have a great day out,


Sports day comes to Stowe with an Easter-themed twist from April 1st to 16th, so hop, jump, throw, run, stretch and race your way around each of the activities. As you play and have fun on your family adventure in nature, there’s plenty of new life to spot along the way.

The Easter trail at Waddesdon is jam-packed with fun games and creative activities. Follow your map, get involved in 10 activities to claim your chocolate egg at the end. Starting at the back of the Manor, it makes its way around the grounds before ending at the Woodland Takeaway and Toyshop. Visit the newly-refurbished playground and refuel with delicious food and drink. Tickets must be pre-booked for the Easter trail which runs from March 29th to April 9th, excluding April 3rd and 4th.  

Make your way along the trail and find nature-inspired activities for the whole family in the grounds at Cliveden from March 31st to April 16th. Families and dogs are all welcome on this seasonal adventure. After picking up an activity pack, there are 10 activities to find around the estate. Make your own Easter discoveries, have fun and head back to the Easter Trail tent to collect your treat.


The flowers herald the arrival of spring at Polesden Lacey with nearly 200,000 planted creating a floral fiesta of daffodils, irises and anemones (to name a few). This year’s Easter adventure trail (until April 19th) will get your family running wild through time, journeying back to when wolves and lynx roamed free. Check out the new natural play area too.

Limber up this Easter on the activity trail at Claremont Landscape Garden until April 10th. Join in with games in the garden whilst taking in the picturesque views. Spring offers the chance to stroll through swathes of daffodils, feed tiny goslings, and make the most of bright days in this historic royal pleasure ground.

Image: National Trust / John Millar

Waxy magnolia blooms and swathes of daffodils line the paths in the upper arboretum at Winkworth, take a voyage of discovery through the arboretum on an activity-filled nature trail – 1st-16th – while taking in the landscape springing into life and colour. Kids can make their own masterpiece with items found on the woodland floor, search for wildflowers or predict the weather. Booking advisable.

On the Long Walk at Hatchlands Park, the delicate cream flowers of blackthorn blossom are a welcome sight of spring, followed closely by the hawthorn blossom. Be on the lookout for some giant eggs hiding around the grounds on an adventure trail from 1st to 16th. 

Games and challenges abound on the adventure trail at Hindhead Commons and the Devil’s Punch Bowl from 1st-16th. Try birdwatching, den building and bug hunting as you take in views across the Weald or explore heath, streams and woodland. 

A walk along the towpath at Dapdune Wharf will reveal lots of new life this Easter – ducklings, baby coots and moorhens and green shoots from the waterside vegetation. Kids can spring into action too on a fun-filled Easter trail, 7th-10th, before trying some relaxing creative crafts at the wharf. 

Image: National Trust / Trevor Ray Hart
Image: National Trust / John Millar

Haslemere Museum celebrates British wildlife this spring. The Museum’s amazing collection of wildlife specimens means it has been chosen as lead museum for the Surrey consortium in the national Wild Escape project. There’s a lively programme of wildlife-related events and activities for all the family, including talks, workshops and fun sessions for children. Why not combine a scheduled event with a browse around the Museum’s displays and woodland grounds? More at 

Children can do an Easter Egg Hunt with a difference 1st-16th April at Gilbert White’s House & Gardens. Find 10 eggs hidden in the garden and use clues to work out which creature laid them, (hint, it’s not only birds that lay eggs!). Complete the trail and claim a prize. Easter Egg Hunt With A Difference!

Farnham’s Rural Life Centre invites you to follow the trail of eggs left by the Easter bunny on April 9th and 10th. Collect a trail sheet, spot them all and claim your treat. 

Surrey Artists feature strongly in AppArt’s Art Exhibition & Sculpture Trail. Soroya French, President of the Society of Women Artists will open AppArt’s exhibition at Prior’s Field School, Godalming GU7 2RH, on Saturday, 1st April. With over 700 artworks this is one of the largest exhibitions in Surrey and an ideal free outing for families over the Easter holidays. AppArt will open from 1st to 16th, 10am to 4pm. 

Image: National Trust / James Dobson

In spring the Painshill landscape comes alive with beautiful daffodil displays and goslings around the lake. Enjoy soaking up the season with a walk around the stunning 18th century garden. Over Easter, magical beasts have come to the landscape to lay their eggs. Can you spot all the dragon statues and match them to their eggs? Find them all with this fun family walking trail over the school holiday, April 1st-16th. 

From dragons to witches with Room on the Broom at Guildford’s Yvonne Arnaud Theatre this Easter holiday. Hop aboard from 7th to 9th and join the witch and her cat along with some unexpected hitchhikers – a friendly dog, a green bird and frantic frog – but is there room on the broom for everyone or will the hungry dragon snap them up? Tickets at Room On The Broom

Dive into the world of science with the Ministry of Science Live at G Live on April 11th. Expect 20ft liquid nitrogen clouds, exploding oxygen and hydrogen balloons, fire tornados, hydrogen bottle rockets, ignited methane and a self-built hovercraft! Book at G Live | Guildford.

With thoughts turning to summer activities, how about tennis? Godalming Lawn Tennis Club is a friendly club open to players or all ages and abilities in Farncombe, whether you have never held a racket before or are looking to perfect your serve and volley. There’s everything from five floodlit hardcourts to a variety of club playing and training options and a social calendar to get involved with. All you need to bring is a desire to play, find out more at 

West Sussex

Celebrate spring by taking in blossom trees and bug hotels, and spotting butterflies and bluebells on the Springfest Easter trail at Nymans. The fun continues in the Play Glade where games, musical instruments and a play tent can all be found. There’ll be plenty of photo-ops around the garden too, and don’t forget to pick up your prize until April 16th.

Image: National Trust / John Millar

Take a spring adventure through Petworth House’s glorious 18th-century Pleasure Garden. Collect your map and get cracking to find 10 fun activities to complete from 1st to 10th. There are winding paths and spring flowers, old stone monuments to explore and amazing views to discover as you track down animal- and flower-themed games, crafts and puzzles. 


Come out and play this spring as you journey through the gardens at The Vyne. Among other activities, look for wellies hiding in trees, spot nature in bingo and hopscotch your way alongside the lake. Easter trail sheets and chocolate egg prizes will be available to purchase at Visitor Reception from 1st to 16th. Booking essential Easter adventures at The Vyne | National Trust.

It’s ‘ready, set, hop’ at Hinton Ampner with their Spring into Nature Easter egg hunt. Explore and play in the grounds and complete a set of Easter-fuelled tasks to win a chocolate prize! You’ll leap like a rabbit and jump like a spring chicken as you spot the dazzling array of spring colour in the beautiful gardens.

Image: National Trust / John Millar

Explore woods, gardens and meadows at the beautiful Uppark House and Gardens near Petersfield, high up on the South Downs. Uppark’s Easter trail, 1st-16th, is jam-packed with fun family challenges. Can you jump as far as a deer on the lawn, or hula hoop for 30 seconds in the scented garden? Who’s best at racing just like a rabbit, or playing Bug Bingo in the woods?

Waxy magnolia blooms and swathes of daffodils line the sides of the main paths in the upper arboretum at Winkworth so this Easter – 1st-16th – take a voyage of discovery winding your way through the arboretum on an activity-filled nature trail while taking in the landscape springing into life and colour. Kids can have a go at making their own masterpiece with items found across the woodland floor, search for wildflowers or predicting the weather. Booking advisable.

Explore Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery in a new light with fun, self-guided trails for the family. Follow the clues, find the hidden objects and take part in a series of challenges in exchange for a mystery prize from April 1st to 15th. The 15th is also the date for an Easter Family Fun Day with an Easter Hop Disco and seasonal crafts through to the Easter hunt trail. Can you find the eggs and treats the Easter rabbit has dropped throughout the museum and gallery before it’s too late? Book at School Holiday Trail: Spring Forward | Petersfield Museum.

Image: National Trust / John Millar
Image: National Trust / James Dobson

Boom & Bloom runs on weekends through the Easter holidays until April 17th at Winchester Science Museum. As well as all the usual science centre fun with two floors of hands-on exhibits and the out-of-this-world Planetarium, families can join an eggs-travaganza Easter hunt and search for eggs laid by animals that hatch. If they find them all, children will be in for a delicious Easter treat. Help plant the Boom & Bloom garden when visitors can discover more about flowers and plants and plant their own. There’s also hands-on bubble fun in Science Live and a pollination exploration live show in the Science Theatre called Flower Power, 

Here’s a great way to feel better about all that chocolate you’ve eaten (and help a fabulous cause) – walk it off by getting in training for the brand new Breast Walk Ever coming to a town near you in 2023! Raise funds for vital breast cancer research. Take part at IBM Hursley near Winchester on Sunday 7th May, with a choice of three distances on signposted routes. Medal, massage and a glass of fizz at the finish. Discounts available for teams of four and dogs welcome. Sign up at 


Get away for the day with Barnes Coaches with a wide range of day trips on the schedule for spring including great family days out by coach for over the Easter holidays and May Half Term. Join them going to exciting attractions such as Longleat, Bletchley Park, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Kew Gardens and more! Request a free day trip leaflet on 01793 821303 or view at 

Vintage vroom & verve

Karen Neville

‘Yesterday’s vehicles supporting today’s children’ is the simple message from the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs which is holding its charity Drive It Day on April 23rd

Vintage vehicles are taking part in Drive It Day on Sunday, 23rd April to raise awareness of the classic car movement in the UK and raise money for Childline.

Run by The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, a grouping of more than 450 clubs and museums with around 1,500 trade and individual supporters, Drive It Day offers enthusiasts and the public the opportunity to celebrate the One Thousand Mile Trial organised in 1900 to prove the viability of the new invention that was the motor car.

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National Trust spring gardens in Sussex

Karen Neville

Image: National Trust / Mark Wigmore

Here are the best places to see spring flowers at National Trust gardens in Sussex this season. From blossom to bluebells, daffodils to rhododendrons, the signs of spring are sure to raise the spirits.

Everyone’s got a favourite spring flower, one that makes us happy, or brings to mind someone close to us. The hopeful sight of a swathe of purple crocuses or cheerful carpet of delicate bluebells can make our day.

As we emerge from the hibernation of winter, this is the perfect time to meet up with loved ones for a spring pilgrimage to see the bulbs and blooms, followed by a catch-up over a cuppa.

Find out more about the National Trust’s spring gardens near you:

Spring bulbs and magnolias at Nymans

Near Handcross, West Sussex, normal admission applies

The romantic garden at Nymans is dreamy in spring, with the Wall Garden full of blossom and bulbs. Spring starts with the first daffodils, narcissi and fragrant daphnes in March and April, followed by unusual heritage varieties of bulbs, along the recently replanted Edwardian spring border. Look out for the large collection of magnolia trees throughout the garden, which are spectacular at Nymans. These are followed by bold, colourful azaleas and rhododendrons, which come into their own as spring warms up in April and May.

Views out across the Weald are beautifully clear at this time of year and you can spot wildflowers along the pathways in the woodland, which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Joe Whelan, Head Gardener at Nymans gives these gardening tips: “Early spring is a good time to plant trees, before the ground starts to heat up too much, it will give them a chance to get established. A lot of tender annuals can be sown indoors, or on a windowsill, in February and March. Keep on top of the early spring weeds, it will save you time later in the year.”

Image: National Trust / Andrew Honour
Image: National Trust / Andrew Honour

Rhododendrons and blossom at Sheffield Park and Garden

Near Uckfield, East Sussex, normal admission applies

With shimmering sweeps of lakes, woodlands glowing with bluebells, bustling rhododendrons and a vast parkland you can lose yourself in, Sheffield Park is the perfect spot to energise and feel the excitement of nature awakening. Bring family and friends, or just treat yourself, as you dive into a blossom-filled Sheffield Park and find your sense of wellbeing within nature.

Each year the gardeners at Sheffield Park plant new trees, to ensure the beauty of the garden for years to come. This year they are focusing on planting blossoming trees such as ornamental cherry, crab apple and magnolia in the newly reopened stream Garden, café border and throughout the formal gardens. Look out too for early-flowering blackthorn and hawthorn blossom, which are so crucial to native insects and wildlife at this time of year.

Image: National Trust / Andrew Butler

Apple blossom and spring bulbs at Standen

Near East Grinstead, West Sussex, normal admission applies

Standen comes to life in springtime, with banks of daffodils and fritillaries around the garden and tulips on the house terrace. The bluebells in Rockinghill Wood are spectacular in late April. Rhododendrons from Mrs Beale’s original collection can be seen around the garden from mid May. While in late spring, wisteria clothes the wall by the lavender lawn with fragrant purple blooms. The garden team at Standen recently replanted the cafe borders with over a thousand alliums and a narcissus called Goose Green.

James Masters, Head Gardener, describes his favourite spots to see blossom at Standen: “The Orchard is beautiful in the mornings with the sun behind, the beehives dotted throughout and daffodils underneath. We have apple, pear, cherry, quince and medlar blossom at Standen – in the orchard, around Goose Green and the kitchen garden. Pear blossom is normally first out in mid-March, with pink apple blossom coming through in April. Most of our fruit trees are local varieties. The large espalier apples in the lower Kitchen Garden were planted in 1893 and are still producing fruit. They are some of the most impressive trees we have in the Garden. The best places for photographs include the medlar, which is a lovely small tree on the Green and the first tree you see at the property: it has rocks around it which are great for group shots, perched in front of the blossom.”

Image: National Trust / Laurence Perry

Tulips at Bateman’s

Burwash, East Sussex, normal admission applies

In the walled Mulberry Garden, at the home of Rudyard Kipling, an array of early flowering tulips in ruby red, bronze, orange and purple are planted in drifts with complementary wallflowers. Visit in mid to late April to enjoy a visual feast of spring colour and delight in the blooms from around 4,000 bulbs – including fourteen different tulip varieties. Watch them open in the sun and follow the sun’s path throughout the day. The fragrant, colourful wallflowers and provide forage for early bumblebees such as the common carder.

Spring in the pleasure garden at Petworth House

Petworth, West Sussex, normal admission applies

The pleasure garden was designed by ‘Capability’ Brown in the late 18th century. Today it is one of Petworth’s best kept secrets and well worth exploring. The serpentine paths, stone follies and spring blossom make this a beautiful place to walk. Crab apple and cherry blossom is interspersed with bluebells, rhododendrons and azaleas.

A great place for a spring photo at Petworth is the Ionic Rotunda, which was constructed in 1766 and is reminiscent of the Temple of Vesta at Trivoli, Italy. The ground leading to it is filled with daffodils in early spring – and then bluebells. You can also see these flowers in the formal beds near the mansion, along with primroses and cyclamen in the garden.

Daffodils at Uppark

Near Petersfield, West Sussex, normal admission applies

Hundreds of fragrant white narcissus ‘Thalia’, and creamy white and yellow frilled variety ‘Ice Follies’ greet you just outside the main gates to these landscaped gardens. Delicate pale yellow dwarf narcissus ‘W.P Milner’ lines the driveway to the mansion house – a favourite spring display with visitors.

Keep an eye out for pale blue spring starflower and a mix of irises in the border next to the café. In the formal garden, a magnificent magnolia tree produces large waxy pink petals and perennial honesty provides a profusion of scented, lilac-white flowers that bees and butterflies love.

In late spring, Uppark’s small wildflower meadow begins its changing displays, as the long grasses are gradually dotted with yellow rattle, crown imperials and fragile orchids. On a warm spring day this is a lovely space to wander into and sit for a while, surrounded by the gentle yum of wildlife.

Garden rooms at Woolbeding Gardens

Near Midhurst, West Sussex, entry by prebooked tickets, travel by minibus from Midhurst, admission applies

Woolbeding Gardens delights at every turn with its distinctive garden rooms set against thoughtfully composed borders – look out for primulas, geraniums and other early flowering perennials. Apples trained to climb the historic walls of the herb garden reveal displays of blossom set around a central sundial and English thyme beds. In the Ruined Abbey, cherry trees show their white and pink blossom, which create a carpet of petal confetti on the grass below, in the spring breeze.

Cottage garden at Alfriston Clergy House

Alfriston, East Sussex, entry by prebooked tickets, admission applies

The cottage garden at Alfriston Clergy House is a lovely place to find inspiration on a domestic scale. The orchard is planted with rare varieties of apples such as Lady Sudeley, Crawley beauty, Monarch and the local Alfriston apple.

Blossom and bulbs at Monk’s House

Rodmell, Sussex, entry by prebooked tickets, admission applies

A beautiful English country garden designed by Leonard Woolf with incredible views of the Sussex Downs. Virginia Woolf was greatly influenced by the garden and her short story ‘The Orchard’ was inspired by the garden at Monk’s House. In spring the garden is bursting with buds and flowers, including tulips, daffodils, hellebores and magnolias. While the orchard is a flurry of apple and pear blossom.

National Trust spring gardens in Surrey

Karen Neville

Image: National Trust / Chris Lacey

Here are the best places to see spring flowers at National Trust gardens in Surrey this season. From blossom to bluebells, daffodils to rhododendrons, the signs of spring are sure to raise the spirits.

Everyone’s got a favourite flower, one that makes us happy, or brings to mind someone close to us. The hopeful sight of a swathe of purple crocuses or cheerful carpet of delicate bluebells can make our day.

As we emerge from the hibernation of winter, this is the perfect time to meet up with loved ones for a spring pilgrimage to see the bulbs and blooms, followed by a catch-up over a cuppa.

Find out more about the National Trust’s spring gardens near you:

Spring bulbs and blossom at Polesden Lacey

Near Dorking, Surrey, normal admission applies

Take in the views of the Edwardian house at Polesden Lacey framed by swathes of daffodils and spring bulbs, while the little ones can enjoy the brand new play area. Take a walk through the gardens to find floral fiestas in the spring borders, daffodils along New Lime Walk and anemones in the courtyard.

New for this year are 35,000 spring crocuses planted in the Ladies’ Garden to commemorate Mrs Greville. The garden team are planting a new Blossom Garden as you enter the property. In years to come 40 new cherry trees will blossom, among a meadow of wildflowers.

For well-established blossom trees, wind your way to Home Farm Orchard, where mature apple and pear trees are full of blossom in spring. Perch on a picnic bench under the apple blossom and breathe in the spring.

Image: National Trust / Megan Taylor
Image: National Trust / Eddie Hyde

Bluebells at Hatchlands Park

Near Guildford, Surrey, normal admission applies

The parkland at Hatchlands is a glorious place to visit for a spring walk. Delicate bluebells form a carpet of violet in the ancient woodlands in late April and early May. Pretty anemones and violets are scattered along the Long Walk, followed by the cheery sight of cowslips in the meadow and May blossom. Enjoy the scent of lilac and skimmia in the garden and see daffodils beneath a magnificent London plane tree.

The much-loved Hatchlands donkeys are moving to a new purpose built stable this spring. Close by will be a small play area for pre-schoolers and picnic benches.

Image: National Trust / James Dobson

Daffodils and rhododendrons at Claremont Landscape Garden

Near Esher, Surrey, normal admission applies

Take time out to enjoy the refreshing sights of spring, when Claremont Landscape Garden is at its loveliest. Swathes of daffodils and camellias first herald the new season, with azaleas and rhododendrons following on.

As the days get longer, stroll through corridors of rhododendrons, the sunshine sparkling on the lake and look out for tiny ducklings and goslings. There are wonderful viewpoints and vistas from which to watch the signs of spring emerge as the garden awakens.

Image: National Trust / Andrew Butler
Image: National Trust / Andy Millar

Bluebells and azaleas at Winkworth Arboretum

Near Godalming, Surrey, normal admission applies

Spring arrives at Winkworth with pops of daffodils and magnolias in bloom at first, then an explosion of colour: with rhododendrons, azaleas and bluebells spreading glorious colour across the arboretum.

Walking down the azalea steps at Winkworth Arboretum on a May morning is a moment of heaven in Surrey, with their boldly coloured flowers and the echoing song of blackbirds. The upper slopes of the arboretum and bluebell wood fill out with an unmissable carpet of native bluebells.

Thanks to recent conservation work by the countryside team, the bluebells will have even more opportunity to emerge throughout the arboretum this year.

Image: National Trust / John Millar
Image: National Trust / James Dobson

Rhododendrons and bluebells at Leith Hill

Normal parking charges apply

At the foot of Leith Hill, the winding paths of Caroline Wedgwood’s historic rhododendron wood are lined with vibrant rhododendron blooms and gently scented azaleas. The towering specimen trees, including redwoods, provide dappled shade and a place to relax.

A climb up to Franks Wood will be rewarded with the wonderful haze and scent of native bluebells and spectacular views across the south downs.

Get Fully Charged LIVE in Farnborough

Karen Neville

Fully Charged LIVE is a fun-filled, knowledge packed festival of electrification from April 28th to 30th at Farnborough International

Designed to inspire people to #StopBurningStuff, this year’s show includes an array of visitors attractions, dozens of ‘live sessions’ and an exhibition of hundreds of companies, with electric vehicles of all shapes and sizes. And a huge selection of home energy options too.

An array of experts will offer advice and tips in the Giga and Mega Theatres where you can get involved in more than 50 expert live sessions. Among the experts is Dragon’s Den star Deborah Meaden,

One of the most popular ‘attractions’ is the home energy advice team. Powered by OVO Energy, home energy experts will be on hand throughout the show to offer advice on ways to improve your home, whilst reducing your impact on the planet. They can offer help with heat pumps, insulation, batteries, smart meters, home EV charging, solar PV, solar thermal and energy bills. Appointments are available for a chat and it’s advisable to book a session on arrival at the show.

Fully Charged LIVE also offers the chance to test out the latest micro machines on an outdoor test track – hop aboard a scooter, skateboard or bike and put micro mobility to the test.

If you’re thinking about changing to an EV, get behind the wheel and take one for a test drive. There’s a display of the latest EVs on show and if you’re considering making the switch with your business then take a look at the commercial vehicle zone.

The zero carbon kitchen will be serving up plant-based cookery shows and food tastings and children are never too young to start learning in the Kids Zone with an eco-themed Lego city and inspirational artwork on show.

Find out more and book tickets at