Weird science with The Alchemist

Round & About

Unicorn Theatre

Studio Theatre Club presents The Alchemist by Ben Johnson at the Unicorn Theatre, June 19th-22nd

London, 1948. The war has ended and London is slowly trying to return to normal. Rationing is still in full swing and rebuilding after the Blitz has yet to start in earnest. There is a sense of hope in the city but life is hard for many.

In such situations there will always be those looking for a way to get ahead… and also those willing to exploit them.

Three enterprising women have set up a thriving business in an empty house, offering to predict the future, guarantee success in life and love, and, for the most favoured clients, create the legendary philosopher’s stone. Unfortunately for the trio, there are those who are not convinced by their schemes and are determined to see them brought to justice. Can they stay one step ahead of the law, or will it all end in disaster?

Find out when Studio Theatre Club perform Ben Johnson’s comedy this month. The friendly adult drama club based in Oxford stage a variety of plays throughout the year and there are always chances to get involved either on stage or behind the scenes.

After The Alchemist, the next production will be Terry Pratchett’s Witches Abroad in November. If you’re interested in being part of that a casting read is planned for July 11th. Drop them a line at Email Contact Form ( to find out more and be kept in the loop.

Tickets £12 from WeGotTickets | Simple, honest ticketing | Studio Theatre Club or The Bookstore. Cash only please.