Make a date for Twelfth Night

Round & About

Thames Players

Thames Players’ fast-paced Shakespearean romp is a joy from the first chord to the last kiss!

Thame Players’ next production, opening on Tuesday 7th May, is an exciting new interpretation of the Shakespearean classic, Twelfth Night.

The plot hinges on the twins, Viola and Sebastian, fleeing their homeland, getting shipwrecked, and each believing the other has drowned. From this tragic scenario Shakespeare weaves a magical farce of mistaken identity and love at first sight.

Viola disguises herself as a man named Cesario, serving Duke Orsino. Orsino sends Cesario to woo Olivia on his behalf, but Olivia falls in love with Cesario (Viola) instead. Meanwhile, Viola falls in love with Orsino, leading to a tangled web of mistaken identities, love triangles, and comedic misunderstandings, eventually resolved in an exuberant reunion.

The cross-dressing androgyny of Boy George and Adam Ant make the perfect disguise for Viola, and the music of the 1980s fills the emotional backdrop. Amongst other characters, Saatobia, a hard-living ‘it’ girl of the 1960s, twenty years past her prime, is the perfect ring leader of ‘creatures of the night’ that haunt this Blitz world of excess, madness and laughter. Amongst these dangerous and damaged people, we find love, fun and joyous redemption.

Director Alan Paterson has set this production in New Romantic Soho. He has cast several of the youngest members of Thame Players to reflect the impetuosity and bravery of the youthful lovers. Alan uses modern costumes and settings to illuminate the wonders of this brilliant Shakespeare comedy about despair, hope and love at first sight. The text shines through this fast-paced romp, giving us some of the greatest poetry and most hilarious comic moments ever seen on the English stage. It is a joy from the first chord to the last kiss.

Twelfth Night will be performed at the Players Theatre, Nelson Street, Thame, Oxfordshire, from Tuesday 7th-Saturday 11th May inclusive at 7.45pm. Tickets are £10-£12. Book online at or the Information Centre at Thame Town Hall or phone 01844 212833.