K White Coaching helps mums connect and explore what they want next from life
As a stay-at-home mum or a working mum, balancing the demands of life is a constant challenge. Understanding what’s most important to you through self-discovery exercises and coaching can help you make choices around your life and career that are right for you.
K White Coaching has been helping local mums to explore their current situation and what they want from their next chapter of life, on an interactive ‘Self-Discovery Workshop for Mums’ hosted by Kathryn, certified coach and mum of two small children.
The event was held at the Good Life Hub Co-Working Space in Hampstead Norreys. An inspiring place to work, connect and collaborate with others.
The workshop was a great place for the participants to meet and connect with other mums, share their stories and aspirations, and feel supported in their self-discovery. After a session which helped participants understand and reflect on their personal values, the workshop included a life and career audit, group exercises around strengths and skills, and tools and exercises to help participants set goals and start acting towards these.
Jennie R, has already started taking action and is feeling excited about her future following the workshop: “Kathryn’s self-discovery workshop was absolutely fantastic! It gave a safe and welcoming space to really focus on what’s important to me. And how my values have changed since becoming a mum. She guided us all through a process that was actually much more personal and profound than I was expecting. The environment Kathryn created was warm, supportive and productive. She has extensive knowledge of techniques and strategies that helped each of us find clarity. I found her to be empathetic, wise and exceptionally good at helping me reach the next step in terms of moving forward. After the workshop I finally took action and have just begun studying for a higher national diploma, working towards a career that makes me feel genuinely excited about the future.”
The group enjoyed the workshop so much that they’ve decided to meet regularly to check-in and to help keep each other accountable on their next steps.

Interested in joining the next workshop?
Head to kwhitecoaching.com to find out more and to join the waitlist.