Are you parents to a child with SEND (special educational needs and/or disabilities) in Oxfordshire?
As a parent of a child with SEND, you might not consider yourself an expert but you have knowledge and experience to share.
You already know how stressful going into school to hear about your child’s progress can be. You already know how hard keeping up with the changing jargon in education can be. You already know it would be so much easier if you had someone at the meeting with you to take notes so you could be clear what was being said or what has been agreed. You already know how having the chance to talk things through beforehand with someone who is good at listening could make all the difference. You already know how it could help to have someone you feel understands by your side in the meeting to help you and everyone else there focus on what’s best for your child.
Perhaps you are at the stage when you feel able to use your knowledge and experience to support another parent in this way?
All you need is:
• Some spare time.
• To be a good listener and someone who sees things through.
• To be easily contactable.
This doesn’t require a regular commitment; you get to decide how much time you can offer. SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service) provides training to help you discover how much you already know and fill in the gaps. You won’t be thrown in at the deep end! All expenses are paid. Time to put all that hard earned knowledge to good use?

For details please call 01865 810516 or email [email protected]