With most of us having enforced time at home, Olivia Davies from Mullie has some advice for how you can freshen up your home especially if you’re looking to sell
Are we all painting, decorating and doing DIY ?
Recent figures in paint sales suggest many of us thought a spot of DIY would be a constructive use of our time at home, but I’m personally finding the reality quite different!
With 3 children running round, always hungry, making a mess and needing attention, I don’t quite seem to have the free time I anticipated. I’m drawn to the garden as soon as the sun shines and if I’m honest, my motivation to polish a house nobody visits is somewhat dwindling! So as a result, I have a half-finished multicoloured utility room and a half painted staircase which is already peeling because I didn’t sand it properly – or so I’m told!
Yet being creative and embarking on realistic home improvement projects is not only a productive way to pass this time, it is good for our health and well-being and may even add value to our properties. Having to stay at home does present a rare and invaluable opportunity for those who are thinking about putting their properties on the market or for those who have property sales on hold.
This probably isn’t the right time to embark on large structural changes in your home. Sourcing materials and expertise isn’t going to be easy, and attempting anything dangerous could in turn put extra pressure on the NHS. We do urge you to take great care using tools and chemical and ladders. Above anything else, it is vital that we all stay home, stay safe and save lives.
However, we do believe we would all benefit from spending some time cleaning, clearing, decluttering and freshening things up! This is always good for the soul and for those thinking of selling their property, never underestimate the impact of that first impression when a prospective buyer walks through your front door!

If a buyer is greeted with fresh neutral tones combined with a feeling of space and light, they will want to see more of a home which suggest a positive and peaceful lifestyle. We don’t all have large hallways, but it’s amazing how the illusion of space can be created with the clever use of mirrors, clean lines and flooring that run through to connect the next space.
This doesn’t mean your property should be boring – quite the opposite – that wow factor and an element of surprise is always a winner, but it’s best to keep the crazy colours and textures to your soft furnishings. While buyers like to see personality and energy, they generally want to buy a well maintained blank canvass that they can easily make their own.

Freshly painted woodwork, neutral walls and well positioned furniture complimented by healthy house plants and splashes of colour from pictures and fabrics will combine to create a property that buyers will fall in love with.
And don’t forget to spend a bit doing small jobs at the bottom of the list- like fixing loose door handles, curtain poles or broken bathroom locks! If buyers see that small jobs are left undone, they may wonder what else has been overlooked.
We believe that minor improvements and clever styling of properties before they come to market can considerably increase value. Remember, you are selling a lifestyle as much as the building. You need to prepare your property so that it touches people emotionally by connecting with their hopes, dreams and aspirations.