Don’t be surprised if on your way to work or school this morning you see many more children than usual on their bikes, scooters or just walking.
Today, Monday 25th March, marks the start of the largest inter-school cycling challenge inspiring pupils, parents and staff to choose human power rather than motor power for their journey to school.
The Sustrans Big Pedal, will run (why not give that a try too) from today until Friday, 5th April, and for the first time walking will be counted as well as cycling and scooting.
Primary and secondary schools will battle it out daily to see which one can get more of their pupils, staff and parents using human power – the school’s best five days will determine the final position.
Aside from the obvious health and environmental benefits of cycling, walking or scooting to school, there are also daily prize draws for rewards if more than 15% of your school cycle, walk or scoot on each day of the 10-day challenge. Prizes include scooters from lead sponsor Micro Scooters, Goodordering school bags, Frog bikes and cycle and scooter racks from Broxap.
There’s also the chance to be superhero for the day using your human power with the fancy dress day to celebrate the finale of the Big Pedal – encourage everyone at school (teachers too!) to dress up for the day and decorate your scooter too with a “bling your ride” session. Why not make it a fundraising event too? All money raised for Sustrans helps enable thousands of children to cycle, walk and scoot every day, aiding every one to enjoy a healthier, happier and safer journey to school.
Find out more at
Make sure, if you are on your bike or even your scooter, you’re wearing a helmet. Find out more and about a great charity promoting just this.