Energy saving tips for your home

Ellie Cox


Plant the equivalent of 136 trees and save up to £1,000 a year, with these essential energy saving tips from Worcester Bosch.

At this worrying time, when utility bills are set to hit many of us hardest, Worcester Bosch has shared its handy tips to help you save money and the planet.

Making changes to your heating set-up can help save you up to £1,000 throughout the year.

The carbon emission saving is the equivalent to planting 136 trees or driving a car 1,606 miles. The distance which is nearly a full trip from John O’Groats to Land’s End and back!

Making the planet a greener place to live for the next generation is at the heart of Worcester Bosch. By following these tips, you could play your part in reducing carbon emissions

There are several ways for homeowners to cut costs. Helping them save energy and to live more sustainably, several of which require minimal to zero cost or hassle.

Tip 1: Take control of your heating

– Annual saving = £105.
– Equivalent to planting up to 11 trees, or driving 129 miles

By turning down the room thermostat just one degree, you will net up to a £105 saving per year. The 200kg CO2 of emissions saved is equivalent to a 129mile trip, or a further 11 trees planted. Aim for 17°C when you’re out and about, and a cosy 18-21°C when you’re at home.

Martyn Bridges, director of technical services at Worcester Bosch, says: “You cannot underestimate how important it is to take control of your home heating. These simple but effective changes, such as turning your radiator down by a single degree, could have a significant impact on the planet and your savings too.”

Tip 2: Shower Time

– Annual saving = up to £70.
– Equivalent to planting up to 7 trees, or driving 86 miles

Nothing beats having a hot shower to ease the stresses of the day. But by following these simple tips, you can reduce your energy usage while still enjoying a relaxing early morning or late-night shower.

The biggest change you can make is cutting your shower time down, ideally to around four-minutes. A household could see up to £70 a year saved on their energy bill just from a speedy shower as well as significantly reducing the amount of water used.

Martyn gives the guidance: “We all love having a hot shower, but a significant amount of hot water is used, contributing to energy usage and your bills. Taking the steps to use showers instead of baths and using a timer to measure how long you are taking could be a simple step to lower your energy usage.”

Tip 3: Trap your heat

– Annual saving = up to £190.
– Equivalent to planting up to 19 trees, or driving 234 miles

Making sure you keep the heat trapped inside of your home is an easy, yet effective tip that you could put into place this World Earth Day. One super simple tip is to draft proof your windows and doors. You would be surprised about how much heat escapes through those tiny gaps which are found around your window, in your keyhole, and in your letterbox. Covering those tiny gaps could save you around £45 and saves the same amount of energy as planting four trees.

To take this one step further, you could add an insulated jacket to an uninsulated hot water cylinder. Insulating your hot water cylinder will reduce the heat loss resulting in the water remaining hotter for longer. This tip is a huge energy saver, which is the equivalent of planting 15 trees! Insulating your hot water cylinder properly could save you up to £145 which could make a huge difference as energy prices increase.

Martyn explains: “Trapping the heat in your home should be a priority. These small gaps needlessly bring the cold air in. Reversing all the changes you have made to keep your home warm. From little tasks like closing those gaps to slightly bigger tasks such as getting an insulated jacket, you’re not only protecting the planet, but helping lower your energy bills too.”

Tip 4: Small changes, big results

– Annual saving = up to £30.
– Equivalent to planting up to three trees, or driving 37 miles

Sometimes it is the smallest changes that have the biggest impact. Technology is a core part of our life but remember to put your devices on standby when not using them. Net an extra £30 saving by being savvy with your device shuts down.

“Although they may seem like unimportant changes, they could make huge changes to your home, the planet, and your bills.”

Martyn explains: “Switching off appliances once you use them is a small way to ensure that you reduce your energy usage. Although they may seem like unimportant changes, they could make huge changes to your home, the planet, and your bills.”

Tip 5: Upgrade your boiler

– Annual saving = depending on technology – up to £910.
– Equivalent to planting up to 96 trees, or driving 1,120 miles

A boiler replacement from an inefficient to a modern, more efficient model can be a major and immediate cost and environment saver. The EST figures show that making the switch could end up saving you almost four figures every year.

By upgrading from a G-rated boiler to a more sustainable A-rated model (including TRV’s and a smart controller) – working at 90% more efficiency and saving up to 1,630kg CO2 every year. You’re not only managing your energy usage more efficiently in the longer term, but also saving the equivalent carbon off-set as planting 61 trees would do. This upgrade could save you £580.

Heat pumps are a newer, efficient technology in the domestic heating industry. In simple terms they work by taking energy from outside and transferring it into heat for use in a heating and hot water system.  The product and subsequent installation are more expensive than a boiler upgrade. But once you paid out the initial cost – a change from a G rated boiler to a heat pump can save you even more – up to £910, with a carbon saving equal to planting 96 trees.

Martyn adds: “Upgrading a G-rated boiler to one which is A-rated can make a significant in your home. The A-rated boilers are an efficient choice which could ultimately help you save money on your bills. Not to mention help us to protect the future.”

To find out more about Worcester Bosch award-winning home heating and hot water products, visit or head to the YouTube channel.

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Save money and the planet with tips from Plastic Free Home’s Dave Lamont

The rising cost of just about everything is unmissable at the moment, not least when it comes to the weekly grocery shop. It possible to save money and still be sustainable.

Make it from scratch

Most of us have become rather lazy in the kitchen, leaning too heavily on processed, pre-prepared and overly packaged food items. As a quick example, a supermarket branded vegetable lasagne for two will set you back £8. Imagine how much lasagne you could make for that… A packet of Bird’s Instant Custard will cost you 47% more than the same brand’s tinned powder. With a little extra time and thought you can save a small fortune.

Be prepared

Whether you are going to work or off out for the day with the family, try to take everything you might need with you. From a picnic or packed lunch to a reusable drinks bottle or flask. Buying items on the go will cost you several times more and, of course, everything will be packaged resulting in avoidable waste. If you need to refill your drinks bottle, check out the free Refill app that will direct you to a nearby water station.

Grow your own

Whether you have access to an allotment or even just a little space in your garden, it’s easy and great fun to grow your own fruit and veg. Raised beds can be made cheaply or you can repurpose existing borders and containers. You might even want to invest in a mini greenhouse, or to browse online for a second hand one someone is selling cheaply or giving away. If you’ve got the space, plant some larger fruit bushes or trees too. They are often available cheaply from large supermarkets in spring and summer and you will quickly make your money back.

Avoid food waste

If food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions after China and the USA. Whilst we’ve taken great strides here in the UK, we still waste nearly ten million tonnes of food annually. Avoid the temptation to buy in bulk, it’s often not cheaper if you compare prices by weight or volume. Portion control people, and plan ahead. Don’t throw anything away or get overly attached to best before dates. And, if you really have to throw food away, make use of your food waste collection or compost bin if you are lucky enough to have one.

Reduce your meat intake

In the UK we have cut our intake by 17% in the past decade, but the national food strategy suggests we need to double that figure. Meat production is a significant contributor to climate change and other environmental issues, while eating lots of processed or red meat has been linked to a greater risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. It’s also often one of the more expensive items in shopping trollies. Consider further reducing your consumption, or even whether you can work towards becoming vegetarian or vegan.

Household items

In our kitchen cupboard you won’t find a dozen different household and cleaning products, often heavily packaged and full of nasty chemicals. Why? Because we don’t need them. Next time you run out of something, ask yourself if you really have to buy it again, or explore a homemade or more eco-friendly alternative. Whether you’re washing the dishes, doing laundry or having a spring clean, if you need ideas please visit or get in touch.

Your daily regime

The same is true when it comes to our bathroom. All of the products we use are eco-friendly and often also refillable. And you can survive with far fewer of them! Toilet roll is a perfect example. A supermarket or big brand quilted option currently costs up to 46p per 100 sheets, while a normal alternative can come in at between 20p – 30p per 100 sheets. Our toilet roll of choice, Boxroll, is made from 100% recycled post-consumer waste paper here in the UK and is just 18p per 100 sheets.

Download Olio

Olio is a mobile app allowing people and businesses with surplus goods to connect with those keen to make use of them in their local area. This might range from a bakery giving away bread or treats to a near neighbour with more fruit or veg than they can eat. Check out local supermarkets too – some will sell discounted ‘wonky’ and imperfect, but perfectly edible, items.

Find out more

See more about Plastic Free Homes and find the Olio app here