Plantlife’s annual call to lock up your lawnmowers and not mow your green spaces during May will provide a much-needed boost for wild plants and wildlife throughout summer.
Let wildflowers and long grasses grow in your lawn to provide a feast for pollinators, tackle pollution, reduce urban heat extremes, and lock away atmospheric carbon below ground.
It couldn’t be simpler. Lock up your mower over the month of May to provide a much-needed boost for wildlife throughout summer. You can choose not to mow some or all of your green space. Just sit back and watch the flowers grow.
Smaller plants such as daises, dandelion, selfheal and clover will get a chance to flower, providing a butterfly and bee buffet. You can continue to mow less and at different lengths and frequencies throughout the summer.
If you have already left all or part of your lawn unmown from the beginning of the season, that is great! This means that you have let a mini-meadow grow and are likely to have a much higher variety of flowers in your lawn if you choose to.
Don’t worry if you’ve not left your lawn unmown at all or have recently mown it – it’s committing to leaving your lawn, whether all of it or some of it, unmown for longer which is important.

For more info, downloadable posters and more, visit Take part in No Mow May – Plantlife