Puppy power! Volunteer for Hearing Dogs 

Round & About

Hearing Dogs

Hearing dogs support their deaf partners by giving them invaluable practical and emotional support. But the charity can only train these amazing dogs with the help of its dedicated volunteer puppy trainers. Could you help train a pup and change someone’s life?  

Many deaf people miss out on vital sounds such as smoke alarms, alarm clocks and even baby monitors. Hearing dogs not only alert people to these sounds, they also provide unwavering love and companionship.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People’s work is only made possible thanks to its network of volunteer puppy trainers who care for and train hearing dog puppies in their own home.

Sue Davis, from Bledlow (above), became a volunteer trainer last August. “We live close to Hearing Dogs’ training centre in Saunderton, so I know of the charity and the many wonderful ways it supports deaf people”, she says.

“After losing our family dogs, we missed having a dog around the house, so applying for a volunteering role that involved spending time with puppies, while helping make a difference, seemed a no-brainer. Our first house guest was lovely cockerpoo Freddie who impressed our whole family with his nature and impeccable manners. Afterwards we had Henry, an eight-week old cockerpoo. It was so rewarding helping him learn about his new world.

“I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to develop my own understanding of dog behaviour and effective training. I like to learn! And knowing that the puppies will go on to change the life of a deaf person is so rewarding.”

Teenager Zach Allen from Chalfont St Peter was partnered with hearing dogs Echo nine years ago. Before Echo, Zach struggled to get to sleep every night. His mum Kirsty explains: “Zach said that if he closed his eyes without his hearing aids in, he might not see or hear a burglar. He couldn’t hear us moving around the house, so he felt alone in the dark.

“He started going to bed with his hearing aids in. Then he wanted music on. Then a light. Then he wanted someone with him in his room. Soon he began to experience night terrors. Every day felt like a fight for survival. It affected everything, day in, day out. But then everything changed. And I do mean everything. Because Echo the hearing dog came into our lives.

“That night, out went the hearing aids, the music and the lights. Zach didn’t need them. He said, ‘Echo will keep me safe’, and that was the end of that! Zach is now 16 and about to sit his GCSEs. Prior to Echo’s arrival this would never have been possible as Zach wasn’t getting enough sleep to concentrate in a classroom.

“Zach doesn’t remember much about life without Echo, but we do. We remember the huge impact on our whole family and the immense confidence Echo has given him.”

Hearing Dogs is urgently looking for a volunteer puppy trainers in Buckinghamshire to train the next generation of hearing dogs. No experience is needed, just plenty of time and boundless love to give to an adorable pup. To find out more, visit hearingdogs.org.uk/volunteer, call 01844 348129, or email [email protected]

Could you be a puppy parent?

Liz Nicholls

Hearing Dogs

Local charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People urgently needs volunteers to step up as puppy parents to make a difference to people’s lives… Could you step up for this rewarding role?

Deafness is on the rise in the UK. By 2035, it is estimated that one in five British people (more than 15 million) will experience hearing loss.

Bucks-based UK charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People trains clever dogs to alert deaf people to important and life-saving sounds including alarms, oven timers and even baby monitors. Its dogs also provide constant emotional support and companionship – helping deaf people to leave loneliness behind.

An increase in demand means Hearing Dogs for Deaf People urgently needs more local volunteer puppy trainers. The charity receives no government funding but is very fortunate to have a network of committed volunteers.

There are two types of volunteer roles the charity urgently needs to fill: permanent puppy trainers, who will look after a puppy for the duration of its training (usually between 18 months and two years), and short-term trainers to cover times when others are on holiday.

Linda Foster, who lives near High Wycombe, became a volunteer puppy trainer last year after retiring. “I started off by doing short-term cover when the other trainers were on holiday. I also went to puppy training sessions at The Grange,” says Linda. “Then in April, I started looking after Lola, a gorgeous 13-month-old black Labrador puppy, on a long-term basis. The experience has been very rewarding, and I’ve met some lovely people (and dogs).”

Without volunteers like Linda, the charity would not be able to help anywhere near as many people with hearing loss reconnect with life. Sixteen-year-old Zach Allen, from Chalfront St Peter, was diagnosed as deaf when he was three.

His mum Kirsty said: “Although we got support for Zach to attend a mainstream school, he still had challenges. I saw him lose confidence as he got older. Then, when Zach was eight, everything changed because Echo the hearing dog came into our lives.

“We took Echo into school so Zach’s year could meet him. As a teacher was about to tell the school about him, Zach stood up and introduced Echo to everyone. He explained how Echo alerts him by nudging with his nose. We all stood there open-mouthed at this confident child who had appeared from nowhere.”

Please visit hearingdogs.org.uk/volunteer or call 01844 348129.