Enjoy the splendour of Gilbert and Sullivan with Godalming Operatic Society’s production of The Yeoman of The Guard, February 19th to 23rd at Godalming Borough Hall
Godalming Operatic Society is going back to where it started to celebrate its centenary with its upcoming show The Yeoman of The Guard.
Widely regarded as one of the country’s leading Gilbert and Sullivan societies, GOS was founded in 1924 and had its first production, The Yeomen of the Guard, on February 19th, 1925. Now exactly 100 years later, February 19th, 2025, the curtain will rise again.

Set in the Tower of London, The Yeoman of The Guard tells of the arrival of a travelling troupe of performers sparking forbidden romances, fantastical plots and unrequited love. It’s full of delightful tunes including When a Wooer goes a-Wooing, and Free from his fetters grim.
Yeomen is considered by many to be Gilbert & Sullivan’s finest work, a view also expressed by both of them. Darker than many of the other G&S operas, the pathos is well balanced by much joyous and colourful music which ‘bubbles with wit and good humour’.
This special production will be accompanied by a professional orchestra, this year expanded to 24 players, under the direction of Musical Director, David Wright. The production will be fully staged with spectacular costumes and scenery.
With the exception of the war and Covid, Godalming Operatic Society has put on a major Gilbert and Sullivan production every year, including the more rarely performed works such as The Grand Duke and Utopia Ltd.
In addition to a fully-staged opera each February, in June or July they put on a smaller scale work, often at a smaller local venue such as the Wilfrid Noyce Centre in Godalming. Previous summer productions range from a concert version of Aida to The Zoo by Arthur Sullivan and most recently the 2019 Summer concert A Night at the Opera featuring a wonderful selection of grand opera arias, ensembles and chorus pieces.
Over the years the Society has won many awards and accolades from NODA for its productions, costumes and more.
New members are always very welcome. Previous experience is not necessary – it is enthusiasm that counts! The Society has a very active social side too with regular events and trips to see other shows, supporting other amateur operatic and musical theatre groups in the local area and further afield. The first point of contact is Chairman, Lee Power, at: [email protected]
To book tickets for Godalming Borough Hall, February 19th to 23rd, please go to Godalming Operatic Society event tickets or call 0333 6663366.
The Yeomen of the Guard will also run February 27th to March 1st at The Leatherhead Theatre. Visit The Leatherhead Theatre or phone 01372 365141.