Hockney’s way

Round & About


Spanning six decades of work, David Hockney: Ways of Working takes an in-depth look at the artist’s genius and shows there’s much more to him than just swimming pools.

Hockney has explored a variety of media – painting techniques, printmaking skills, photography and designs for the stage as well as embracing the iPad and Photoshop among other technologies.

The exhibition at The Lightbox in Woking which runs until 19th April will delve deeper into his work and will include photos of Hockney seen working in his studio creating paintings, drawings and prints. Visitors will also be able to see a 14-page letter never seen before which describes his processes in his own words.

Hockney is probably best known for his series of Californian swimming pools but one of the largest sections of the exhibition is devoted to his methods of printmaking. Also on display are drawings in watercolour, chalks, pencil and ink as well as digital illustrations on the iPad, merging drawing with his fascination with new technology.

Throughout the exhibition there will be hands-on learning activity in the Main Gallery, enabling children and families to engage with the artwork. As part of Hockney week, during half-term, children will be invited to contribute to a large mosaic-style artwork, reflecting the artist’s processes.

The exhibition will also feature a selection of talks, tours and creative workshops.

More info..

For more information about these and the exhibition David Hockney: Ways of Working

Food, friends and fun

Round & About


Host a supper club on 7th March and raise funds for Eva’s Friends

If you enjoy food, friends and fun while raising money to change children’s lives then Eva’s Friends Supper Club is the event for you.

It couldn’t be easier to get involved – just invite some friends round for dinner on Saturday, 7th March and ask them to donate to Eva’s Friends what they would have paid if they’d gone out to eat and if you don’t fancy cooking, drinks and nibbles works as well.

Last year more than 40 supper clubs were run in aid of the Oxfordshire-based charity and they’re hoping for more this year which will also feature an online auction and competitions too. Chefs Tom Kerridge and Richard Bertinet donated raffle prizes last year.

Eva’s Friends works to fund research into rare neurological conditions in children and is currently helping to fund a gene therapy project to find a cure for Rett Syndrome which affects thousands of children, almost exclusively girls, leaving them unable to walk, talk or use their hands.

There is no known cure and it is thought to affect about 1 in 12,000 girls born each year such as Eva after whom the charity is named.

If you can’t make the main Supper Club event on the 7th, why not arrange another foodie treat in the week beginning 2nd March, how about brunch with friends, afternoon tea, cakes at work – whatever you fancy.

Simply register by emailing [email protected] to receive a fundraising pack and get cooking!

More info..

To find out more about the charity and how you can support their work visit

Wear Red Day

Round & About


Don’t be surprised if you’re seeing red today – many will be as they show their support for Wear Red Day and congenital heart disease.

Whether it’s red socks for a splash of awareness or an all-out crimson costume, wear red for the day and support the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund (CHSF) on Friday, 7th February and help children and adults. 

Your fundraising will help fund ground-breaking new equipment, resources, training and research as well as support for children and their families whenever they need it.

It’s so easy to take part, all you need to do is wear red!

It’s a great opportunity to bring pupils, teachers and school staff together for a brilliant cause and team bonding is guaranteed with #WearRedDay at work, it doesn’t need to take up much time but can bring amazing returns. 

And it needn’t stop at wearing red clothing, why not host a Bake Off! Open a stand and sell delicious treats, red coloured of course! Go on a sponsored walk and get naturally red in the cheeks, dress your pets in red and share the fun with your furry friends or simply guess how many red sweets are in the jar.

CHSF was founded in 1988 and since then, has awarded around £7million in grants to the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit, its patients and their families, as well as funding important research proposals. 

And it’s all thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the public and corporate supporters, and by the amazing efforts of fundraisers. 

More info

To find out more information and how you can get involved and help, visit

Birds Hill Golf charity holes

Round & About


Putting themselves firmly on course to raise a few eyebrows tomorrow afternoon (Friday 24th) will be Bird Hills Golf Centre general manager Michael Connelly and food and beverages manager Kemal Sen.

The plucky pair will be swapping the plus fours for something much smaller as they take to the greens wearing only mankinis.

Michael and Kemal will play the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th and 9th holes at the Maidenhead course in just the skimpy outerwear to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK.

As golf is largely played by men of a certain age it is unfortunately a common cancer that can affect many of these golfers, the aim of this is to draw attention that men need to be brave enough to get checked and deal with this head-on!

Everyone is welcome to come down and watch these two tee off at 3pm and then cheer them on as they come back off the 9th hole after about 45 minutess of being out there in the not so warm weather – temperatures are set to be around the 7-8 degree mark.

There will be a raffle in the bar afterwards. Everyone is welcome to swing by and chip in for the cause!


Follow the link to donate on Facebook

Snowdrop walk

Karen Neville


Child Bereavement UK invites families to plant a snowdrop in memory of someone important at a special event at West Wycombe Park, West Wycombe.  

This annual event, which started in 2001, is a special day to remember babies and children who have died, and children who are bereaved each year.

Individual snowdrops will be on sale and a book of remembrance, donated by a bereaved family, will be available to sign.

There will be a children’s treasure hunt where children can explore the grounds before receiving a fun-filled goody bag at the end. Refreshments will be available at the finish, as well as cake and a tombola to enjoy.

Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals both when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying and when a child is facing bereavement.

Join the walk at West Wycombe Park on Sunday, 2nd February, 10.30am to 4pm, last entry 3.30pm. Adults £3, under 16s & concessions £2, under 3s free.

Only guide dogs and hearing dogs are permitted within the grounds.

The Child Bereavement UK helpline team is available to take calls and respond to emails 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday on 0800 0288840 or email [email protected] 

More info

For more information about the Snowdrop Walk

Driving force

Round & About


Can you help local people in need this winter by joining Twyford Volunteer Drivers?

Mike joined Twyford Volunteer Drivers 10 years ago. “Now that I’m semi-retired I can make some space in my diary. This enables me to offer help to people who otherwise might have to rely on taxis – at some expense and probably some inconvenience. It is satisfying to be able to help people in need and who are usually very grateful. Who knows, I may need similar help in the future.”

Passengers must be able to travel without assistance. They contact the office to book lifts in advance and then driver volunteers, who are paid a mileage allowance for using their own cars, volunteer for the jobs that fit in with their schedule.  This can be as many or as few as they want.

Additional drivers are needed to ensure the service continues to run smoothly. Karen joined the volunteer drivers three years ago

“I was worried when I first began volunteer driving that I might have taken on something too time-consuming but nothing could be further from the truth. I can choose the job that suits me and there is never any pressure to do anything more. The people I meet are so interesting and I’ve learnt a lot of local history and driving shortcuts, I would never have discovered any other way. For me it has been a brilliant way to give back and it really feels like a win-win”.

Bob, who chairs a seven-strong committee which runs the charity, said: ‘We have approximately 270 people depending on us – and demand is growing.’

More info

Please call 0118 934 3010 or email [email protected]

Running, for good elf

Round & About


Take part in the Santa & Elf fun runs in Hindhead, Godalming and Farnborough this month to raise money for a life-changing charity.

Phyllis Tuckwell’s Santa & Elf Fun Runs are the perfect way to get all the family in the festive spirit this Christmas.

The charity has three events to choose from: the first on Sunday, 1st December, at the picturesque Devil’s Punch Bowl in Hindhead, then The Pepperpot in Godalming for a 4k route on Saturday 14th December and lastly at The Wavell School in Farnborough on Sunday, 15th December.

“This year we’re celebrating 40 years of hospice care,” says fundraising manager Gemma Jones, “so asking everyone who registers to raise just £40 to mark our special ruby anniversary!

“We rely heavily on the support of our community to continue providing our services across west Surrey and north-east Hampshire. We have to raise over £20,000 every day to do this and events like this make a real difference; helping us to raise some of the funds we need. Come along and support Phyllis Tuckwell this Christmas.

More info

Registration is £16 for adults and £9 for children (under 14) and all who register will receive a Santa suit for adults and an elf hat for children. Register in advance as fees will be higher on the day. To register your place visit…

Above & beyond

Round & About


Please join us in supporting the Children’s Air Ambulance whose life-saving helicopters are going green. Anna Phillips tells us more.

Oxford-based Children’s Air Ambulance is the only life-saving service of its kind in the UK. The charity has chosen to locate one of its two brand new, specially equipped, bright green Agusta Westland 169 helicopters here in the heart of Oxfordshire, at Kidlington airport, with the other in Doncaster.

This charity is solely dedicated to providing a specialist emergency medical transfer service which is currently changing the face of paediatric care across the country through the high-speed transfers of critically ill neonates, babies and children. The bespoke helicopters are specially adapted with intensive care equipment and on board BabyPod incubators transferring critically ill babies and children from local general hospitals to specialist paediatric hospitals across the country when they need extra specialist life-saving treatment further from home. When a child is too sick to fly, the Children’s Air Ambulance fly a specialist team of clinicians to them and with flight times commonly over four times faster than transfer by road, time saved is a life saved.

The Children’s Air Ambulance receives no NHS or government funding with its life-saving work being totally reliant upon donations and fundraising activities and events from its diverse range of supporters and private individuals. These currently include support from small companies to large corporates, Charity of the Year nominations, community organisations, sports clubs, nurseries, schools, universities, pubs, hotels, breweries as well as a broad and diverse range of interest groups, clubs and associations.  There are also 21 Children’s Air Ambulance charity shops located across the country including three in Oxfordshire – in Abingdon, Headington and Banbury.

The charity has also launched its very own Green Agenda, working to ensure all of its operations are as sustainable as possible with minimal impact to the environment. Achievements to date include its Re Use programme, successfully diverting over 600 tonnes from landfill, the launch of closed-loop plastic recycling and recently receiving recognition for its Data Wiping and Asset Recovery service at the 2019 Charity Retail Awards winning Best Use of Innovation and Technology.

Some of the ways you can help

  1. Donate :  Either online or by donating unwanted clothes and goods to its shops
  2. Charity of The Year: Nominate The Children’s Air Ambulance as your Charity of the Year
  3. Volunteer: Help to raise both funds and awareness of the charity in your community
  4. Events: Organising and taking part in fundraising events, challenges and activities
  5. Shop: Shop and donate through The Children’s Air Ambulance charity shops

The Children’s Air Ambulance would love to hear from you, your company, organisation or local community group if you would like to know more about its work and some of the patient stories of lives it has saved.

Children's Air Ambulance

For more information or to arrange a talk or visit from a member of the Oxfordshire team please call   0300 3045 999, email fundraising@the airambulanceservice.org.uk or visit

Christmas every day

Round & About


Secret Santa founder Courtney Hughes has been helping to spread festive cheer for seven years and now does so all year round

Didcot’s very own Secret Santa has come a long way since it was founded in 2012 going from an idea to help those alone at Christmas to becoming the year round fundraiser it is now.

And behind it all is Courtney Hughes. She was inspired by her grandmother Elsie who was taken ill over the festive period to buy gifts and decorations to take to the ward she was in.

But the caring, then just 13-year-old, wasn’t just touched by her gran but the others in hospital with her who were isolated and alone. Courtney lost her beloved gran in March 2013 but went on to set up Charity Secret Santa in her memory.

With a little help, she soon collected 250 gifts to give to elderly people on the wards at the John Radcliffe. That amazing effort has now grown and over the years more than 50,000 gifts have been given to the elderly, sick, lonely and vulnerable in our community.

And last month her hard work was recognised when she was officially awarded the British Empire Medal as given in The Queen’s birthday honours earlier in the year. The 21-year-old was honoured for services to older and vulnerable people in Oxfordshire.

But not content with just helping those in need at Christmas, the Secret Santa appeal is now Secret Santa 365 with tea parties and community outreach projects throughout the year to aid the elderly and needy.

Courtney’s activities now also support women’s refuges by supplying furniture and food and care packages throughout the year.

This year’s appeal was launched on 1st September and already she has been overwhelmed with the amount of toys and gifts being donated. She is now fully engulfed in sorting the donations, packing and arranging drop offs – all while working full-time as a senior nursing assistant at the John Radcliffe.

Launching this year’s appeal, she said: “It is lovely – the appeal has become like a child to me.”

Secret Santa 365 helps a wide variety of charities including among others SSNAP supporting sick newborn babies and their parents, Headway Oxfordshire which works to raise awareness of brain injuries, Helen & Douglas House providing hospice care for children, Homeless Oxfordshire, Style Acre providing support for people with learning disabilities and Be Free YC improving the lives and well being of young carers.

To help with Secret Santa 2019, you can drop gifts off at Cornerstone, SOHA, The Marlborough Club, Boundary Park GWP, The Beacon in Wantage at Sainsbury’s in Didcot on 7th December and at The Giving Tree at Berro Lounge in the Orchard Centre among other venues.

Secret Santa 365

For a full list and for more information about how you can help Secret Santa 365

Devine Dash 

Round & About


It’s the time of year when you expect to see a man in a red suit with a white beard but get set to see hundreds of them.

Now in its seventh year, the Santa Dash in Windsor in aid of Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice is the annual festive fun run on Saturday, 24th November.

The dash will guide you through Windsor, along the Long Walk, the Castle, Queen Victoria’s statue and the town’s streets and it’s up to you how you decide to take on the 5km – dash, run, jog, skip or dance.

The entry fee includes a free Santa suit or reindeer antlers for children and a medal and every penny goes to the children’s hospice service in Maidenhead.

The hospice opened in 2018 after years of hard work and tireless campaigning to raise the funds by Fiona and John Devine. Their son Alexander was diagnosed with a brain tumour at the age of four and their lives became consumed by hospital appointments and treatments.

They sadly lost Alexander after four and a half years and through their experiences found there was a need for a children’s hospice in Berkshire.

Fiona and John wanted to provide a safe, loving environment for all that gives children and families a choice of care and support. The hospice complements the existing community service with state-of-the-art facilities. It has six children’s bedrooms, two-self-contained flats for families, a dining area, open plan sitting room and suite dedicated to end of life and bereavement care.

There is also a sensory room, creative learning zone, music room and hydrotherapy pool.

A woodland-themed sensory garden, mud kitchen, musical play pieces, scented plants and raised flower beds allow children to enjoy the outdoors.

There are LEGO models scattered around the garden and an adventure playground is currently being built designed with special equipment.

Nurses and nursery nurses, play and music specialists and counsellors and doctors use their knowledge, compassion and expertise to provide the support and care each family and child needs.

Santas are encouraged to raise at least £57 in sponsorship – this alone could pay for a specialist play session.

The dash starts at 9am, but dashers are encouraged to arrive at 8am for a briefing, to join the warm up and collect their Santa suit, these can also be collected in advance from this month with previous arrangement.

Registration is at Bachelors Acre at 8.40am before the run starts at the top of the Long Walk by the Castle.

Entry costs £20 adults, £7.50 children, under 5s free, family of four (2&2) £36.

Take part

For more details and to enter