Campaigning for carers

Round & About

Campaigning for Carers

Theatre maker and unpaid carer Georgie Steele from West Oxfordshire is bringing her award-winning show to Cholsey with a free local performance for the county’s unpaid carers

And I’ll Blow Your House Down by Georgie Steele, a theatre maker and unpaid carer, is a playful, interactive storytelling and clowning show campaigning for change for unpaid carers and families with disabilities.

“Our lives changed completely when our two sons were diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a degenerative muscle-wasting condition” says Georgie.

“It was like the big bad wolf had blown our house down. Suddenly everything was an absurd mess of endless appointments, health and safety, and offers of help that didn’t help; and I was an unpaid carer.”

Her one-woman show won the Brighton Fringe Award for Inclusion 2023 and she will be performing at four Fringe Festivals this summer (Brighton, Tunbridge Wells, Barnstaple and Camden). And for Carers Week 2024, June 10th to 16th, Georgie is performing a free local show for unpaid carers in Oxfordshire at Cholsey Great Hall on Saturday, 8th June, 6.30pm. Share a cuppa and a chat with other carers about your shared experience.

The performance (sponsored by Wallingford and Didcot Rotary) will begin at 8pm. Visit And I’ll Blow Your House Down for more information and to book.

Through her shows and workshops, Georgie is calling for action to provide better support for the million unpaid carers in the UK by creating a new National Carers Strategy.