The Big Give Christmas Challenge

Karen Neville

Big Give

 One donation, twice the impact to help CPRE Oxfordshire campaign to protect our rural county

Do your bit for the CPRE Oxfordshire campaign to protect our rural county.  We are passionate about making the countryside, its villages and market towns, better places for everyone to live, work and enjoy.

Join us in making a real and lasting impact.  Your donation will be matched, doubling your contribution.  Help us launch the Oxfordshire Green Defenders Network and protect our natural heritage.

Every donation counts.

During this week (November 28th to December 5th) only, every donation, no matter what size, will be doubled – up to our target of £4,500 which will generate £9,000 in total.

What you need to do?

•           Add a calendar reminder for your diary for 28th November, including this link.

•           Have your debit or credit card details ready when you make your donation.

•           Tell others! Please pass on this message to anyone you think might be interested in supporting us and having their donation doubled.

The CPRE believes in countryside and green spaces that are accessible to all, rich in nature and playing a crucial role in responding to the climate emergency.

With a local CPRE group in every county in England, we’re advocating nationwide for the kind of countryside we all want: one with sustainable, healthy communities and available to more people than ever, including those who haven’t benefited before.

We stand for a countryside that enriches all of our lives, regenerating our wellbeing, and that we in turn regenerate, protect and celebrate.

Some people might remember us as ‘The Campaign to Protect Rural England’ – our previous name, and one of several in our long history. We’ve worked for almost a century to support and promote the countryside, and we’ll be doing this for generations to come. That’s why we call ourselves ‘the countryside charity’.