Movie magic

Round & About

Anton DuBeke

Anton DuBeke and Erin Boag will bring Dance those Magical Movies to Reading’s Hexagon this March

Britain’s best-loved ballroom duo are back with a new show for 2020! Songs from the silver-screen, set to sensational choreography, will give audiences a red-carpet performance from the UK’s leading dance stars and a spectacular dance ensemble.

The show includes musical classics from Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Singin’ in the Rain, Casablanca, The Wizard of Oz, The Greatest Showman, and many more. Peter Anderson caught up with Erin and found she does a lot of the planning!

We’ve seen Anton have a very successful Strictly in 2019; does this mean he has little time to plan this tour? “Well, with Anton being busy with Strictly, I spend a lot of time working on tour admin,” agrees Erin. “When it comes to queries, it’s up to me to either answer them or have a quick chat with Anton when I can. I am also a dance teacher, so I have my pupils and keep my hand in performance-wise doing the occasional show with Ian Waite.”

We know Anton is a keen singer – do you have any hidden talents? “They are very well hidden, they keep trying to persuade me to sing, but my singing is restricted to the shower and with my lovely young son.”
How do they wind down after? “We have a meet-and-greet after the show, and then help with the ‘get out’. Both Anton and I like to drive to the next venue while we are still on a high from the show. The roads are a lot quieter at night. It is so nice to get to the hotel, have a sleep and breakfast rather than get up in the morning and drive.”

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