Chobham & Woking


Halow250 bike ride

Halow riders out to shine with 250-mile charity cycle in Guildford

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Marathon in May

Can you take on PACT’s Marathon in May challenge? 

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Local giving for local need

The Community Foundation for Surrey is making a difference through its family of donors.

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Floral feast

The blooming marvellous Chelsea Flower Show is a true horticultural highlight

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April flowers

I absolutely love this time of year. The countryside is awash with daffodils, tulips are starting to flower and glorious…

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Woking Lit Fest

Book lovers’ paradise at the third Woking Literary Festival

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We Love Golf

The We Love Golf campaign is encouraging more women to take part in the game and enjoy the social side…

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Wildlife survey

People’s Trust for Endangered Species needs your help to record Britain’s ‘big five’

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Male cancer awareness week

The eleventh Orchid Male Cancer Awareness Week, from 8th 14th April, encourages all men to check their “bits”

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Oar-some day

Enjoy an oar-some day out at the University Boat Race

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Wind in the Willows

Help save Badger, Ratty, Mole and Toad and create a wilder future

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Big pedal

Don’t be surprised if on your way to work or school this morning you see many more children than usual…

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Win! A stay: The Five Alls

Our lucky winner & their guest (and maybe their dog!) can enjoy a two-night stay midweek for two at The Five Alls in Filkins near Lechlade.

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Win! A stylish Luella Grey handbag

Our lucky winner can enjoy a bag of their choice from the new autumn/winter collection.

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