A home from home

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Birtley House Nursing Home is unique and unlike other care homes

At a time when new care homes are opening across the South-East on a weekly basis, Birtley House offers its residents a very different proposition. It takes years to build a true home, a bank of trusted staff and an excellent reputation, as we have done. 

Established in 1932, and a fourth-generation family-run business, the owners of Birtley House live on-site and our history and experience in care means we truly understand what it takes to create a genuinely homely environment whilst offering the highest quality service not just in care but with quality of life for the resident at the heart of it.

We pride ourselves on creating the ultimate home-from-home stay that exudes a vibrant, friendly and relaxed atmosphere. We encourage our residents to feel at home by bringing their own furniture and personal belongings, so they have familiar home comforts available to them. Birtley House prides itself on no specific visiting times, and with ample parking on site, family and friends can visit whenever they wish.

Birtley House provides specialist care services for both long and short-term stays including respite, and convalescent care, palliative care, or end-of-life support. Boasting a strong care team, Birtley House has on-site well-being staff such as physiotherapists, and an in-house chef creating delicious and nutritious food throughout the day, much of it sourced from our own large kitchen garden.

We offer potential residents a variety of accommodation options including nursing home rooms and our unique West Wing apartments, both of which have 24-hour nursing care on call. We also have an over-65’s retirement development of two-bedroomed supported-living flats, designed to provide a calm and worry-free life for those who are looking for more independence and flexibility, and who don’t require care just yet.

We always say that the best way to decide if Birtley House is right for you is with a visit. When you enter any care home, you will get an immediate feel as to whether the atmosphere and environment suit you, and what you are looking for. We are here every step of the way to guide you with impartial advice, and help you make an educated choice that is right for you.

For an insight into life at Birtley House, please take a moment to look at our social media accounts. Additionally, there is an independent website which publishes verified reviews from both residents past and present and their relatives, and our entry can be found here. We are very proud of our 9.9 out of 10 review score on carehome.co.uk.

Find out more at www.BirtleyHouse.co.uk, call 01483 892 055 and email [email protected]

Sporting success at Crosfields

Karen Neville

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Students are exceling in a range of sports, find out more about the facilities on offer for your child

There’s never a day without sporting success at Crosfields and the autumn term is no exception!

In hockey, ISA U9A Girls hockey team were undefeated and won their group with a very good record. The U13A and U11A girls hockey teams both won their respective ISA Plate Competition, a fantastic achievement for them all after all their hard work this season to improve their skills and tactics.

The U15A Girls hockey won the ISA Shield Competition which was another great achievement for this young team who have been developing their skills and tactics over recent months. They played some fantastic hockey in this tournament with some very close matches against some older teams!

There has also been much success in football as Crosfields teams continue to excel in their competitions. The U13A girls football won the ISA Cup at LVS whilst the U15A girls football won ISA Plate. The boys have also had a wealth of success with the U13A boys football reaching the last 16 of the ISFA cup and last 16 of the ISFA Shield competitions.  The U11A boys are off to the IAPS National Finals after winning the IAPS regional qualifier at Ashford Prep School. Congratulations to Oscar, Roman, Luke, Thomas, Zach, Heath, Jack and Keye! Their record at the regional qualifier read: 8 games played, 7 wins, 1 draw, 0 losses and, incredibly, 0 goals conceded. A magnificent achievement!

All our athletes performed brilliantly across several disciplines over the autumn term and with opportunities still to come in cross country, netball, basketball and swimming, we look forward to many more fantastic performances. To view our sporting facilities, and find out more about what sports at Crosfields can do for your child, book a personal tour here.

Give families a lifeline this Christmas

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Taddies, a parent and child group at The Children’s Trust in Surrey , provides a community where families can feel accepted. This is why children like Matthew and his mum Kelly need people like you.

Matthew was born with a missing chromosome and a condition called Angelman Syndrome.

Matthew’s mum Kelly shares their story.

My gorgeous four-year-old son, Matthew, has had seizures since he was tiny and was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. Matthew has also got the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. He’d wrap you around his little finger if you met him. He does that with everyone! But still there have been plenty of times when, just because Matthew sometimes struggles in social situations, the two of us have been made to feel very alone.

I’ve been to parent and child groups where I felt everyone was looking at us, even judging us, because Matthew doesn’t like loud noises and doesn’t really play with toys. The one place where I finally felt like we belonged was Taddies – The Children’s Trust’s parent and child group. It showed me what a magical place The Children’s Trust can be for children with neurodisability and for their families.

The staff can’t do enough for you. There are all these activities. Messy play, music, soft play, puzzles, cooking. Everything is carefully set up to help children learn and develop – and Matthew really did come out of himself at those sessions.

There are very few places where I know Matthew is completely happy, other than at home. But he loved being at Taddies so much. I think he just felt safe there. Taddies is just one of the many services The Children’s Trust provides that helps children and families feeling alone become part of a supportive community where they can thrive. But they can only run their services thanks to donations.

You can help more families come to Taddies and The Children’s Trust nursery, Tadworth Tots, and finally feel accepted.

The sense of community is clearer than ever at Christmas. Did you know that each year the charity arranges a pantomime to be performed onsite for all the children? Or that they take children from Taddies, Tadworth Tots and The Children’s Trust School for days out, like going to see the Glow lights at RHS Wisley Gardens?

Please help more children and families experience special treats like pantos and magical trips this Christmas by donating today. What better Christmas gift could there be than the chance to bring joy to children and families and stop them feeling alone?

Please gift a donation this Christmas: (https://bit.ly/3SGt9lW)


Escape to Serenity

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A useful guide to renovating your dream countryside home

The Dream

You can’t help but feel a sense of peace and contentment when you take in the beauty of the countryside. Here, amidst its rolling hills and lush green fields, you know you’re exactly what you’re meant to be; home.

Your imagination runs wild; you can just picture it – a cosy cottage surrounded by mighty oak, a rambling garden filled with vibrant wildflowers and a charming organic vegetable patch. You’ll wake up to the soothing melody of birdsong before stepping outside, coffee in hand, to take in the serene calm of the countryside. In the summer, you’ll bask in the warm sun and gaze upon the tranquil water of the pond, marvelling at the beauty of the dancing dragonflies. When winter arrives, you’ll press your steaming cup of tea against your rosy, frost-kissed cheeks.

As your thoughts return to the present, you may feel a sense of doubt creeping in as you face the sheer magnitude of work required to create the home of your dreams. Taking on a renovation project while balancing work and family life may seem overwhelming, and the “what-ifs” take centre stage. But worry not; with the following advice and a good deal of preparation, you can turn your vision into a reality.

Finding the right property

To begin, first consider whether you wish to take on a new property or if you could instead rejuvenate your home. With a little imagination, your existing property may make for the perfect canvas to actualise your dreams.

If you decide a new property is in order, start by researching different homes available in the area. You can explore online listings, connect with local real estate agents, and attend open house auctions. Take the time to research each property thoroughly and create a list of those that stand out to you. Once you’ve narrowed your list, it’s time to visit each property in person. Spend some time wandering around the area, taking note of the surroundings and the feel of the community. You can also speak with locals to learn more about the area, which may help you to identify any challenges you may encounter during your renovation process.

When considering your budget, keep in mind your renovation goals and financial situation. You want to be realistic about what you can afford, but don’t let this discourage you from envisioning your dream home. With careful budget planning, some creativity, and a willingness to be flexible, you’ll be able to create a home that meets all your needs.

While viewing homes, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement and overlook potential faults or niggles with the property. To prevent this, in addition to eliciting the help of a structural surveyor, it would be prudent to bring along a qualified builder to assess the property’s condition and provide a realistic estimate of the cost of any refurbishment work required. This will enable you to set a 10-20% contingency plan for the works and ensure you don’t underestimate the costs involved in making the property habitable. It’s worth noting that you can often negotiate remedial work off the sale price, further reducing your overall costs.

The logistics of searching for a property can be difficult to navigate, particularly if you’re simultaneously selling and buying. If during the home renovation process, you decide to rent or stay with family while searching for your new home or find yourself stuck in a chain, Cinch Self Storage can securely store your belongings for you.

As you move forward with your search, be patient, persistent and optimistic. Remember, this journey may take some time, but it is worth it to find the perfect property. Stay motivated and keep your vision in mind.

Planning your reno

Once you’ve found the perfect canvas, it’s time to plan.

When envisioning your dream home, take the time to think carefully about your needs. You may wish to create two lists: one for your must-haves and one for your nice-to-haves. Draw inspiration from past living experiences to determine what works best for you, and use these insights to fuel your creativity.

You can save time by reviewing floor plans of nearby homes and researching any necessary permits. Take the time to get to know your local community and officials to establish positive relationships, which may help you to achieve your goals. Be sure to submit planning applications well in advance and seek guidance from qualified professionals who have extensive knowledge of the area and previous approvals for similar properties.

If Grand Designs has taught us anything, it’s the importance of finding reliable and trustworthy professionals. We’ve all seen it; ambitious projects are ground to a halt by faulty foundations and contractors who fail to deliver. To avoid finding yourself in the same boat, take your time with your research.

Consider working with vetted local professionals who are likely to have an intimate understanding of the unique requirements and regulations of building in the countryside, especially when it comes to renovating listed homes. Additionally, they may be able to source culturally or historically significant materials from the region, while putting funds back into your local economy.

While it may be tempting to rush the renovation, doing so may lead to unnecessary issues and burnout. By staggering your renovation, you can take the time to plan and execute each project with care and attention to detail.

Creating your blank canvas

Armed with your vision and your plan, you can now prepare your canvas.

Take stock of your belongings and consider each item, noting whether it falls into one of two categories: sentimental or practical. If you can envision yourself using or loving the item in your new home, it’s good to go, otherwise consider donating it to your local charity shop. This is a great time to reflect on what brings value to your life and whether it fits your vision.

Before packing, ensure all items are clean and dry to prevent mould growth. This is especially important if you’re storing items for an extended period. To further protect against moisture, consider using desiccators, such as silica gel bags. Of course, be careful to keep these out of reach of children and pets.

To streamline your moving process, consider keeping an inventory of items in each box by labelling them accordingly. Taking the extra time to label your boxes can help you keep track of your belongings and ensure that nothing gets lost during the move, as well as making the process of unpacking a breeze.

Protecting your belongings

Now that your belongings are packed, you’ll need to find a secure place to store them during your renovation. You may be tempted to store them in a garage or garden shed but be aware that doing so makes them susceptible to damage caused by dampness and wildlife. Critters such as mice can cause significant damage, often seeming to favour family heirlooms, and they are notorious for finding their way through the tiniest of gaps. Thankfully, this issue can be mitigated. Cinch Self Storage Bicester can protect your belongings from the elements with their clean, dry and 24/7 CCTV-monitored storage. No need to worry about pesky critters, dampness or mould.

Laying the foundation

With your blank canvas and belongings safely stored, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and begin the renovation process.

When embarking on a home renovation project, start with the structural foundation to ensure it is safe and can withstand wear and tear. You should assess the overall condition of the home’s foundation and ensure that it’s structurally sound. Be sure to remedy any issues that arise, however small, during this stage. Don’t be tempted to brush potential issues under the carpet as it may result in costly repairs later down the line, forcing you to undo your hard work.

Once the foundation is secure, it’s time to focus on the plumbing and wiring. This includes checking for leaks or damage in the plumbing system and ensuring the electrical wiring is up to code. Upgrading these systems to be more energy-efficient and sustainable can also be a great way to reduce your home’s environmental impact and lower your utility bills.

Choosing your materials

When decorating, consider using sustainable and non-toxic materials. Many commercial paints emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be harmful to your health. Choosing eco-friendly paints that are low in VOCs can make a massive difference to the health of your home and family.

Following the instructions provided on each product, as well as by professionals, can help avoid costly mistakes and ensure the renovation is safe and successful. With careful planning and the use of sustainable materials, home renovation can be a rewarding process that enhances the overall beauty, functionality, and sustainability of your home.

During the renovation

Throughout the renovation process, stay organised and communicate with your contractor. This means keeping track of progress, deadlines, and any changes that need to be made to the original plan. Regular communication with your contractor can help ensure that the project stays on track and that any issues are addressed promptly.

Taking regular progress photos can help you to track the progress of your renovation, allowing you to see what you’ve achieved and what needs to be actioned. It may offer some protection if legal matters arise. You may even wish to frame your photographs in your new home as a pleasant reminder of your accomplishments.

Be sure to account for the many logistical challenges which can arise during the renovation process, such as running into issues with the delivery and receipt of supplies. The last thing you want is to have to rush home from work to accept delivery of your furniture, only for them to leave it outside, exposed to the elements. Cinch Self Storage are happy to accept deliveries on your behalf, helping you to plan and organise your renovation project around your existing responsibilities.

Once the renovation is complete, have your property inspected to ensure that it meets safety and building code standards. This can help identify any issues that may need to be addressed before the property can be used. If unexpected issues do arise during the final stages of the renovation, stay calm and work with your contractor to find a solution. Remember that unexpected issues can be a part of any renovation process and handling them with a positive attitude and a willingness to find a solution will ensure a successful outcome.

A little elbow grease

By this point of your renovation journey, you’re likely overly eager to jump into the exciting task of making it home, but before doing so, you’ll need to put in a little more elbow grease to ensure that your canvas is clean and safe. It’s crucial to air out your home to reduce indoor air pollution caused by dust, chemicals and paint fumes. Using a HEPA filter can help capture and remove any remaining pollutants, ensuring that your home is clean and healthy for you and your family.

As you clean, pay special attention to areas where debris tends to accumulate, such as corners and baseboards. Use a damp cloth to wipe down any hard surfaces, and don’t forget to vacuum any carpets or rugs thoroughly.

While never a pleasant task, taking the time to deep clean will ensure that your home is free of any debris or harmful particles left over from the renovation, and prevent damage to your belongings that you’ve thus far taken such great care to protect.

Making it a home

When envisioning the style of your home, first, consider the story you wish for it to tell. Do you want your home to be warm, rich and eclectic? Or perhaps light, soft and minimal? How will your home convey your history, passions and values?

Keeping this in mind will help you to look past the fashionable and instead create a home that is a timeless reflection of your personality. It will also make the process of sourcing and curating pieces all that much more enjoyable.

Whether you’re after a contemporary lampshade or an antique apothecary table, consider sourcing pieces locally. Charity shops and antique stores or markets are ideal places to look for characterful, rare and high-quality pieces.

If you’re looking for something new or contemporary, turn to your local artisans. There are bound to be highly talented upholsterers, textile artists, painters or sculptors in your area who would be all too happy to create a bespoke piece for you.

Keep in mind that the right piece will find its way to you. You may have to wait a while but it’s worth it to create a high-quality home that will stand the test of time.

Home, at last

With the renovation behind you, it’s time to collect your belongings and move home.

This may seem like a small logistical step but take pause, as this signifies a fresh start and a new chapter in your life. As you carefully unpack each box and find a place for every item, you are reminded of the dreams and determination that led you to this moment. Go slowly and be present, as this moment of reuniting with your belongings is one you’ll cherish for years to come.

Renovating? Cinch Self Storage are here to help. For more information, please visit Cinch Storage Bicester

Study and train with Oxford United

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Abingdon & Witney College launch new course offering the chance to gain a sport qualification as you develop your football skills

Abingdon & Witney College have launched the Oxford United Advanced Football Programme; a new course that allows students to study full-time for a sports qualification with Abingdon & Witney College whilst training with Oxford United.

The full-time programme is open to male students aged 16-18 on 31st August 2023, with a female cohort set to launch next academic year. The course provides students with the opportunity to develop their football skills whilst studying a BTEC Sports qualification.

Students will study at our Abingdon Campus, and train directly with Oxford United UEFA B qualified coaches; who alongside our academic tutors, will develop and equip them physically and mentally. Together, we will teach students the determination and resilience they need to succeed, all whilst building the strength and confidence they need to be at the top of their game.

Successful students who join the programme will have the opportunity to play regularly at the Oxford United Bangkok Glass Training Centre, part of the £4.9m sports complex near Horspath. They’ll also get the chance to train and compete in a competitive league and cup tournaments against other teams across the region. Every student will also get their own Oxford United x Abingdon & Witney College training kit and excitingly, a free Oxford United season ticket.

Through our new partnership, talented and aspiring players won’t have to pick between football and academic development; they can do both. When students are not training at the club, our specialist team will be there helping them to prepare for their future. The new study programme includes a sports-based vocational qualification, GCSE English and/or maths as required, a supportive tutorial programme, and the work experience and enrichment activities we offer all our students.

Once they’ve joined the programme, students will also have access to our full college experience. They’ll have the chance to immerse themselves in our student life, take part in our college wide trips and make the most of our pastoral care and guidance.

To find out more about the programme, how to apply and how to secure your place at our Football Trial Event on Wednesday 26th April from 4pm, please visit www.abingdon-witney.ac.uk

Sports Marketing In The Digital Age

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The digital age has brought about a significant change in the way sports marketing operates. Sports brands, events, and athletes have had to adapt to the new digital landscape to reach their audiences effectively. The challenges and opportunities of sports marketing in the digital age are many and varied, and the following article will explore them in detail.

Cheltenham Racing Festival

One example of the challenges and opportunities of sports marketing in the digital age is the Cheltenham Racing Festival. This annual event, held at Cheltenham Racecourse in Gloucestershire, England, is one of the most significant events in the horse racing calendar. The festival takes place over four days, with the Cheltenham racing dates set for March 14-17. The festival attracts a wide audience, including horse racing enthusiasts, punters and causal observers.

One of the biggest challenges facing sports marketers at the Cheltenham Racing Festival is the sheer scale of the event. With tens of thousands of people in attendance and millions more watching online and on TV, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and make an impact. However, with careful planning and a strategic approach, there are many opportunities to engage with fans and create memorable experiences.

Social Media

One way that sports marketers can take advantage of the digital age is by leveraging social media to connect with fans before, during, and after the event. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide a powerful way to build buzz, share news and updates, and engage with fans in real time. By creating compelling content and leveraging influencer partnerships, sports marketers can generate excitement and drive engagement in the run-up to the event.

During the event itself, sports marketers can use a variety of tactics to create memorable experiences for fans. For example, offering free merchandise, exclusive access, or VIP experiences can help to build loyalty and create positive associations with brands. Live streaming and social media activations can also be effective in engaging fans who are unable to attend in person.

Tradition and Innovation

Another challenge facing sports marketers at the Cheltenham Racing Festival is the need to balance tradition and innovation. While horse racing has a rich history and culture, sports marketers must also embrace new technologies and trends to stay relevant and engaging. For example, using augmented reality or virtual reality experiences can help to bring the excitement of the races to live in new and innovative ways.

Finally, sports marketers must also be mindful of the importance of data and analytics in the digital age. By tracking engagement metrics, analysing audience behaviour, and monitoring sentiment, sports marketers can gain valuable insights into what is working and what is not. This can help to inform future campaigns and improve the overall effectiveness of sports marketing efforts.

Bottom Line

Sports marketing in digital age presents both challenges and opportunities for marketers looking to promote their brands and products at events like the Cheltenham Racing Festival. By leveraging social media, creating memorable experiences, embracing innovation, and using data and analytics, sports marketers can engage with fans in new and exciting ways and drive long-term brand loyalty. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the key to success will be staying flexible, adaptable, and always willing to try new things.

Care for your trees with Brackendale

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Brackendale Tree Care has valuable advice to help you care for your trees in winter

At this time of year, your garden will probably look as if it’s settled down for winter. That surely means your jobs for the year are all wrapped up. All you need to do now is feed the birds and enjoy your garden from the warmth of your home.

However, winter is the perfect time to crack on and care for your trees.

Not only is winter the ideal time for tree care from Mother Nature’s perspective, but it’s also a great time for us humans. Other garden jobs, such as weeding, lawn mowing and hedge trimming aren’t needed so we have time to lavish on our trees instead. And after all, what’s better than getting outside into the fresh air and work up an appetite for all that hearty winter food?

The two big tree-related jobs for the winter are winter pruning and planting bare rooting trees.

Job 1 – winter-pruning your trees

It’s nearly always better to prune your trees in the winter than in the spring or summer. There are a host of reasons for this, which we’ll now go into.

For deciduous trees at least, the lack of leaves makes it far easier to see what you’re doing. This means you’re less likely to trim your trees back too far or into a shape that you’re not happy with. There’s also the benefit of having almost no leaves to sweep up afterwards – only the branches and leaves. You’ll also know that nesting birds won’t be an issue – it’s only from March onwards that nesting becomes something to bear in mind

Because trees are dormant in the winter, their sap is less active. Sap delivers water and nutrients throughout the tree which may ‘bleed’ when the tree is cut. Too much bleeding can shock your tree so it’s important to make sure you’re pruning at the right time of year. Most trees are best pruned in the winter, although there are some such as magnolia and birch which should be pruned at a different time of year.

Winter pruning is a great way of reinvigorating trees and bushes that were beginning to look tired or straggly. Successful winter pruning can encourage bushy, healthy growth, helping revive a previously tired-looking specimen.

Pruning during the winter also helps prevent diseases. That’s because the bacteria, insects and fungi that carry the diseases are dormant or dead. So, by pruning during the winter months, your tree is less likely to pick up a serious disease.

Job 2 – plant bare rooted trees

Another job that’s perfect for the winter months is planting bare rooted trees. Loved by gardeners and tree surgeons alike, bare rooted trees are the best choice for anyone wanting to enhance their garden with healthy, strong plants.

Using bare rooted trees and hedges gives you a better range of plants to choose from, thanks to the range of specialist nurseries that deal with bare rooted plants. They’re also far better value than pot-grown plants giving you a healthy sapling for a bank-balance friendly price. This makes bare-rooted trees and hedges a must-buy for anyone wanting to plant lots of trees or a new hedge.

There are a few things to remember when planting bare rooted trees:

1. Plant bare-rooted trees quickly as you can

The longer you leave your bare rooted trees unplanted, the more moisture they will lose from their roots. And the more moisture they lose, the lower your chances of having a healthy tree in your garden. If you can’t plant your tree immediately, store them somewhere cool (a garage or shed is perfect) with their roots wrapped in a plastic bag.

2. Stake your bare-rooted tree after planting

Staking your bare rooted trees will help them establish more successfully by keeping the roots healthy. By keeping your new tree in a stable position, you minimise the chances of torn roots. It can take as much as two years for a new tree to fully anchor itself into the soil, which makes this step especially important.

3. Water trees thoroughly in the first year after planting

Although your new tree or hedge won’t need water while it’s dormant, as soon as you start seeing leaves bursting into bud, it’s time to water. Water your tree thoroughly (a full watering can is perfect) once a week – or more often if the weather is dry. In especially dry, warm weather you should water your new tree two or three times a week to help it establish.

Get in touch for help with winter pruning and planting

Winter pruning and planting bare rooted trees are tasks that your tree surgeon can advise on and help with. If you have questions or would like us to look after your pruning and planting, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

Celebrate with glorious chamber music

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Distinguished performers prepare to share their talent and love of music with Haslemere concert goers

Get the new year off to an uplifting start with a concert at Haslemere Methodist Church.

The London Chamber Music Group Wind and Piano Quartet will entertain with an evening of classical, romantic and 20th century works.

The quartet, professors of the Royal College of Music and the British Isles Music Festival, comprises Susan Milan flute, John Anderson oboe, Martin Gatt bassoon, Daniel King-Smith piano.

The distinguished musicians will perform on Thursday, 12th January, 8pm. Doors open 7.30pm, with refreshments available in the interval.

Tickets £18, 12-17 year olds £9 and under 12s free. Book at wegottickets.com

2023 continues with concerts from the London Chamber Music Group:

February 9th – romantic, impressionist and 20th century works

March 9th – classical, romantic and 20th century works

May 4th – classical, romantic and 20th century works

June 1st – Baroque works for wind and continuo

Future charity concerts are planned featuring outstanding young musicians from the Royal College of Music for February 23rd (oboe, bassoon, piano), March 23rd (viola recital) and June 8th with the Edenis String Quartet.

The Art of the Album Cover

Karen Neville

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Henley-based art publisher Hypergallery welcomes browsers and buyers to an exhibition of signed, limited-edition prints by music’s most extraordinary visual artists

A collection of exquisite limited edition prints and affordable works by a collection of talented artists who have worked with some of the most iconic musicians from the 20th Century will be on display at Hypergallery in Henley from November 26th.

Celebrating the Golden Years of rock music through the album cover art that put a face on it, visitors can view pieces featuring David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, King Crimson, T.Rex, Peter Gabriel, 10cc, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, The Beatles, Elton John, Genesis, Donovan, The Hollies, Cream, Pentangle.

The featured artists exhibiting include:

Vincent McEvoy was the art director of Polydor in the 1970s. As such, he had unique access to some of the biggest names in Rock, including The Who, Bob Marley and Eric Clapton. In recent years he has rekindled his passion for silkscreens, producing powerful pop-artworks based on some of the wonderful and iconic memorabilia that he accumulated throughout his career.

Karl Ferris is the man behind some of the most recognisable images of Jimi Hendrix. The originator of psychedelic and infrared photography worked closely with Hendrix on his image, styling and of course the photographs. With subjects including Cream, The Hollies, The Beatles and Donovan, Ferris was right at the epicentre of the psychedelic revolution.

Terry Pastor is a graphic artist who has worked for clients all across the world, creating iconic imagery with masterful flourishes of his airbrush. Pastor is best known for two images that jump-started the career of a young David Bowie, Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust. He has revisited and ‘remastered‘ his original source material in the creation of his stunningly sympathetic editions.

Barry Godber was a friend of King Crimson lyricist Peter Sinfield and a regular visitor to the group‘s rehearsal room in the basement of the Fulham Palace Road Cafe. Using watercolours, Godber gazed into a shaving mirror and constructed one of the most fearful self-portraits ever to grace a record sleeve.

Hipgnosis created some of the most innovative and surreal record cover art of the 1960s, 70s and 80s for the biggest bands and musicians of the era including Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and 10cc. For fifteen years Hipgnosis (Storm Thorgerson, Aubrey Powell and Peter Christopherson) thrived as one of the best known photo design companies and latterly movie makers, creating timeless rock iconography.

Alan Aldridge created imaginative designs and intoxicating colour-rich images that captured the dreams and hallucinations of a generation; in The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics, on album covers for The Who, Cream and Elton John, and on the notorious Chelsea Girls poster for Andy Warhol.

Richard Evans began his rock’n’roll career as a shoe designer in the early 70s, putting multi-coloured platforms under the feet of Elton John, Roxy Music and The Osmonds. It was at this time that he met Aubrey Powell and Storm Thorgerson and later worked at Hipgnosis with them as their graphic designer for several years. Eventually, he set up his own design studio, working with many big names in the music industry. Since 1976 he has worked closely with The Who, designing tour visuals, merchandise and, of course, album covers.

Sir Peter Blake was elected RA in 1981, awarded a CBE in 1983, and was knighted in 2002. His seminal art for Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is probably the world’s best-known album cover, but Peter’s connections with pop music led to many other ventures in album packaging, including The Who, Live Aid, Paul Weller, Oasis, Ian Dury, Eric Clapton and Brian Wilson.

Exhibition details:

Dates: 26th Nov 2022 – 23rd Dec 2022

Open: 11am-2pm by appointment

Location: Hypergallery, 47 Market Place, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 2AA

Admission: free

If you would like to visit, just drop Hypergallery a line at [email protected] or call on 01491 637021 to ensure someone will be at the gallery to welcome you.

Let us handle your care

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CareHandle is an exciting new service supporting those exploring Care Homes for the first time

If you are over the threshold and paying privately you often explore care options alone which can be daunting and frustrating, especially when you need to focus on you or your loved one’s well-being.

Looking for care can be confusing, stressful and time-consuming, the team at Carehandle are on a mission to change this by offering advice, support and insight in a personal way.

We take care seekers through a 3-step process first to listen, understand and work through possible options. Next, we help Handle the search, find options and provide a free shortlist, we check availability, costs and quality. We are with you every step of the way to support better outcomes, we can book appointments and work with the provider for the best outcomes, a large number of those in care regret the initial decision so we can help to support and get it right first time.

Don’t handle it alone contact Carehandle.

E-mail: [email protected]

Call: 01242 384938

Visit: https://carehandle.co.uk/

Our mission also supports charities and by using our services we can help make a difference in local communities.