Healthy start to 2023 at Squire’s

Karen Neville

Health & Nutrition

Wholesome food and a warm welcome await at Squire’s this January and there’s a comforting 15% off the bill

Healthy eating habits are often front of mind when looking to start the new year, with vegan and vegetarian preferences a considered choice, as well as wholesome, thoughtful eating options.

Squire’s Garden Centres has a great range of delicious, flavoursome food and healthy meal choices available to start the new year off – and all with a welcoming 15% discount off total food and drink* bills (promotion does not apply to alcoholic drinks) – from 1st-31st January* across all centres.

A visit to a Squire’s Café Bar makes the perfect spot this January to keep warm, meet up with friends, and enjoy saving money too.

Now is the time to try different flavours in the comfort of Squire’s Café Bars with a great range of dishes including Light Bite options of Mushroom & Sage Soup and Parsnip or Apple & Thyme Soup – served with sliced sourdough, Jacket Potato with Cheesy Beans as well as the delicious Smashed Avocado & Red Onion Sandwich.

More filling options available are the plant-based ‘Moving Mountain’ Burger in a vegan brioche bun with chargrilled tomato chutney, the delicious Butternut Squash, Cranberry & Red Onion Tagine – roasted butternut squash and red onion wedges in a sweetly spiced tagine style sauce served with basmati rice and garlic flatbread and Cauliflower & Spinach Balti Pie. Alternatively, and for a satisfying taste of tradition, try Squire’s Hand-Battered Fish & Chips – MSC certified cod with petit pois and fresh tartare sauce. Menus vary by centre.

Recipes: Life on the veg

Karen Neville

Health & Nutrition

Nutrition basics
Budget Tips
Base shops
Example menu

Lelita Baldock is a web-developer by day, fiction author by night. Part-time nutritionist, full-time foodie. She says: “I love food. But I am also very busy. So for me, healthy, satisfying meals that are quick and easy to prepare, that also come in on a tight budget are essential” Follow her tips & recipes here

It’s the new year, a time of renewal, resolutions and looking forward to the future. And if you are anything like me, a time to focus on healthy choices. The festive season is delightful, but it can often come with over-indulgence. And that’s all part of the fun. But by January our bodies can be crying out for simpler, more nourishing meals.

Luckily for us in the UK, January is also a time of hearty, healthy seasonal produce: think root vegetables and leafy greens. Perfect food to nourish our bodies and come in on a budget too.

The cost of living has been rising, and many of us are feeling the pinch. So it is natural that we are looking for savings everywhere, including on our grocery bill.

But budget doesn’t mean meals can’t be delicious too!

To help us all incorporate healthy, nourishing meals into our routine, while also being budget conscious, I have put together a series of tips and recipes to guide your choices. And have fun with food!

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Nutrition basics

Let’s start with the basics of nutrition. We all know we want to be eating a minimum of 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. This baseline ensures our intake of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Also fruits and vegetables are some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Low in calories, high in nutrition. The perfect bang for your buck!

So, the first focus is to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
Add berries or chopped fruit to breakfast cereals or toast.
Add spinach or kale to smoothies.
Include vegetables with lunch and dinner.

And my biggest tip? Include a serve of beans/pulses everyday. Beans are a nutrition powerhouse. Packed with fibre and plant-based protein, they are filling and great for digestion. Including them is easy. Spread hummus on wraps or sandwiches, add lentils to soups and stews, mix white beans into salads.

Aim for 30 different plants a week. Time and time again, research is showing the importance of fibre and consuming a variety or different plants. The fibre and variety supports the development of a healthy microbiome. Don’t get hung up though, 30 is just a positive goal.

Other tips to round out your nutrition basics are:

Enjoy dairy twice a day. Top porridge with yogurt, snack on a slice of cheese, add milk to coffee and tea. If you are plant-based or doing veganuary, swap your animal products for plant alternatives, just be sure to choose calcium fortified options (see more veganuary tips below).
Base each meal on whole grains or starches. Grains and starches are rich sources of soluble fibre, that type of fibre that adds bulk to our stool and helps waste move smoothly through our digestive tract. Full of nutrition and filling, these foods should form the base of each meal.
Snack on fruit, dairy or nuts. An easy way to reach your five a day.
Keep red meat to a maximum of two serves per week. Red meat is a great source of iron and protein, but we don’t need huge quantities. Enjoy up to twice a week.
Enjoy fish. Fish is a lean, healthy protein that also boosts our intake of healthy omega 3 fats. Aim for two serves per week.

So how do we keep to a budget?

With the rising cost of living many of us are looking to save where we can. And our food budget is a great place to look for bargains.

Healthy eating does not have to be expensive. Here are some tips to fill your plate with nourishing food at a low price.

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Budget Tips:

Buy in season
Use what you have: stew, soup, roast veggies – don’t let anything go to waste, it can all be made into a meal
Use fresh first so thing’s don’t go off
Add bulk: cabbage, kale, spinach will add nutrition and satiety to meals for low cost
Halve meat and add beans/ pulses to make it go further
Cook in bulk
Buy in bulk. Purchase large bags of staples like rice/pasta/potatoes. If you have time to prep them, choose dried beans/ pulses and soak, rinse and cook. With meat/poultry/fish buy large amounts when on special and portion and freeze
Focus on starches. Cheap and filling
Use herbs and spices for flavour, rather than buying packaged food
Buy the fruit that is on sale. If apples are 6 for £1, buy apples, if oranges are on special, buy oranges
Purchase essentials then add extras according to budget: fresh herbs, out of season veg (eg salad items for sandwiches/ wraps)

So what’s in season in January?

Think hearty roots and filling greens:
Beetroot (can cook and eat leaves too!)

Another budget tip is to include frozen fruits and vegetables. Frozen is great. Produce is snap-frozen as soon as possible after picking, which ensures that the nutrients are kept. You can buy frozen food at a lower cost and in bulk to save money. Great for fruit and meal bulking veggies.

Putting it all together

As an example, I have created a 2 week meal plan that will provide all your nutritional needs, with all meals coming in at under 30p per serve (most even less).

This menu is what I call a ‘base shop’. It is a plant-based menu that will cover all your nutritional needs, for around 30 pounds.

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Base shop

Potatoes x6
Carrots x4
Leek x2
Avocado (if you enjoy them, buy the large bags much better value)
Apples x3
Pears x3
Frozen mixed berries
Frozen peas
Frozen ratatouille mix
Frozen spinach
Peanut butter
Bread mix
Canned tomatoes x2
Canned chickpeas x2
Canned cannellini beans x2
Canned red kidney
Canned lentils
Basmati rice
Porridge oats
Almond milk (traditional milk is fine, this is just personal preference)

You can take this base menu and then add meat and dairy as per your taste, preference and budget. To keep the cost of these additional lower, go for bulk:


Buy litre tubs of yogurt for breakfast topping and snacks
Choose large cheese blocks for sandwiches and grated on meals

Meat/ fish/ poultry

Halve your meat portion and mix with beans/pulses to make it go further
Look for bargains, choose cheaper options such as: beef chunk, chicken drumsticks, fish pie mix

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Example fortnight menu

All meals are quick and easy to make, simply peal, wash and chop the produce, put it in a pot, cover with water and cook. All can be cooked in a slow cooker or on a stove top. You can sauté or fry the onion first if desired. But I am a lazy cook, so I just put it all into a pot and cook!

All herbs are optional. Fresh or dried is fine. Add according to preference and availability


Oats, berries, linseed
Toast peanut butter apple slices


Sandwich topped with bean spread and lettuce/ grated carrot/ spinach/ tomato/ cucumber
Soup – I have chosen pumpkin, leek and white bean soup


Pumpkin, pea, spinach, thyme risotto
White bean, carrot, onion (sage optional) stew over baked spud
Slow-cooker root stew (beef optional)
Ratatouille and lentil pasta
Shepards pie with lentils carrots, peas, onion (mince optional)
Cabbage and red lentil dahl over rice (fish optional)
Chickpea, spinach, tomato stew over rice or pasta (chicken optional)

Other budget meal ideas:

Muesli and milk/ yogurt
Corn and potato chowder with peppers
Goan fish curry
Fish pie
Beef stew
Pea and ham soup
Tuna and corn in baked spud
Baked beans on toast with cheese
Potato and spinach pie
Sardines on toast with spinach and tomato slices
Chicken drumsticks with rice and steamed veggies (great in air-fryer)
Red lentil, chickpea, can tomatoes, onion, pepper and chipotle
Red lentil, grated carrot, onion, gammon soup
Peas, onion, bacon soup
Salmon, pea, spinach risotto with fresh dill

Time-saving tips:

I like to bulk cook on the weekend, portion and freeze. Great time saver.

I will cook up the following on a Sunday to enjoy through the week:

Soup for lunches
Bean spread (e.g. hummus) for sandwiches/ wraps
Stew for dinner
Pasta sauce to top pasta or baked potatoes
Curry to top rice
A bake/ pie

Some Veganuary swaps for healthy plant-based eating

Veganuary is a fun way to focus on getting more plants on your plate, and do something for the environment and animals. If you are vegan, or looking to eat more plant-based, here are some tips to ensure you are still getting all the nutrition you need:

Plant-based swaps:

Beef – lentils
Chicken – chickpeas/ tofu
Fish – white beans
Milk – oat milk
Iron – eat plant foods rich in iron with foods high in vitamin c, this helps iron absorption
Calcium – fortified plant milks such as almond, oat, soy
If you eat vegan long term, add in a high quality vitamin b12 supplement

Whole grain swaps

It is not essential to choose whole grain options. If you are getting a variety of fruits and veggies you will cover your fibre needs. But whole grains are more nutritious and higher in fibre than their more processed equivalents. Experiment and find some you like.

Bread – grainy/ whole grain bread
White rice – brown rice
Pasta – whole grain pasta/ bean based pasta
White wraps – corn tortillas

Herbs and spices

Herbs and spices add flavour and variety to your meals. The initial cost to purchase them can be high, but a little goes a long way. They will last you for many meals. My tip would be to stock up your spices over time, purchasing something new each week as you build up your selection.

The essentials I swear by for versatility and taste are:

Dried thyme

From just these three options alone you can create all manner of Mexican, Indian and European dishes.


Mustard – a little goes a long way
Mayo – buy in bulk for dressings
Ketchup – if you like
Hot sauce – great for extra flavour and affordable

By focusing on eating a variety of in season fruits and vegetables, basing meals on grains and starches and adding small portions of meat/ fish/ poultry and dairy, you can build a tasty, health-promoting meal plan that is also affordable.

Experiment with different recipes, use what you have, and most of all, enjoy your food!

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Breakfast Oats

Serves 3-4

· 1 cup rolled oats
· 2 cups milk
· 2 cups mixed fruit of choice
· Yogurt for topping

Place oats and milk in saucepan. Heat until oats are soft.
Serve with a dollop of yogurt and portion of fruit.

Breakfast fruit toast

Serves 1

· 2 slices whole wheat toast
· 2 teaspoons peanut butter
· 1 banana

Toast bread.
Spread with peanut butter. Top with chopped banana
(Tip: experiment with different nut butters and fruit combinations. I love almond butter and blueberries)

Bean-spread open sandwich

Serves 2

· 4 slices whole grain bread
· 1 can white beans, drained and rinsed
· 1 avocado
· 1 cup salad vegetables of choice, eg chopped tomato, cucumber, lettuce, spinach

Place beans and avocado in a bowl. Mash together until mixed like a chunky spread
Toast bread. Top with bean spread and salad vegetables. enjoy.

Pumpkin and white bean soup

Serves 4-6

· 1 whole pumpkin (technically out of season, but always a cheap staple at the supermarket)
· 1 can cannellini beans – drained and well rinsed
· 1 leek – green part discarded. Washed and chopped
· 1 litre chicken stock or water and salt to taste
· Dried thyme

Chop pumpkin and leek. Add all ingredients into a saucepan. Cover with chicken stock.
Cook until pumpkin is soft. Allow to cool. Blend with stick blender. Sprinkle with dried thyme.
Serve warm with thick slice of whole grain toast.

Pumpkin, pea, spinach, thyme risotto

Serves 4-6

·  1 cup basmati rice
·  1 cup chopped pumpkin
·  4 rounds of frozen spinach (or 2 cups fresh)
·  1 brown onion, finely chopped
·  1 cup frozen green peas
·  2 cups chicken stock, or water and salt to taste

Place all ingredients in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until rice is cooked and vegetables are soft. Serve warm. Optional – top with grated cheese

Slow-cooker root stew

Serves 6-8

· 1 swede
· 2 potatoes
· 2 carrots
· 2 celery stalks
· 1 brown onion
· 1 parsnip
· 200 grams chunk beef (optional)
· Chicken stock to cover
· Black pepper to taste

Peal and chop all vegetables into large chunks. Place in a saucepan with beef if using. Cover with stock and cook on medium to low heat until cooked.
Serve warm.

White bean, carrot, onion (sage optional) stew over baked spud

Serves 3-4

· 1 can white beans, drained and well-rinsed
·  2 carrots
·  2 stalks celery
·  1 brown onion
·  4 sage leaves, chopped finely
· 1 potato per person

Peal and chop carrot, celery and onion. Place in a saucepan with white beans. Add chopped sage. Cover with water. Cook on medium heat until all vegetables are soft.
While cooking, wrap potatoes in foil and bake in the oven until soft.
Serve potatoes cut open with bean mix as filling. Optional – sprinkle with grated cheese.

Ratatouille and lentil pasta

Serves 4-6

· 1 packet of mixed Mediterranean vegetable: eg. courgettes, aubergines, peppers, tomatoes
· 1 can lentils, drained and well rinsed
·  Chicken stock
·  Pasta for number of people you are feeding

Place vegetable mix and beans in a saucepan. Cover with chicken stock. Cook until soft and soupy.
Cook pasta according to package instructions.
Serve vegetable mix over pasta. Optional – add a sprinkle of grated cheese

Shepards pie with lentils carrots, peas, onion (mince optional)

Serves 6-8

· 1 can lentils, drained and well rinsed
· 1 cup frozen pea
· 2 carrots, pealed and chopped
· 1 can chopped tomatoes
· 4 rounds frozen spinach
· 250 grams lean beef mince (optional)
· 2 large potatoes
· 1/2 cup grated cheese (optional)

Place all ingredients except potato into a pot. Cover with water and cook until vegetables are just soft. Add salt and pepper to taste.
While cooking. Boil and then mash potatoes.
Pour vegetable and beef mix into a baking dish. Cover with mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese (optional).
Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for around 20 minutes, or until top is golden brown.
Serve hot.

Cabbage and red lentil dahl over rice (fish optional)

Serves 3-4

· 1/2 green cabbage, washed and chopped
· 1 cup dried red lentils
· 1 carrot grated
· 250 grams fish pie mix
· 1 can diced tomatoes
· 1 cup water
· 2 teaspoons curry powder (or, if you have them, a teaspoon each of: turmeric, cumin, chilli flakes)
· Salt and pepper to taste
· Rice for each person

Place all ingredients in a saucepan and cook until lentils are soft.
Cook rice according to package instructions
Serve over a portion of rice
Top with fresh herbs like coriander (optional)

Chickpea, spinach, tomato stew over rice or pasta (chicken optional)

Serves 3-4

· 1 can chickpeas, drained and well rinsed
· 4 rounds frozen spinach
· 1 can diced tomatoes
· Salt and pepper to taste
· 250 grams chicken thighs, diced (optional)

Rice or pasta for number of people
Place all ingredients in a saucepan and cook until soft.
Cook rice or pasta according to package instructions
Serve vegetables over rice or pasta

Tom Kerridge’s Full Time Meals Christmas

Karen Neville

Health & Nutrition

Michelin-starred chef’s festive meal for the same price as the average school lunch in the UK

Michelin starred chef Tom Kerridge has created a festive Full Time Meals Christmas recipe for four with plenty of Boxing day leftovers for under £10.

Tom’s Turkey Meatloaf Tray Bake uses turkey mince, sausage meat and stuffing to create a tasty festive treat alongside roast potatoes, carrots, parsnips, sprouts and Savoy cabbage topped with a rich gravy and all for just £9.88.

Follow Tom’s step-by-step guide on how to create this dish on Full Time Meals.

Tom and The Food Foundation, supported by Bloomsbury Publishing, are highlighting the situation of more than 800,000 schoolchildren who slip through the eligibility net and go hungry at school. These children do not meet the Free School Meals criteria despite household income being so low they are classed as living in poverty.

He has produced the tasty meal for £2.47 – the average price of a hot meal.

He says: “No child should be hungry at school. I wanted to highlight this critical situation the best way I know how – with food, so I created a Full Time Christmas meal for the same price as an average school lunch in the UK. Christmas is a stark reminder to look after each other, and it shouldn’t be just over the festive period, it should be all the time.

“No child should be hungry at school”

“There are kids going to school with empty lunch boxes, hiding from the dining room because they are so embarrassed. It’s a national crisis and truly a heart-breaking one, that the Government can change. So, I am asking the Great British Public to write to your MP to ask for a change in policy, we need to make our voices heard, for our children, and make it clear that enough is enough.”

The Full Time Meals campaign supports FareShare, the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and food waste. The average cost of a school meal is £2.47 – that’s less than the price of a high street coffee. Please help by making a donation – just £5 will cover the cost of two school meals. A donation of £12.34 could help buy a week’s worth of school meals for a hungry child.

To donate £5, simply text 5FULL to 70580. Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network message. To donate £12.34, or whatever you can afford, head over to

Let us handle your care

Round & About

Health & Nutrition

CareHandle is an exciting new service supporting those exploring Care Homes for the first time

If you are over the threshold and paying privately you often explore care options alone which can be daunting and frustrating, especially when you need to focus on you or your loved one’s well-being.

Looking for care can be confusing, stressful and time-consuming, the team at Carehandle are on a mission to change this by offering advice, support and insight in a personal way.

We take care seekers through a 3-step process first to listen, understand and work through possible options. Next, we help Handle the search, find options and provide a free shortlist, we check availability, costs and quality. We are with you every step of the way to support better outcomes, we can book appointments and work with the provider for the best outcomes, a large number of those in care regret the initial decision so we can help to support and get it right first time.

Don’t handle it alone contact Carehandle.

E-mail: [email protected]

Call: 01242 384938


Our mission also supports charities and by using our services we can help make a difference in local communities.

Surrey Care Awards for Forest Care

Karen Neville

Health & Nutrition

The multi-award winning family owned group has scooped two more honours to add to its collection at the 2022 awards

Forest Care, a multi award-winning, family-owned, and managed group of four purpose-built private residential nursing homes in beautiful Surrey and Hampshire countryside locations, has scooped two more awards at the Surrey Care Awards 2022.

The annual event celebrating expertise and compassion in individuals and teams working in adult social care, was held on Friday 18th November at the Copthorne Effingham Gatwick Hotel and attended by over 230 guests.

Forest Care’s Holly Lodge, a specialist dementia residential & nursing Home in Frimley, Surrey wins ‘Nursing Home of the Year’. The panel recognised the specialised environment that Holly Lodge had created through its suite of high street destinations to encourage sensory stimulation for reminiscence, its innovative trips into the community for residents, and the excellent feedback from relatives. Alarico Bustamante, Home Manager at Holly Lodge said: “We are thrilled and so proud to receive this award, it means so much to the team here who feel that their continuous hard work, love, care and commitment towards the residents has paid off.”

Handyman David Fielding who recently celebrated his fifth year at Forest Care’s Cedar Lodge Residential & Nursing Home in Frimley, Surrey picked up the ‘Unsung Hero’ award. The panel noted the great lengths David goes to beyond his job remit, supporting residents and regularly taking them to hospital appointments and shopping, making a lightweight board for a resident to continue her artwork and fixing a precious broken grandfather clock which brought much joy to the owners. David said: “Receiving this award was a wonderful surprise, I feel so proud, but I accept this award on behalf of everyone at Cedar Lodge who all really care about what they do.”

“I am delighted and very proud for two of our finalists winning awards on Friday. It is a fantastic achievement for them, and our small group, to be recognised in this way, particularly when the standard of all the finalists is so high. It is testament to the wonderful work they continue to do every day in striving to ensure the best possible care is delivered to our residents,” added Mark Vickery, Director at Forest Care.

Let Birchgrove improve your life

Karen Neville

Health & Nutrition

Birchgrove believe the home you live in should be as individual as you, find out what they can offer

When we think of retirement, most of us envision a lifestyle that allows us to socialise and take up new or forgotten hobbies. Yet, the reality is that many people in later life in the UK end up living an isolated life or are overwhelmed with everyday chores such as the upkeep of a large family home, which can lead to a drastic decline of a person’s health, wellbeing and quality of life. 

Glenda Jones from Woking was afraid that her mother, 90-year old Matilda, was facing exactly this scenario. She said: “My mother had no time doing the things that she really likes. Her quality of life could have been a lot better. We also became aware of the need for her to have people around her a bit more.” 

Determined to help her mother find a suitable property that could improve her overall lifestyle and wellbeing, the search led them to Birchgrove, the specialist developer of modern retirement communities for the over 65s. “I like the fact that they are communities of people not a collection of apartments,” Glenda adds.

You will never find two Birchgrove developments the same, because Birchgrove believe the place you call home should be as individual as the people and neighbourhood it sits within. Birchgrove makes sure that every community is not only future-designed to suit people’s needs as they age but has character to complement the local area. Thoughtful spaces that bring people together help forge communities where people feel grounded and at home. 

Apartment living has its perks; no lawns to mow or gardens to weed yet you can still enjoy the beautiful surrounding area from your own outside space as every apartment has its own balcony or patio. Great thought has gone into creating beautiful, shared spaces where people can enjoy company in the club room or snug bar or grab a bite to eat in the restaurant if they don’t feel like cooking. 

There’s also a wellness studio and beautiful landscaped gardens which include a greenhouse. Regular events and activities are readily available and form part of the friendly community everyone who lives in a Birchgrove community so enjoys. 

If you would like to find out more about living at a Birchgrove community contact the team who will happily talk through the options and tailor something that works to support your individual needs. Call 020 3929 5599 or visit

Christmas with The National Trust

Karen Neville

Health & Nutrition

Set a date to come together with family and friends for a Christmassy catch-up at a visit to a National Trust site in Sussex

Across Sussex, there’s a real variety of Christmas experiences for festive family days this year. There’s spectacle and sparkle for those ‘wow’ moments and selfies. Opulent decorated houses to get glamour-lovers in the mood for the party season. And nostalgic family trails in the great outdoors, themed on popular children’s books, to rekindle the magic of Christmas.

Zara Luxford, National Trust General Manager for Nymans and Standen said: “Christmas at the National Trust is always magical but this year we’ve got more decorations, trails and events than ever before. We can’t wait to see families and friends coming together, making memories, and experiencing the festive atmosphere at the places the National Trust cares for.”

Here’s a roundup of some of the National Trust’s best Christmas events across Sussex

The sumptuous one

A Joyful Family Christmas at Standen

November 19th to January 3rd (exc 24th & 25th)

Discover a beautifully decorated family home ready for a joyful Christmas, filled with sparkling lights and sumptuous trees, music and make believe. Outside, the Courtyard Christmas tree is lit with hundreds of twinkling lights, decorated by Same Sky community artists with local schoolchildren and inspired by William Morris. Don’t miss the twilight openings, carols round the tree and fun trail for all the family. Book ahead for Woodland Santa’s workshop at the top of the garden.

The magical one

Beatrix Potter’s Christmas Tale at Nymans

November 26th to January 3rd (exc 24th & 25th)

Beatrix Potter’s festive tale The Tailor of Gloucester comes to the garden at Nymans, with installations around the garden. Step inside the gallery and discover an exhibition for all the family with some of Beatrix Potter’s original illustrations and Christmas cards. The house is richly decorated with sumptuous Christmas trees, sparkling lights and story scenes. There’s even a cosy storybook corner, puzzles and dressing up for the little ones. Enjoy festive treats in the café after a winter’s day out.

Image: National Trust / Laurence Perry
The tree-mendous one

Petworth’s Tree-mendous Christmas

November 26th to January 2nd (exc 24th & 25th)

Magnificently decorated trees fill the mansion at Petworth this Christmas. Highlights include the Marble Hall, transformed into an enchanted winter forest scene with sparkling lights and woodland creatures – look out for deer crafted from winter greenery, and tiny mice. In the chapel you can add a Christmas wish to a tree. Weekend choirs, late evening openings, and a Christmas market offer more moments to enjoy the sparkle at Petworth.

Image: National Trust / John Miller
The breath of fresh air

Sheffield Park and Garden

November 26th to January 1st (exc 24th and 25th)

Sheffield Park and Garden is a breath of fresh air at Christmas time. Take a break from the hectic high street and spend an atmospheric afternoon recharging yourself in this stunning landscape garden. Find inspiration and learn new skills as you follow the Making Trail around the garden featuring traditional Christmassy crafts passed from generation to generation. From needlework to crochet, discover handmade crafts that don’t cost the earth to make at home. Plus look out for the festive photo stops brimming with twinkling lights and cosy Christmas joy – the perfect place for a family photoshoot filled with yuletide cheer.

Image: National Trust / Laurence Perry
The cosy one

Christmas at Bateman’s

November 26th to January 2nd (exc 24th & 25th)

Make memories as you explore the 17th century house with welcoming log fire, illuminated Christmas trees and peacock-inspired decorations. Be dazzled by real trees decorated with twinkly lights and natural foliage, delight in an exhibition of Claire Fletcher’s original watercolour illustrations and get into the festive spirit with live music from local community groups. Music on selected dates, please check website for details.

The handmade one

Christmas at Uppark

November 19th to January 1st (exc 24th & 25th)

Celebrate Christmas at Uppark and see the mansion adorned with natural and handmade decorations. The entrance hall is richly dressed and festively scented with winter greenery, pinecones, citrus fruit and cinnamon. Above and below stairs, each room has its own crafted theme, from music to games, made by local community groups to create a unique and joyful Christmas experience.

Image: National Trust / Chris Lacey
The castle factor

Christmas at Bodiam Castle

December 3rd to January 2nd

Discover Father Christmas’s sleigh in the castle ruins. Jump on and dress up in regal winter costumes for the ultimate festive selfie. Look around the Castle Courtyard for Father Christmas, Mother Christmas or the elves just waiting to say hello and enjoy the magic of Christmas with tales of dragons, knights, and castles in storytelling for families from a cosy tower room. Christmas characters on selected dates. Please check the website for more details.

The literary one

Christmas at Lamb House

November 28th to December 18th (closed on selected dates, check website)

Be transported to New England in 1900 where Henry James, the American author, plays host to his family from New England who have transformed Lamb House for the festive season. Soak up the sights and scents of a traditional home-made Christmas in this stunning Georgian house.

What is solution-focused hypnotherapy

Ellie Cox

Health & Nutrition

Woodley-based hypnotherapist Sophie Price explains how this approach can help a frazzled mind

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a relatively modern approach, combining various forms of talking and brief therapies. With similarities to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), solution focused brief therapy (SFBT) and other humanistic approaches, solution focused hypnotherapy combines the very best practice of other talking therapies with the added benefit of hypnosis.

The primary focus of this style of therapy is the importance of staying in the present. When we go over our problems in our mind, we’re reliving them and, because our brain can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality, we find ourselves right back there – in the problem. When we allow ourselves to focus on how we want things to be, instead of how we don’t want them to be, we’re giving our brain positive images which allows it to believe that we can achieve those things.

When we suffer with anxiety, depression, OCD, and other related issues, were spending too much time in the fight/flight part of our brain. This part of our brain is there for our survival and, while we absolutely need to have access to this mind, we don’t need to use it every day. When we just want to get to work without feeling angry in a traffic jam; or we just want to get a good night’s sleep without worrying about tomorrow’s meeting/appointment; or we just want to enjoy time with our children without feeling worried about the finances, we can sometimes find ourselves thinking of all the worst-case scenarios and therefore missing out on the present. The more anxious we are, the more we are encouraged to be anxious.

“The more anxious we are, the more we are encouraged to be anxious”

This is how hypnotherapy can help. It helps to create new neuropathways in the mind which can break old habits and help us to move forward with a new, positive attitude towards life.

The Importance of Sleep

One of the first things people recognise when they seek my help is that their sleep is affected by the issue they’re suffering with. Sleep deprivation will increase our anxiety and stress levels. It has been said that just a few minor reductions in your sleep pattern for just a week, can disrupt your blood sugar levels enough to classify you as a pre-diabetic. There are many, many health complications which can be brought on or worsened by a lack of sleep and we often find that when our mental health is suffering, we can’t get enough sleep.

The recommended 7-9 hours per night is something that we should all strive for – for the sake of our physical and mental health.

Hypnotherapy helps to regulate sleep and once your stress levels come down, your sleep will improve.

Please do get in touch to find out more about how hypnotherapy can help you.

Sobell House cookbook Matt Allwright Q&A

Liz Nicholls

Health & Nutrition

Matt Allwright, one of the stars whose recipes are featured in Food & Wellness: The Sobell House Vegetarian Cook Book, shares his thoughts about local life, good causes and consumer rights…

Q. Hi Matt. It’s great that you’ve been involved in the new Sobell House cookbook. What’s your recipe? “It’s the chilli jam I make every year. I grow my own chillis and I never know quite how hot it’s going to be until its done. Last year it was so hot that you just had to show the jar to a piece of cheese, and that was enough, even with the lid on…”

Q. Is there anything you eat or don’t eat? “I eat everything. Not a massive fan of avocado, but I’ll cope. I’m a grateful diner, and I eat with gusto. I had a real problem with beetroot for years, and now it’s one of my favourite things, so it just goes to show nothing’s really off-limits. Christmas is traditional. There is too much at stake to mess with the formula.”

Q. Why is Sobell House a great charity, deserving of support, including yours? “My good friend Tom is the music therapist at Sobell House. They don’t see our last days and weeks as a waiting game. They see it as an opportunity to help find meaning, to tell a story to heal the spirit and calm the mind. I would love to think that when the time comes, we could all have someone to help us write songs, to tend gardens, to do whatever we think is significant, and to give us the chance to share important ideas and feelings with our loved ones. That’s proper work.”

Q. You’re familiar to millions as a defender of consumer rights… Do rogue traders really make your blood boil? “We always start the process by meeting someone who has been affected by the actions of the trader. You can’t ignore that face-to-face experience. From that point the whole team knows it’s their job to confront the rogue to get answers. I don’t’ feel anger, more a sense of duty to hold to account and bring change. I don’t like letting people down, especially when they’ve taken a risk to talk to us. Also: if you are born with the annoying ability to ask questions when running backwards or being jet washed, you’d better use that power for good.” 

Q.  Do you feel that as a nation we’re bad at fighting for our rights or complaining? “Not everyone feels they can speak out enough when things aren’t right. When someone tries to impose a way of life on us, or harms with their actions, we can be submissive, or worry about the consequences of standing up for ourselves or others. That’s how bullies get their way, and I’ve always grown up hating bullying. Sometimes you need someone to point out what’s wrong, even if they risk being unpopular by doing so. I try to make my point firmly but politely, bearing in mind that my view is not the only one. You’re much better off if you can find middle ground, but with some people that’s just not possible.” 

Growing up

Q. How was your experience of growing up in Berkshire? “Berkshire was always good to me. I was lucky to have a comfortable home in a fun town full of music and friends supported by parents who loved me. I met my wife on the streets of Reading when we were both at school. That’s the most important thing that’s ever happened to me, so thank you, Berkshire.”  

Q. What are your favourite aspects of life in Berkshire, and where are your favourite haunts? “I’m lucky that I meet a lot of volunteers through the Pride of Reading Awards and the other organisations I work with. There are so many people who help others because it’s right – not seeking recognition or advancement. These people see the instinctively try to fill the gaps left by society, and they far outweigh the rogues and bullies. Haunts? I love the river. The slipway at Aston near Henley on a spring morning is hard to beat.”  

Q. Your dog Ozzy looks cute! Is he? What’s been the most rewarding, and most frustrating, aspect of being a dog owner? “Ozzy is my first dog, and I could never have imagined how wonderful he’d be. He’s transformed family life. Dogs are the greatest gift, like someone decided to parcel up the best bits of humans: loyalty, playfulness and enthusiasm, and then cover them in fur. He barks far too much, eats anything and smells dreadful.”  

Q. We’re also supporting Launchpad Reading this month. Why do local heroes working to prevent homelessness also deserve our support, especially at this time of year? “I’ve been a patron of Launchpad for years. The work they do, to help people find homes, and then support them in those homes, is incredible. All charities, particularly local ones, are struggling right now, due to the cost of living crisis. Anything we can do to help Launchpad and others continue and extend their work, will have a huge effect on someone, somewhere, who doesn’t live that far away, and has had some bad luck. So please, donate, volunteer and spread the word.” 

Q. Who is your favourite author? “George Orwell. Most people think of the darkness and dystopia of 1984. They don’t always see the humour or the love of nature in his writing which stems from his childhood in Henley and Shiplake. Everywhere tries to lay claim to Orwell, but from clues in his writing it seems to me that Berkshire was where he was happiest, fishing in the river, walking alone through the woods and fields, identifying birds and plants.”  

Q. Can you tell us a bit about your love for Bracknell Bees? “The day the ice rink closed was terrible for the community. We loved watching the team play, and being part of the wonderful world of hockey. The players were rough and tough on the ice, but patient and thoughtful with the kids who were learning the game. I imagine they’ll build flats on the site at some point, but the families that live in them won’t have anything as great as the rink to keep them happy.”  

Q. Finally, if you could make one wish for the world, what would it be? “Just tolerance, really. Understanding that just because someone doesn’t think, sound or look like you, or come from where you do, it doesn’t make them some sort of threat. We might have lost a bit of that.” 

The Sobell House Vegetarian Cook Book is out on 8th November. To buy a copy of this 128-page paperback for £17.50 visit Sobell House or buy from Waterstones and Amazon.

A holistic approach = glowing skin

Round & About

Health & Nutrition

Dr Seema Warner, skin expert & founder of Oxford’s YourSkinStory, explains why a holistic approach will add that vital glow to your skin

Your skin….

It is your barrier to the outside world. Standing up to attack from UV rays, pollution, bacteria, pathogens, dirt and grime and environmental toxins. It’s a powerhouse of immunity making hormones that are important for defence and physically keeping our internal environment of blood, tissues and cells protected. It has the power to change how we feel about ourselves. We wear it every day and if we don’t care for it, it won’t be able to care for us. The power of healthy, beautiful skin goes beyond just a great selfie – although that’s always a bonus!

“The power of healthy, beautiful skin goes beyond just a great selfie – although that’s always a bonus!”

Your skin is unique to you. Holding within it cells responsible for oil production, pigment, cell repair and turnover, as well as its own population of bacteria and microbiota known as your skin microbiome. No one else has skin like yours or receives the same sensory input, external stimuli or nutrition as you do. Which is why it’s so important to treat it individually with a personalised approach that fits into your life and addresses your unique make up. It is yours and yours alone.

We need to stop seeing skin as detached from the rest of our body. It’s very much part of our whole body. Blood flow, lymphatics and nerve cells ensure that there’s a constant connection between our internal environment and that of our skin. If skin care is not integrated, we are not treating our skin fully or adequately. We need to step back and see the whole picture. If you’ve seen the difference a really good night’s sleep can make to your skin, then you’ve already seen the power of integrating skin health care!

Get in touch

If you’ve tried many skin products with no luck or simply don’t know where to start. I’d love to help you find the ideal routine for your skin. Or if you’ve struggled with a skin issue that will not respond to other treatments or are interested in healing from the inside and out, please do get in touch. I run online skin programmes to help you virtually through product, nutrition and lifestyle advice, as well as treatment programmes from my Oxford clinic. I make my advice as practical as possible and personalised to your skin, body and lifestyle so you can put things into practice in a way that makes sense to you. Skin treatments focus on skin health as well as results and emotional well-being to give you whole body results.

New scientific research is emerging every day, with the realisation that we can control our health more than we initially thought. That although we’re born with a specific set of genes, it’s our environment and lifestyle that modify and switch these on or off. And that we’re connected throughout our body with an incredibly sophisticated system that relies on each aspect supporting the other. Each day will bring new elements for your body to manage and so your skin will change to accommodate this. It will tell the story of you and your life. It is your skin story.