Be nice, say hi!

Karen Neville

Visitors to the Surrey Hills are encouraged to “Be Nice, Say Hi”, as the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) adopts the joint campaign to help cyclists and horse riders to pass safely.

Cycling UK and The British Horse Society (BHS) joined forces to launch a consideration and courtesy awareness message of Be Nice, Say Hi to help users to pass safely last summer, as they believed better advice was needed for people cycling to understand how to overtake horses safely.

The Surrey Hills AONB is the first area in the south east to take up the initiative. Board director Rob Fairbanks said: “The campaign is particularly relevant in the Surrey Hills due to proximity to London and increased recreational pressures. We are thrilled to be collaborating with Cycling UK and the British Horse Society to raise awareness of shared access in our landscape and respecting the rights of all users.”

Lovers of the outdoors will soon notice the discreet message of Be Nice, Say Hi appearing on signposts across the region, however for more detailed information the charities have produced a downloadable leaflet and two short films.

Duncan Dollimore, Cycling UK’s head of campaigns said: “Every time a cyclist encounters a horse, there are three brains involved: the cyclist’s, the rider’s and the horse’s. Many people aren’t familiar with horses, and there can be confusion on what they should do when overtaking on a bike. Cyclists may already know to pass wide and slow when it’s safe to do so – but they could still startle the horse unless the horse and rider are made aware of your presence.

“Generally, if a cyclist startles a horse, it is due to simple lack of awareness that a horse needs more time to react, which is why Cycling UK is pleased to be helping the BHS promote the consideration and courtesy message of Be Nice, Say Hi and is delighted to see it adopted in the Surrey Hills.”

Horses can react quickly when startled, so the two charities are encouraging cyclists to drop their pace and call out a greeting, giving the horse and rider time to react before overtaking wide and slow. By alerting the rider and horse to their presence, cyclists run less risk of the horse reacting, and reduce the risk of injury – not just to the rider and their horse, but also themselves.

Mark Weston, director of access at The British Horse Society said they were thrilled to see the area adopting the message.

He said:  “As vulnerable road users, horse riders, carriage drivers and cyclists face considerable dangers on our roads and the need for safer off road riding opportunities has never been greater.

“By promoting the courtesy and awareness message of Be Nice, Say Hi in the Surrey Hills (AONB) we hope that more riders and cyclists will have the confidence to pass one another comfortably and safely.”

The first sign was symbolically put up close to Mane Chance Sanctuary in Compton, Surrey. Founding trustee and actor Jenny Seagrove was pleased to see the campaign gaining traction in the area and hopes to see it taken up across the country.

She said: “The welfare of horses is at the very heart of what we do at Mane Chance Sanctuary and I think the Be Nice, Say Hi campaign should be applauded for considering the needs of both horses and humans as they share our beautiful countryside.”

Read about bike week

Bike Week 2019 has just passed, but why not get inspired to get back on the saddle while we still have long evenings?

Independent Bookshop Week

Karen Neville

It’s Independent Bookshop Week – read all about it! 

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!”

To use a classic quote from a classic author (and one of my favourites)

To use a classic quote from a classic author (and one of my favourites) “I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!”

Jane Austen’s line from Pride and Prejudice will have been encountered by millions of readers all around the world since she wrote it more than 200 years ago and never is it truer than today as Independent Bookshop Week starts today (15th).

Events, celebrations, reading groups, storytelling, author signings and literary lunches are all part of the week encouraging you to support your local store.

There are so many independent bookshops across our area there really is no excuse not to visit one, many are getting fully involved in Independent Bookshop Week with a variety of events.

One of these joining in is Mostly Books in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. It is hosting a variety of events from 15th to 22nd June starting with a party and author takeover. Kim Sherwood will be talking about Testament on 18th; debut author Joanna Glen will be sharing her experiences on 19th, best-selling author Ben Aaronovitch will be signing copies of the Rivers of London series on 20th and Katherine Rundell will talk to Lucy Manghan about why we should be reading more children’s books. For details of all these events visit Mostly Books

Check out your local indie and see what they’ve got going on and fall in love with reading and books.

  To find out more visit Indie Bookshop Week